"Baka! Why are you messing around like that! You'll get yourself hurt!" A dark haired boy with a curl on the right side of his head snapped at the slightly shorter boy with light brown hair and a curl going to the left side of his head.

"Romano, I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to get in the way." The light haired boy replied shyly to the other. Romano sighed roughly.

"You almost cut your palm wide open, just be lucky it was just a scratch." He grabbed the younger boys hand and turned it so the palm was facing up; there was a small cut from one side of it to the other with blood running down his hand down to his wrist and down the length of his arm. "How did you end up doing this anyways? Were you trying to do England's black magic?" Romano gave the boy a glair. "If you did then I'll kill you myself." They boy shook his head.

"No, I was trying to be like you. I know that you can do those cool knife tricks that Spain showed you and I wanted to see if I could do them." Romano sighed.

"Venenziano, don't try that again, you could've done worse things to yourself. Just be lucky that Potato head didn't see that or he would really make you upset." Italy flinched a bit when he thought of Germany yelling at him for being so reckless and making every one worry.

"Don't tell Doitsu! Please Romano! I am begging you as your little brother!" Romano thought for a second before he sighed.

"Fine, but you better find an excuse why your hand is cut before I have to tell him." Italy quickly nodded.

"Oh I almost forgot." Italy covered his hand with a dish rag and tied it around his hand. "I was starting to feel light headed."

"Go lay down, I'll finish dinner by myself tonight, Spain and Potato head are going out drinking with Prussia, France, America and England. So it's only going to be you and me tonight." Italy nodded and walked into the living room and laid down on the couch, the reached for the remote and turned on the T.V. Nothing good was on, well none that fitted Italy's taste. Football was on, not Italy's favorite teams were playing. He flipped the channel, MMA fights, nope not for him. Flipped again, cartoons, sorry he's not that young. Flipped, a cooking show, not tonight, he almost lost a finger from cooking. Flipped, Hell's Kitchen, Italy chuckled to himself, he thought it was kind of funny how everyone got yelled at, kind of reminded him of how Germany used to yell at him. Not watching this, some of the food just doesn't look right and what some of the chefs do make him sick to his stomach some times. Flipped, the news, nothing happened that what it should say, it's almost funny how anyone can do anything and get on the news. Italy looked at his hand and chuckled, he could easily get on the news for having sliced his hand.

"Romano! Is dinner almost ready?" Italy called to Romano who didn't say anything for a second before he answered.

"Just wait! My gosh you can't wait more than five minutes can you, you jerk?" Italy chuckled again, Romano called everyone a jerk, and sometimes he thought he forgot their name or something.

"There's nothing good on T.V."

"Use On Demand, There has to be something good on that. If not then I'll go punch the cable company in the mouth."

"Kay! I'll go do that." Italy flipped the channel to the On Demand menu and started to flip through the options. He found something that would keep him busy for a while, or at least till Romano finished dinner. Soon Blood The Last Vampire bored our Little Italy. "Romano~ I'm soooooo bored! I want something to Do~!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! Maybe if you could keep yourself occupied then maybe you wouldn't be bored."

"Romano!" Italy huffed to himself as he sat there staring at the On Demand menu. He thought to himself then found a good idea; he plugged in Prussia's Xbox 360 and turned on the game inside. It was Fable 2. Italy smirks to himself. He looked back at the kitchen door to see if Romano could be seen. He couldn't.

Italy started the game and began to play.

Romano finished peeling the last of the vegetables and began to chop them up. He sighed roughly to himself. How could Italy be so stupid sometimes? If he hasn't told him once he told him a thousand times not to do something. Romano put the chopped vegetables into a different pot then turned on the burner. When will he ever learn? He thought to himself. He turned on a large pot of water. He then turned around and walked into the living room with Italy, he saw him playing.

"What game you playing?"

"Fable 2."

"How far are you?"

"Just killed Thag."

"So what are you going to specialize in?"

"I don't really know." Italy chuckled.

"You can do anyone you want but still get the blue XP for more health."

"Okay… what do you recommend for clothes and stuff?"

"Well my guy is evil so… I pick aggressive stuff."

"I want to be good though Romano!"

"Then ask Potato head or Spain."

"But they're not here now."

"Then fight, and gain money and XP until they come back."

"They're not coming back until really late."

"You think I don't know that?" They stayed in silence until the phone broke the silence. "I'll go get that, you just keep playing."

"Kay~." Romano stood up and answered the phone.

"Hello?" Romano said into the phone. "Okay, hey are you guys okay?" Romano's eyes widened. "We'll be right there! Don't move okay!" Romano leaned his back against the wall. "Okay j-just be careful. Okay, bye." Italy looked at Romano with a questionable look before Romano hung up the phone.

"What happened?" Italy asked almost afraid.

"They crashed Spain's car and they don't know where they are. I'm going to go get them."

"I'm going too!"

"Fine," Romano sighed roughly "let's go."

I know, first chapter is really bad, but don't worry it will get better. I could also use some ideas for later chapters. Please review!

Loves you all~ Edita