Okay; so here is some things you may wanna look at before you read! :D

OKAY! THIS STORY! Takes place in a Mental Institute; other wise known to others (like me) an Assylum! Now; I know most people do their research before writing something...but I didn't... Why? Because in a way this is all (most of it anyways) based off a dream I actually had...c: Scary? Not really, I've had worse! eUe xD and instead of Illforte, I was gonna use Ichigo...but...this just didn't seem like it would work...): and Szayel and Ichigo bros. o.O wtf? XDDD weird dream...U_U

If you wanna see the female!Grimmjow I've used go to my profile and I'll have a link at the very end! :3

Got the title for this story from a song by My Chemical Romance; Sister to Sleep...xD

Warnings; Female!Grimmjow! Why? Because I love Female!Grimmjow, too... :3 Things that are like what? And then romance. Bits of sexual content. Mentions of rape. Violent behavior... And it's noobie
shit...D: Becuz I'm seeing how I do 1st person POV; it's Illforte's point of view btw... :3

Ohh; and these characters are part of Bleach, so they belong to Tite Kubo~! :D well...not sure on the Chick!Grimmjow...xD

So, hope ya'll like it~! :3

Sister to Sleep

Chapter 1; Semi Constructive Criticism...

When I first saw Grimmjow, I fell in love. It was in the most unusual place I thought I would ever fall in love. A Mental Institute.

But Grimmjow, she was gorgeous. I couldn't help my self. She had the most exotic blue eyes that seemed to change frequently into different shades of blue, depending on her mood. Her skin was beautiful, it was a lightly tanned color. But the thing that really makes you wanna glance at her at first was her hair. She had beautiful long pale blue hair that fell past her back. Though, they made her cut it. They told her that having long hair like her's could be dangerous. She never agreed to it, they just did it without her decision. Now it was usually slicked back in a messy manner with her bangs here and there, or all of it just sticking out all over the place. Even so, she was still beautiful.

I always thought Grimmjow was different from all the other patients. Grimmjow was sane. Well, to some extent.

My pink haired brother Szayel, took sick perversion of knowing that. He wanted to take her sanity away, by keeping her here longer than necessary. But Grimmjow was different, she was strong.

Though, eventually the insanity from here will get to her unknowingly.

You'd believe that there was no suicides in a Institute, but that's a lie. We can't always be around to stop it all. The control room is hardly ever watched over, unless one wishes to see a recording
of a possible committed crime.

At one point, a boy confessed his love for Grimmjow, telling her he wanted to die with her image in his mind and then proceeded in killing himself in front of her, by ripping apart his own throat. Most would be mentally scarred after that, but she wasn't.

One way you can tell she had a problem though was she wouldn't go to sleep at night. She would just stay up all night. Just looking up at the ceiling, or out the small window on her white door, when open, from the spot on her bed.

How did I know she would? I would go into the control room. Just to see how she was doing. If I could, I would stay there and watch over her for hours.

The next morning, she would be tired, and throw a tantrum if anyone picked on her, or tried most of all hitting on her. A tantrum so violent at times, that it would take several people to hold her down when she got out of control.

Szayel was getting to her more, and more. Even if she didn't know it.

One day, her tantrum got way out of hand. Due to some patient groping one of her breast. She tried killing him with a crayon. A fucking crayon. She was close to shoving it down his eye socket.

Szayel hated using the syringe to put patients to sleep, but Grimmjow was "asking for it", he would say. When he did, it wouldn't work.

She kept squirming on the bounds of the gurney, that she had been placed on to keep down. She was taking no affect to the shot. She kept shouting and cursing at everyone in sight, like there was no tomorrow. Even to me. Calling me blondie most of the time, and then proceeding in cracking up. I think something was wrong with her that day. She wasn't always this off. Szayel realized and proceeded in giving her another shot, hoping it would put her to sleep.

Szayel was getting nervous, it wouldn't work.

Though, eventually came the next one, and that's when it worked. She knocked out cold.

I was scared for her, what if she wouldn't wake up after that? What if her skin forever stayed that ghostly pale, instead of her beautiful lightly tanned skin. What if, I could no longer see her blue eyes again? I would die, that's what...

I wanted to protect her.

Eventually I came to talk to her. I figured out she was far from stupid or clueless as I had thought. She had realized that I had been watching her for quite some time, well she didn't know about the control room part at least. She was, nice...when she wanted to be. She was never intimidated by anyone. Even employees like me, the watchers, the ones that would act like the gaurds around here. It was our job, but she didn't care.

We were sitting in front of each other on the floor, indian style, near a corner of a large room, known as, "the nothing to do room," as Grimmjow liked calling it. We would talk here most of the times we decided to meet up.

"You're brothers with that son of a bitch, Szayel?" She asked with a shocked expression, "Ewww. That should suck!"

I felt kinda mad, "Well the bitch who gave birth to him is also MY mom." I gritted out. At first I thought I'll have to act calm around her, but that was just straight out impossible.

"Ohh yea, huh?" Grimmjow said looking away from me, "Sorry, I guess?"

"You guess?" I asked, looking at her.

"Uhh, yeah." She said shrugging her shoulders, when she did that, a part of the long sleeve of the white shirt slipped off her shoulder. I stared and blushed when I saw she realized and proceded in pulling the sleeve up to its original palce. She cleared her throat and continued the conversation. "Well, now that I think about it, you two kinda do look like each other." She said looking at me, closely.

