As Yusei pulled out on to the track the MC started to speak. "It has all come down to this ladies and gentlemen." the MC said. "The team leaders of Team Level and Team5DS duking it out. However Jake of Team Level has the Silent Swordsmen with 4500 attack points. How will Yusei Fudo contend with such a monster?"

"To be honest I don't even know yet." Yusei thought.

Yusei caught up to Jake in no time. Jake took a card from his hand and said "No Yusei to finish my move I'll summon Damage X in defense mode." The monster looked like a big X with an eye on each side of the top and two skinny arms with big white gloves on its hands. It knelt down on to the field in front of Yusei.

"I've never seen this card before." Yusei thought. "I wonder what it can do."

"Alright Yusei I end my turn." Jake said.

"Then it's my turn." Yusei said. (Yusei life points-4000, hand-6, SPC-12/ Jake life points-4000, hand-3, SPC-8) "Before I make a move I'd better see what cards Crow left me." Yusei pulled out the first two cards and checked them out. "Blackwing Damage Deflector and Blackwing Guardian? How can these two cards help me? Granted one can reduce battle damage for a turn to zero and the other can protect a monster from being destroyed but only if I have a Blackwing on my field. But Crow knows as well as I do that I don't have any Blackwings in my deck. So why would he leave me these cards? Unless…" Yusei put the two traps back and pulled the next card out. "This is it! With the right cards this card can enable me to take down that Silent Swordsmen."

"Well Yusei are you going to make a move or just sit there and look at your cards all day?" Jake asked.

"First I'm going to place one card face down and then activate Speed World 2's ability." Yusei said. "By removing ten speed counters I can destroy your Swordsmen." Then Yusei's counter dropped to two and a beam of light came out of Yusei's headlights heading for the Silent Swordsmen. But just before the beam collided with its target it changed course and hit Damage X instead.

"What the deuce is happening?" Jack asked. "Yusei didn't target that monster."

"How did you redirect that blast to your other monster?" Yusei asked Jake.

"I didn't Yusei, he did. When you activate an effect that would destroy one of my cards Damage X's special ability kicks in. Redirecting the effect towards himself." Jake explained.

"Well that didn't work." Akiza said. "What was he thinking?"

"Yusei's merely setting this guy up." Crow said.

"Setting him up?" Luna asked.

"That's right. Once Yusei has all the other cards he needs this duel's gonna be ours." Crow said while smirking.

"Crow what did you place face down before you lost?" Carly asked.

"Just some cards I recently got." Crow said.

"Could you be any more vague and mysterious?" Leo asked.

"Alright that's taken care of but I still need to protect my life points until I'm ready to end this." Yusei thought. "Now thanks to its special effect I can special this card from my hand if I don't have any monsters on my field. I special summon Junk Forward in attack mode. Next I summon the Nitro Synchron tuner monster."

"A turner monster?" Jake said.

"Next I tune my level two Nitro Synchron with my level three Junk Forward in order to synchro summon Scarred Warrior!" Yusei shouted. "Let's rev it up!" Then a warrior with bandage wrapped around his head and right arm with armor on his right leg and left shoulder appeared and kneeled in front of Yusei. "That will end my turn."

"Then it's my move." Jake said. (Yusei life points-4000, hand-4, SPC-3/ Jake life points-4000, hand-4, SPC-9) "First since it's my standby phase my Silent Swordsmen gains one more level. Which means it now has a max of twelve stars for a grand attack point total of 5000."

"5000 attack points?" Akiza said nervously.

"There are only a couple of monsters in all of Duel Monsters that have that kind of attack power." Jack said.

"Relax guys Yusei's got this." Crow said. "With those face downs I gave him there's no way he can loss."

"But what if Jake destroys them or prevents Yusei from activating them?" Leo asked.

"Then Yusei will have his work cut out for him." Jack said.

Back in Team Levels pit Matt and Abby were watching the duel. "I wonder if Jake can actually win this." Abby wondered.

"He has to win it." Matt said. "The future of our entire home town rests upon Jake winning this duel."

Back on the track Jake was contemplating a plan to beat Yusei and he thought he had the way to do it.

"I know you plan on using those face downs to win Yusei." Jake said. "This is why I shall activate the Cold Wave spell card." Yusei gasped in surprise.

"The Cold Wave spell card?" Leo said. "Doesn't that make it so neither player can set any spells or traps?"

"That and it makes it so neither player can activate spells or traps." Jack said.

