Alucard's Demon
so, if you in any way believe that my brain created Hellsing and Harry Potter, than i want you to pat yourself on the back and say good job. Because you have just said the funniest thing ever. Yes, there is a massive amount of sarcasm in my voice.
I own nothing except my wit and embarrassment at what this once was. so here it is, redone.
Integra Hellsing dropped her cigar, Seras Victoria looked on in horror, and Walter raised his eyebrows. They were stunned because right in front of them in front of the door, Alucard was being attacked by a small boy who clearly had a death wish.
Integra had to wonder, should she save the boy so foolish enough to hug the No-Life king, or should she let the vampire end what seemed to be the stupidest human being she has ever had the misfortune of witnessing. And she has met and witnessed quite a few, with all the bureaucratic men thinking they knew more than her on how to do her job.
Before she could make a choice, the decision was taken out of her hands, by the very boy who she was thinking about. He was a sweet thing, all dark curls a riot around his face to his shoulders and the greenest eyes she has ever seen. She did not think even emeralds were so green. Dressed in black from head to toe, black boots and gloves, black leather shorts tight as skin only thigh high, and a black sweater hanging off his shoulders to leave his neck to the world. On his neck was a simple cross, with a strange design at the center. A circle with a triangle inside and a line cutting down the middle.
He was beautiful, but then she truly saw his eyes, and she saw such an uncaring unholy lack of light and life that she could not believe her thoughts before. In no way was the boy before her some stupid human, no human could have eyes like that, so uncaring and unfeeling in the face of all that was the world.
But then that left the question that she wished to have dearly answered. What and more importantly who was he?
she was soon to find out, and wish for more alcohol than she had ever imbibed in her life. And it all started with a smile from his uncaring lips.
He did not release his arms from the vampire's middle even as he looked at her with his cold eyes.
"Hello there, dear Integra." He said, with the devil's own voice sweet and soft as if it would slip through cracks of both physical and mental barriers till it could reach and taint to it's dark desires. That voice perhaps unnerved her more than Alucard's madness when he was a creature ruled only by his desire for carnage and blood.
Let it now be known that Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing was not a weak-willed woman. So, with iron in her spine and steel in her voice, she gathered up her will and spoke.
"Who the Hell, if I may be so bold, do I have the pleasure of meeting?" Politeness was key when facing beings of unknown and unheard of origins. Especially one who the dread Vampire allowed to be so close without fight. But politeness did not mean one had to cower and whimper before them.
The boy smiled further, a cheshire grin.
"My name dear lady, has been lost. In the sands and streams of time and war. In the famines of disease and the shadows of false martyrs and desecrated hopes. It is lost to me, but for you, dear heart, you who my love so adores, I would have you know me thus." A pause for him to speak, as if the whole of the world was hushed only for his voice to be heard. Integra could not even hear the wind that had so softly spun around them just moments ago.
"I am Death, destroyer of worlds, but you may call me simply as D." that voice could become the thing of nightmares if only given enough incentive.
Integra did not doubt the boy, no, not with the way he spoke and how he looked at her with his cold cold eyes. As if all she was and all the world was, was a part of a game. A game he played simply for his own amusement with them as his toys, and for no other reason than the curiosity of a child. To see what he could do, not caring at all if he left broken toys after him.
She needed alcohol, perhaps more than she ever had before in her entire life. Only the Lord knows how much Alucard had made her drink with his foolish and wild deeds. But now she could put this boy just up there with the vampire.
She took a breath, not rubbing her forehead in a desire to try and alleviate the headache starting a slow pulse inside her brain.
"And why, may I ask, have you graced us with your presence." She spoke, "why also do you have your arms around Alucard." she said, losing the battle against her hand as it came up to rub at her right temple.
He mockingly widened his eyes at her. "Oh my, did he not tell you?" He said, voice full of false surprise and unholy amusement. She did not deem to answer the question and that was answer enough.
"Well then, it seems I must introduce myself again." He said, stepping away from the now grinning Alucard and with a flourish gave her a bow.
"Hello, My name is D, and I am the wife of Alucard." He said with a mock bow and an unrepentant grin.
Integra closed her eyes and counted to ten, hoping that it would be gone when she opened her eyes again. She opened them, and the boy was still there, and his words had still been spoken. She took a deep breath and let it out through her nose. Than, with all the dignity in her, Sir Integra Hellsing calmly walked past the married couple, ignoring the wide-eyed splutters of one Seras Victoria, and walked into her manor. With the desire to go into her office and take out a bottle of finely aged scotch, and to then drink of it till she was in an alcohol induced stupor.
She needed a drink, and by God, she would get it. Damn anyone who would try to stop her when she now had to deal with not just Alucard, but his wife as well.
Dear lord, what if they had children?
So here it is, redone, and reworked. It's starting, the exodus has started.