Part 6-the consequences

no slash in the forsee-able future, but strong language and torture will happen! I'm not dead! just very slow with updates.

Disclaimer: I own nothing of Harry Potter or YU-Yu-Hakusho, so don't sue!

There will be some intense torture and pain for people in this chapter, you have been warned.

(Hari calls him Sharma- protection, refuge, joy, comfort in endearment)

Saeculum- ageless in latin

Names for protector!

Nathanael - angel ruling over hidden things, fire and vengeance. (14)
Rogziel - angel of punishment whose name means "the wrath of God." (20)

Edmon- prosperous protector (3)

Sorush- angel of vengeance (15)

Aegis- the one who stops time (8)

So it will be Rogziel Edmon!


There was a cold feel in the air, and no one wanted to be outside in the dark alone. The air around Privet Drive was like that of one would call the air of Death. None could tell why, but they did not want to go out on that night.

It was a good thing that they did not. As a dark figure walked from out of the shadows and started walking toward a certain house. Their deaths would be much easier to bear. None would be spared on that night. No mercy would be given to the ones who had hurt an innocent child. Neither women, or children would be spared.

That was the only thought in the mind of the dark being walking down the street. He was tall and beautiful in a cold and cruel way. Eyes beautiful enough to kill without a single hesitation, hair as white as the purest snow. The being was beautiful, and so full of a terrible power that none could bear to be near it at all. This being was created for one reason only, to protect its beloved Hari. But it had not been able to. Dumbledore had had a spell that had kept him from waking fully, though the fool wizard did not know this. And also, Hari had hidden all of his emotions, all of the things that caused him such pain. And he could only awaken when his Hari was in balance.

Now he was awake though, and he would bring the fear of God onto these foolish mortal! They would PAY! They would feel TORTURE and such fear that their souls would never again be whole!

His fury became a living thing as the shadows around him trailed away into the other houses. All who lived in this place would be killed this night, be it spiritually or physically. Though a few would live, to tell of what had happened. He grinned as he stepped forward. In front of him was number-12 Privet Drive. He could feel his blood drum in his veins. It sang with joy at the carnage to come.

He grinned again as his fury destroyed the door before him. He stepped in, seeing the shocked faces of the three bags of flesh inside the home. His smile became that of the foulest devil.