"That's a strange move if you ask me." Carly said.

"I agree with you Carly." Akiza told her. "Team Level's whole plan was to have an unlimited access of spell cards that's why they played Anti-Speed World. Why would they voluntarily seal them off?"

"If I were them I would pull off a move like this." Jack said. "But only if I made sure it would only affect my opponent."

"Next I will chain my Cold Wave with another spell card called Costal Heat Wave. With this spell card activated my side of the field will not be affected by Cold Wave." Jake explained.

"So only Yusei can't play his traps and spells?" Luna cried out. Just then Jack and Crow clocked Leo in the head.

"What was that for?" Leo asked.

"You jinxed Yusei by talking about a scenario in which Jake seals off his cards!" Jack said.

"Well it's not my fault!" Leo shouted.

"Boys this isn't helping our current situation." Akiza said.

"Now Silent Swordsmen attack Yusei's Scarred Warrior!" Jake commanded. The swordsmen leapt into the air and started to bring its sword down on Yusei's warrior.

Yusei smirked and said "Scarred Warrior defend!" Just then a dagger came out of Scarred Warrior's right arm. He raised it just in time to catch the Silent Swordsmen sword.

"What's going on? Your monster should have been destroyed." Jake said.

"Sorry Jake but Scarred Warrior's special ability prevents him from being destroyed in battle once per turn." Yusei explained.

"Well played Yusei." Jake told him. "I place one monster face down in defense mode and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn." Yusei said. (Yusei life points-4000, hand-5, SPC-4/ Jake life points-4000, hand-2, SPC-10) "I summon Tricular in defense mode and end my turn."

"My draw." Jake said. (Yusei life points-4000, hand-3, SPC-4/ Jake life points-4000, hand-3, SPC-10) "First I flip summon my face down monster, the Man Eater Bug!"

"The Man Eater Bug!" Yusei cried.

"That's not good." Jack stated. "That bug can destroy one monster as soon as it's flipped summoned."

"That means he can take out Scarred Warrior." Akiza said.

"But Scarred Warrior can avoid destruction once per turn." Leo said.

"That's only during battle Leo." Crow explained.

"Now go Man Eater Bug destroy Scarred Warrior!" Jake commanded. Once the bug was flipped it appeared and jumped into the air. It landed on Yusei's warrior and slashed it with its claws creating a loud explosion and covering the spot where Yusei's monster had been with smoke. "Now time for battle! Man Eater Bug attack Tricular!" Jake said. The bug jumped out of the smoke and tore throw Tricular with ease.

Back in Team Level's pit Abby shouted "Yusei's wide open now!"

"Once Silent Swordsmen attacks this duel is over." Matt said.

"Now go Silent Swordsmen attack Yusei directly!" Jake shouted. The swordsmen jumped towards Yusei, about to slash when a two wheeled monster appeared and took the hit instead.

"What on earth was that?" Jake asked.

"That was my Bicular. Whenever my Tricular is destroyed its special ability allows me to summon Bicular from my deck." Yusei explained. "And when Bicular's destroyed I can summon Unicycular from my deck as well."

"I end my turn." Jake said. "But come next turn Yusei this duel will be mine."

"We'll see about that." Yusei said as he drew. (Yusei life points-4000, hand-4, SPC-5/ Jake life points-4000, hand-4, SPC-11) "I summon Ghost Gardna in defense mode and end my turn."

"This isn't good." Carly said. "All Yusei can do is defend himself."

"Fortunately the effects of Cold Wave are over." Jack said.

"That means he'll be able to use spells and traps again." Luna stated.

"That also means the face downs I gave him are freed up." Crow said. "Now he can use them and end this on his next turn."

"Assuming Yusei can last that long." Akiza thought.

"It's my turn." Jake said. (Yusei life points-4000, hand-3, SPC-6/ Jake life points-4000, hand-5, SPC-12) "I'll start by activating the speed spell Accelerator Draw. Now that I have twelve speed counters I can draw two cards." Jake pulled his two cards. He grinned and said "I now equip this to my Silent Swordsmen, the spell card Fairy Meteor Crush!"

"Fairy Meteor Crush? That will inflict piercing damage if your monster attacks one of my defense mode monsters!" Yusei exclaimed.

"Too right it will! Silent Swordsmen attack Ghost Gardna!" Jake said. Once Yusei's ghost was destroyed he lost 3100 life points. "And now it's time to lose your last monster Yusei! Man Eater Bug attack Unicycular!"