I raised an eyebrow,"Really?" I asked.

Grimmjow giggled... Its weird how she giggles. Kinda scary.

"Both of ya' are pretty looking." She smiled, sweetly.

I felt my left eye twitching, "I am not pretty looking!" I shouted louder than needed.

Grimmjow simply threw her head back and let out a sharp laughter, "Aww, what's the matter Illforte?" She asked playfully, "I rather like the pretty ones." She cooed, getting in front of my face making a mocking pouting face with big eyes.

I blushed and looked away, avoiding her eye contact. She must have realized I got a little uncomfortable and backed up to original her place.

It was quiet, just quiet murmuring of conversations of a few other people in the room, far from us.

I then felt someone take my hands in their own soft ones. It was Grimmjow. I simply let her, she always does this, so I'm actually used to it.

"Where is everyone?" I thought out loud.

Grimmjow answered me "They probably all went to their rooms, or off to draw their boredom away." She pouted, cutely and I felt my self smiling. "Now I feel like drawing..." She sighed.

Then I asked Grimmjow something I shouldn't have.

"Why are you here?" I asked, "You don't seem that- you know."

Did I mention employees couldn't say the word crazy, or any other form of it. Yeah, they get fired if they do.

"Crazy," she said, "Insane?" She asked, now shifting her eyes downward, looking at her hands now in my hands.

"I guess?" I said, that stupid short sentence was now part of my language, Grimmjow said it so much at times, it just stuck with me. I tell that to my brother, he'd most likely smack me, telling me that's no way to answer a question. I don't even think he knows I've been seeing Grimmjow so much.

Grimmjow sighed and removed her hands from my hands. I took my own to my lap.

"Don't freak out, alrigh'?" She said.

I nodded.

"Wait, shouldn't ya' already know why I'm here?" She questioned, looking at me with curious blue eyes.

I shook my head, "I merely work here because my brother practically runs this place." It was the only job I could get, and I hoped she wouldn't ask about that, "He told me, that if I wanted to stay, I'd
have to figure things out on my own. I never knew he meant the patients also."

"That kinda dangerous. Ain't that illegal?" Grimmjow asked.

"I gu- uh, perhaps."

She merely rolled her eyes. "Well, Ima just start off quick and finish quick."

I nodded, again.

"I was in love I guess," she started, and I felt jealousy. She loved someone else, or used to.

"The guy was I guess, nice and all. Treated me like a queen. Well used to. He would cheat on me with some sluts." She paused, "I caught him once. I had given him a set of my family's house keys.
And well, he would go to my house sometimes when I wasn't there. One day I told him I was gonna get there a little late. I guess he took advantage of it, and brought some girl over and I caught them having sex...in my bed." She gritted out.

"And yeah, you get the point." She chuckled.

"You killed him?" I asked, indifferently.

"No-!" She defended.


"No-! Let me finish you idiot!" She shouted, raising her fist in a threatening manner.

I didn't flinch, but it shut me up. I kinda liked messing around with her, it was funny.

She then put her fist down, "I kicked him out and broke up with him. I did aim a gun to both of them, but I didn't do anything. Later, like a year or so, he asked me out again. Me, like the dumbass I am, said yes." She sighed, placing her now paler hands on top of her hair and weaving her fingers through her blue locks.

She then straightened up again and continued, "Now here is why I'm here," she explained, "He cheated on me again, with the same stupid bitch." I saw how she gritted her teeth and her fist tighten. I realized she had sharp canines and her feminine frame actually held a lot of strength. Perhaps much more than I've already seen.

"I took my father's gun, and I went to where I knew they were, which was the park. I-" She paused, putting her head down, which cauased her bangs to shadow her blue eyes. "I shot the girl, in her stomach." She then smiled. It was freaky smile. "Even if I knew it wouldn't kill her."

I gulped. What did she mean, her? What is this girl capable of?

"You wanna know why?" She asked, putting her head up, I saw her eyes narrowing in a delirious way. I couldn't look away from her hypnotizing blue eyes, and I keeped mine locked with her's.

"Why?" I asked, leaning over to her slightly, unshamingly desperate to know.

Her smile lowered a bit and spoke, "She was pregnant. With his child." She then cracked a huge grin, showing almost all her teeth, especially making her canines look sharper. "The bitch deserved!" She let out a
sharp laugh, then hissed outloud, making shivers go up my spine.

"I killed their fuckin' baby!" As she cackled, she threw her head up. I knew for a fact, that the few others that were in the same room as us, had their eyes on her, not me.

With wide eyes, I looked at her direction, though looking into space. She continued laughing like a hyena, as my mind continued trying to process what she had just told me.

She was insane. More than I had thought anyways.

That's it for chapter 1! :D Hehe; what did you think...D: Wahhh; I wanna know... :c

Ohh; this will most likely be 3 chapters, under 5 chapters for sure!

I finally put something up! :D even if its not the story that I should currently not be focusing on...):

WHO CARES! :D Fine...I do...U_U This was done like super quick in French class out of boredom cuz I finished all my work early... e_e I did this on mwah phone...eUe my teacher doesn't seem to care about phone's out rite now... :D

Please~! Read and REVIEW~! :D Thay make mi so happez~! :3 and no flames plz? D: they break my heart...xD