Disclaimer: I do not own Durarara.
What's going on?
Where am I?
Hundreds of questions ran through his head, but no answer to give him the reassurance he wanted. He was blinded by darkness, and wrapped in unpleasant warmth; sweat ran down his face and soaked his body.
It was as if a stamped of wildebeest raced down each of his bones and left behind a permanent footprint. His mind was hazy, but still this man didn't fall for the one called fear.
Even the thick, suffocating air didn't scare him, he managed to lift his body off the boiling ground, and started walking forward; blindly. He didn't know where he was going, what he was doing, or of the object a couple feet above his head.
Something weighing over a ton fell on the man, he hissed when the same boiling ground collided with his face. A vein popped out from his forehead and another seventy percent of his body.
Without any effort he pushed the flabby thing off himself, it was then that he realized that his sight was restored. Part of him wished it wasn't though, surrounding him was billions of naked bodies; pitiful men and women burned above the solid ground. More people poured from the dark sky, like rain.
None of them could resist it like he did, instinctively he tried to cover his own naked body but realized none of the people around him were even looking at him. They were all crying over the pain and misery, the burn that bite their skin and consumed their flesh.
For a second he forgot how to breathe, his eyelids carried tears, and something slithered around his heart. His hand slapped his chest, and a tear rolled down his cheek.
This place, this place where humans like him cried for a help that'll never come. This place where heat slept below his feet. This place, he officially came to hate it.
Those cries that had made him weak in the heart, he suddenly became immune to; he was so wrong.
The cries returned momentarily, this time a lot worse. Women and men shrieked in terror, they escalated, ripping apart his ears. He tried closing his ears, he clutched his head but still the screams squeezed through his hands and into his ears.
He even started screaming himself, the pain was more agonizing than anything he had ever experienced. He wanted the torture to stop, for the horrid screaming to stop, the pain to cease.
And it did; he was a bit frightened to open his eyes, he cautiously let go of his head simultaneously his mocha eyes opened. The environment changed greatly...
Instead of a pitch black, endless sky; there was a ceiling at least twenty feet above his head. Red and black furniture surrounded the room, and he was fully dressed in a matching suit.
The screaming people were thankfully gone; but replacing their cries was a heavy, malicious laugh. He turned around and came face to face with a beastly figure, the beast's bad breath caressing his skin, the foul stench was even more suffocating than the air from earlier.
His high pitched laugh stopped, and he sat down on the leather sofa behind him. He didn't know what to do, there was no where to run from the beast and he didn't know if he could take on the beast, but the beast's next words struck him with fear.
"Welcome to Hell, Shizuo Heiwajima!"
A/N: I would first like to say that, this is came from a dream. This story contains some stuff that may be against your religions or beliefs and I'm not trying to change anyone's point of view. If you've made it this far, I'd like to thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed it.