"I don't think so Jake. I use Ghost Gardna's special effect. When he's destroyed one of your monsters loss up to 1000 attack points." Yusei explained. "And I'm choosing your Man Eater Bug."

"But that would mean my insect losses all of his attack points." Jake said frustrated. "Since I have now choice I must end my turn."

"Well he made it through the turn." Akiza said.

"Yeah but only by a hair." Crow said.

"This Jake guy seems really determined to win this duel doesn't he?" Luna stated.

"He sure does." Carly said.

"Makes you wonder what he's really dueling for other than just a tournament victory?" Jack thought.

Back on the track Yusei was impressed on how well Jake and his team were doing. "I have to admit Jake I'm impressed." Yusei told him. "Your teams' strategy and team work is awesome."

Back in the pits Matt and Abby were listening in to what Yusei said. "Can you believe that?" Abby asked Matt.

"Yusei Fudo thinks we're awesome." Matt said.

"Thank you Yusei." Jake told him. "Coming from a duelist such as yourself, that means a lot to us."

"You're welcome. Now how's about you and I finish this duel?" Yusei said.

"Bring it on Yusei!" Jake said.

"Consider it brought!" Yusei shouted will drawing. (Yusei life points-900, hand-4, SPC-7/ Jake life points-4000, hand-5, SPC-12) "First I summon the tuner monster Debris Dragon from my hand. And with Debris Dragon's special effect I can now summon a monster from my graveyard with 500 or less attack points in attack mode. So let's welcome back my Tricular!"

"A level four tuner monster, a level one, and a level three monster." Leo stated. "That means he can synchro summon a level eight monster!"

Crow turned to Jack and said "It's Stardust time."

"I couldn't agree more." Jack agreed.

"And now I tune level four Debris Dragon with my level three Tricular and my level one Unicycular." Yusei said. "Clustering hopes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!"

"It has arrived!" the MC shouted. "Yusei Fudo has summoned his ace monster, the mighty Stardust Dragon!"

"You're dragon may be strong Yusei but he's not strong enough to beat my Silent Swordsmen." Jake pointed out.

"Which is way I'm going to give him a little tune up." Yusei said.

"A tune up?" Jake said.

"What's Yusei mean by 'a tune up'?" Carly asked. The team looked at one another when the answer hit them.

"Next I play the Summon Speeder speed spell. With it I can now special summon a level four or below monster from my hand. I summon Turbo Synchron." Yusei said. "And since I normal summoned a monster this turn Turbo Booster can also be special summoned from my hand due to its effect. Now I tune level one Turbo Synchron with level one Turbo Booster to synchro summon the synchro tuner Formula Synchron! Let's rev it up!" Then a monster with the body of a formula one card with legs appeared and hovered next to Stardust. "Also since Formula Synchron was summoned his ability lets me draw one card."

"I don't get it." Abby said. "Whether he has one or two synchro monsters their attack points just aren't high enough to beat Jakes monster."

"I don't get it either." Matt said. "There's got to be more to his plan than just this."

"Alright time to go full throttle." Yusei said. Yusei kicked his duel runner into the next gear and began to speed up. He went past Jake and continued on gaining more and more speed.

"What's he doing?" Jake asked himself. Yusei's runner was now going so fast that waves of purple energy started to form around him.

"It's time, for Clear Mind!" Yusei shouted.

"Clear Mind?" Jake said confused.

"Now I tune the level eight synchro monster Stardust Dragon with the level two synchro tuner Formula Synchron!" Yusei said. Formula Synchron went ahead of Yusei and turned into two green rings as Yusei and Stardust went through them. "Clustering crystal dreams open the door to a new evolution! Become the path its light shines upon! Accel Synchro!" Yusei pulled out a blank card from his deck flipped it right side up as flames shot across it to revel the monster on it. Yusei and Stardust began to fade away and eventual disappeared.

Jake began to say "Where did he…" But then there was a burst of energy behind him and Yusei reappeared. Yusei then shouted "Be born, Shooting Star Dragon!"

"Way to go Yusei!" Crow shouted.

"Now he has all he needs to end this duel!" Jack said.

"Go get them Yusei!" Akiza shouted.

"I've never seen anything like that before." Abby said.

"I heard rumors about the Accel Synchro but I never thought it was an actual thing." Matt exclaimed.

"Your new beast maybe breath taking Yusei but it is still weaker than my swordsmen!" Jake stated.

"That's all about to change. First I'll use Shooting Star Dragon's special ability to draw the top five cards of my deck. Then for every tuner monster there my dragon gains an attack this turn." Yusei drew his cards and checked them. "Behold Hyper Synchron, Effect Veiler, and Quick Draw Synchron!"

"Three tuner monsters?" Jake said.

"Great! Now Shooting Star can attack three times!" Jack said.

"But its attack points are still too low to beat that Silent Swordsmen." Luna said.

"Now it's time to revel my first face down card!" Yusei said. "I revel the Blackwing Faker monster card!"

"A monster card!" Jake yelled. When the monster appeared on the field it looked like a bald skinny guy wearing a fake beak. He had fake wings strapped to his arms and fake feathers strapped to his legs. "You're cheating Yusei! You can't put a monster card in the spell and trap card zone!" Jake declared.

"I didn't. Crow did on the last turn of his duel." Yusei told him.

"It doesn't matter who did! You can't place a monster in the spell and trap card zone!" Jake stated.

"Actually Blackwing Faker has a special effect that says we can." Yusei said. "You see Jake when Blackwing Faker is in the hand his ability allows it to be set face down in the spell and trap card zone. Then after two turns Faker can be reviled and summoned but only if my speed counters are less than yours."

"That's why you used Speed World 2's effect earlier!" Jake said realizing. "You've been setting me up this entire time so you could meet the requirements to summon these two monsters!"

"That's right and now that they're here it's go time!" Yusei shouted. "Shooting Star Dragon attack Jakes Silent Swordsmen!" The dragon let out a roar and flew towards the Silent Swordsmen which rose its sword to defend its self.

"You go through all this trouble just to send your strongest dragon on a suicide mission?" Jake asked. "What are you planning Yusei?"

"I plan on activating the Blackwing Guardian trap card! With it so long as there's a Blackwing on my field I can protect my monsters from being destroyed in battle until the end of the turn!" Yusei explained.

"Yusei may have saved his monster from being destroyed but he only has 900 life points left! Unless there's more to his strategy Yusei will be taking 1700 points in damage!" the MC shouted. "If that happens then Yusei will loss and Team5DS will be kicked out of the tournament!"

"Then it's a good thing I'm not going to let it happen." Yusei said to himself. "I play another trap card, Blackwing Damage Deflector! Now since I have a Blackwing on my field my life points won't take any damage this turn due to battle!" Shooting Star Dragon came close to Silent Swordsmen, just flying past him.

"What's he doing?" Abby asked. "First he orders his monster to attack and then plays two traps to pretty much make sure nothing happens. Does he even have a plan?"

"I have a feeling we're about to find out." Matt said.

"Now the time has come for my final move!" Yusei stated. "I activate my last trap card, Synchro Ring! With this trap when one of my synchro monsters attacks a monster and that monster isn't destroyed, I can double my synchro monsters attack points and allow it to attack again!"

"But that would mean your dragon now has 6600 points!" Jake said.

"And all of them aimed at your swordsmen!" Yusei shouted. "Go Shooting Star Dragon attack with Stardust Mirage!" Shooting Star Dragon rose into the air and then created another dragon that looked like itself only orange. This orange dragon swooped down and collided with the Silent Swordsmen creating a loud explosion.

"I can't believe it. My ultimate monster's gone!" Jake said.

"And my turn's not over yet! Remember I pulled three tuners with my dragons' ability!" Yusei reminded Jake. "Which means I still got a few attacks left although all I'm going to need is one! Shooting Star Dragon attack Jake directly!" The dragon let out one last roar and flew through the sky heading right for Jake as fast as it could.

"No. No. NOOOOO!" Jake yelled. Shooting Star Dragon collided with Jake and his runner creating a large and loud explosion sending dust and smoke everywhere. Yusei's dragon flew out of the smoke and back up into the sky eventually disappearing. Then out of the smoke came Jake and his duel runner. His runner was giving off steam and his life points read zero.

"And it's over! Using some very unique but strange tactics Yusei Fudo has emerged victories over Jake! Giving Team5DS their first win of the Kaiba Corp Grand Prix!" the MC shouted. The crowd went even crazier than the MC and started to chant either 'Team5DS' or Yusei's name. Back in Team5DS pits the others were celebrating. The girls hugged each other as Crow, Leo, and Jack did a group high five. Yusei pulled into Team5DS pit and was greeted by a cheer from his friends. The girls hugged him, Leo gave him a high five, and Jack and Crow gave him a fist bump.

"Nicely done out their mate." Jack told Yusei.

"Thanks Jack. I couldn't have done it without you and Crow." Yusei said. Just then Team Level came over to Team5DS pit. "What's up guys?" Yusei asked.

"We just came over to congratulate you guys on your win." Matt said.

"You guys were amazing." Abby said.

"You guys were great too you know." Yusei said.

"Yusei's right. What with all those level monsters and that Anti-Speed World trap card you guys almost won." Crow said.

"I'm afraid 'almost won' isn't going to help us fix up our home town." Jake said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Yusei asked. Team Level looked at one another, not sure if they should tell him.

"Look if you guys are in trouble we might be able to help." Jack said.

"But only if you tell us what the trouble is." Yusei stated.

"Well the trouble is that about a month ago our home town was hit by a tornado." Abby told Yusei. "It destroyed everything. Everybody that lives in our town lost their homes and nearly everything they owned in the course of like twenty minutes."

"I heard about this." Carly said. "There was a big article in the newspaper."

"Fortunately nobody was seriously hurt." Matt said. "And although everybody pretty much lost everything the people of our town were ready and willing to rebuild it from the ground up."

"So what happened?" Akiza asked.

"Well as it turned out although we had the man power to rebuild the town didn't have enough money for equipment and supplies." Abby explained. "After hearing this our whole town just about gave up hope."

"But then Matt got wind of the Kaiba Corp Grand Prix." Jake said. "We thought if the three of us entered and won we could give the prize money to the town and start rebuilding."

"The prize money from this tournament alone isn't going to be enough to rebuild an entire town." Jack said.

"We knew that." Jake said. "But we figured it would be a start. Only now that we lost…"

"You guys can't win the prize money." Crow finished.

"Which means you're right back where you started." Luna said. Jake nodded in agreement with her.

Akiza turned to Yusei and asked "Is there anything we can do to help them?"

"There's got to be something." Crow said. Yusei tried to think of something he could do to help when Lazar came out of the garage area heading for them all.

"Congratulations Yusei! Well done!" he said.

"Lazar? What are you doing down here?" Yusei asked.

"Oh I just came to congratulate Team5DS on their first win of the tournament." Lazar said. "And to commend Team Level for the valiant effort and spectacular performance."

"Thanks I think." Jake said. He then turned to Yusei and asked "Who is this guy?"

"This is Lazar. The mayor of New Domino City." Yusei said.

Lazar bowed before Team Level. "At your service gentlemen and good lady. Should you ever need anything don't be hesitant to ask." After Lazar said this Yusei thought of something that just might help out Team Level's town.

"Say Lazar did you happen to hear about that tornado that destroyed that small town outside the city about a month ago?" Yusei asked.

"I read something about it in the papers." Lazar said. "Why do you ask?"

"These three kids are from said town." Jack said.

"The people want to rebuild but they lack the cash to do the job." Crow said.

"I see." Lazar said. He stood there silent for moment thinking. "If I remember correctly that town is within the jurisdiction of New Domino City and there for entitled to some aid." Lazar hummed for a second and then said "First thing in the morning I shall make a call to the treasury department and see what we can get a hold and if we need a little more we can have a sort of charity event to raise the rest of the funds."

"Does that mean you're going to help us?" Jake said.

"Indeed it does." Lazar said. Team Level let out a cry of delight.

"Thank you mister mayor." Abby said shaking Lazars hand.

"Not a problem. If you three will come with me I can figure out the extent of the damage done to your town and find out just how much money we will actually need." Lazar told them. Team Level followed Lazar to the garage but they stopped at the edge and turned back to face Team5DS.

"Thank you." Abby told them. "All of you."

"Thanks to you our home can be rebuilt even better than before." Matt said.

"How can we ever repay you?" Jake asked. Yusei looked at the team and they all nodded.

"That duel we just had is thanks enough." Yusei said.

Jake nodded to Yusei. "Thank you all so much." Team Level turned back towards the garage and ran to catch up with Lazar.

"You know they're a good group of kids." Crow said.

"That and their pretty fair duelists." Luan said.

"They are." Yusei agreed. "Team Level gave us our first real test as a team again and we were able to come out on top."

"You can say that again." Leo said.

"It wasn't easy but we did our best and pulled through." Jack said.

"Does this mean what I think it means?" Carly asked.

"I think it does Carly." Akiza told her.

"As of this moment." Yusei said. "Team5DS is back!"