"Hello Dursleys, it is my great pleasure to finally meet you." And with those words, their fear grew. He laughed slowly as he walked into the house. He would enjoy himself this night.

`````````````````````the Garden```````````````````

The detectives had run toward Hari as soon as the screaming began, and they had been in time to see a being come out from Hari and hold him. They would have gone to Hari, but the being holding him gave out such dark fury that they feared for their lives. This being was powerful, and it would kill them without hesitation.

So they had watched as the shadows gathered around it, they had watched as Hari was taken somewhere by his shadows. And then, the being had unleashed a cry of such fury and rage that even Hiei had shivered in cold dread.

Whatever the being in front of them was, they did not want to be anywhere near it. So they watched, barely daring to make a sound as it disappeared in a shower of shadows. Only when it was gone did they breathe easily.

''What the hell was that?'' Yusuke whispered, his voice shaking even as he tried to stand straight.

Before Hiei or Kurama could even try to answer, someone else did.

"That was the Protector, and now that he is awake, the world will be bathed in blood." they turned to look, and found a shadow they had not met before. It had the form of an elderly man, with grey hair that shone blue, deep black eyes, and wearing nothing but a loincloth. His skin was a dark as pitch, and the power rolling off of him was immense.

''Who are you?'' Kurama asked, being the calmest of the group. He could not be sure that Hiei would not insult the shadow, and Yusuke might do the same without realizing.

The old one looked at them. ''I am the Saeculum, the ageless shadow.'' He said in a soft voice. He looked at them with sad eyes. ''I am here, to warn you, and to hope that you will be able to stop the Protector from destroying this world.''

''What do you mean? How can that thing destroy the world? And why are you calling it Protector?'' Yusuke asked, his voice serious for once.

Saeculum sighed, his eyes full of a sad knowledge. ''All like him, all Elementals, are born with a protector. They will awake when there is great danger and pain. They will do all that they wish, to take vengeance on those who hurt their beloved Elemental.'' He started coughing, and as they watched, he sank into the ground. He looked at them.

''My time is almost up, I have to go soon. You have to tell this to your Koenma, tell him of the Protector. You must find Hari, bring him back, before your world is nothing but dust.'' He whispered out, before fading into the earth with a weary look in his eyes.

When he was gone, the group of three could do nothing but look at each-other.

''We need to see Koenma quickly!'' Kurama said.

''But how are we supposed to leave this place? Can you make a Portal out of here?'' Yusuke asked him.

Before Kurama, or Hiei could respond, someone else spoke.

''I'll help.'' They looked and saw Speaker behind them. But this was not the Speaker they had met. This Speaker had eyes as cold and hard as ice, and his hair, though still long, was as black as the shadows around.

"Speaker? Is that you?" Kurama asked, worry in his voice.

Speaker nodded.

''What the hell happened to you?'' Yusuke demanded.

Speaker looked at him with cold eyes. "We believed that you could protect him, but we were all wrong. Our prince has been hurt so much by humans, wizards, mortals. They all deserve to die, they deserve hell!" He snarled, his eyes glowing with a cruel light.

"We will kill all those who have hurt him, but you three were given water, you are good. You can survive, you will be spared.'' He said to them, with a blank smile. "I will create a portal to Koenma for you. But be warned, do not try to stop us. This, this is for vengeance. Against all those who would hurt him. If you three go against us, then we will bring our war to the Spirit realms. We will bring our war to you." With those words, a portal appeared under the three detectives, and before they could do anything, they fell into it! The last thing that they saw, was Speaker, with wings as red as blood sprouting from his back. If they had looked closer, they would have seen tears falling down his face. They may have thought that the tears were for them, but they would have been wrong. The tears were for Hari, who now slept alone and broken deep inside his garden. He was safe and warm and protected by the entire garden. The tears were for the pain he had faced at the hands of mortals, and of the sorrow he had been forced to know.

But they did not see the tears, so they did not know at all.


After the events of Hari's disappearance, the school had been in chaos. The Potters were alive, and Hari was not the boy-who-lived! Though everyone was concerned and confused, two people were livid with their anger. Those people were Severus Snape, and Draco Malfoy. The two had liked Hari, and they had seen how the news had broken him!

After Hari's disappearance, the Potters had tried to find him, but no one in Slytherin would speak to them. They had hurt their own son, just to protect another! They had betrayed a person who they all considered one of the kindest people around. The Potters could all rot!

But that was not how the Potters saw it. No, they thought that Hari should be happy to finally meet them after they had left him alone! And they expected Severus and Draco to help them find him! Like hell they would help the filthy traitors! In fact, Severus had called them all self-righteous bastards when he had been called up to the Headmaster's office. After that, he left the room with the ever-present flare of his robes. He had never been so disgusted in his life. He didn't think even the dark lord would give up a child to a life in what could only be called hell on earth.

Since they did not know where Hari was, and only had one person could tell where he was besides Snape; they decided that they would get their answers from Draco.

As a Malfoy, Draco knew two things for sure. One, Malfoys always got what they wanted no matter what others thought; and two, a Malfoy never betrays a friend, no matter what that friend does. These things had been put into his head from a young age. So when he was taken in by the Aurors to the headmaster's office, he was already prepared.

He sat in a chair in the headmaster's office, with four Aurors inside, as well as the Potters and the Headmaster himself. Two Aurors were at the door, and two were on opposite sides of the wall in front of him. So if he got violent, they'd be able to take him down quickly.

''Mr. Malfoy, I am sure you have questions about why you are here.'' Dumbledore started with the same grandfather tone on his voice. Of course, Draco had been warned by his godfather and his father not to believe what the old man said.

''Actually, I know why you have me here. And I want to tell you that I don't know where Hari is.'' He said easily. He was not lying, he really didn't know where Hari was, though he knew that Hari alone could get there.

''Are you sure Mr. Malfoy? Do you really not know where he is?'' Dumbledore asked with a furrowed brow.

Draco refused to look him in the eyes. ''No, I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell the likes of you!'' he said, anger plain in his voice.

''What do you mean by that? Why won't you tell us where our son is?'' Lilly Potter asked him, outraged.

Draco looked at her and sneered. She was Hari's mother, but the only thing he had from her was the green of his eyes, and even then, Hari's eyes were more beautiful than hers. Seeing even the hint that she was Hari's mother made Draco want to hit her. Instead, he looked at her with all the contemp and hatred he could muster.

''First off, he is no longer your son if he ever was. After all, what kind of parents would give up one child to a life of hell if they had the choice.'' Draco looked back and saw his Godfather sneering at the Potters. '' Secondly, that boy no longer belongs to you, as you gave up all rights to him on the day that you abandoned him. And thirdly,'' his glare grew in strength. ''How dare you take one of my students without notifying me or his parents!'' his fury was enough to make the Potters step back a little.

''Now Severus, you must see reason, we need to find young Hari and explain…'' he was cut off by Severus.

''Don't say anything Dumbledore, that boy knows everything by now, and if I were you, I'd be afraid of what's about to come.'' He said, a satisfied smirk on his face.

Dumbledore frowned. ''What do you mean Severus, what's about to come?'' he asked, the twinkle gone from his eye.

Severus grinned, and it made the other adults very uncomfortable. ''Why don't you ask the Goblins or do some research. You might want to ask them about the Protector.'' He said, before looking at Draco. ''Come Draco, I believe you are through here, and your father will most definitely want to know about this.''

He turned, not looking back as Draco stood and followed him out. The Aurors tried to stop them, but one Snape glare made them quickly move away. The two Slytherins left the office without looking back once, leaving three adults who needed to go to Gringotts immediately.

They were in Severus' rooms, with Draco's parents having floo'd in. to say that they were angry at the Potters and Dumbledore for trying to interrogate their son was an understatement. They were just thankful that Severus had been there on time. They did not trust that old bastard to not use painful methods to persuade Draco to tell the truth.

''Draco, what did he want from you?'' Narcissa asked, holding her son's hand where she sat next to him on Severus' couch.

''He wanted to know where Hari had gone.'' He told them, looking at his feet.

''Draco,'' Severus started slowly. ''Do you know where Hari is?'' he asked the boy.

When he got no answer, he stood and walked toward Draco. He reached the boy and lifted his chin till he was looking him in the eye.

''Draco, do you know where Hari is?'' he asked again, his eyes gentle but earnest.

Draco swallowed, but looking at his godfather, he decided to tell the truth.

''When we were younger, Hari told me that he had a secret garden that only he could get to. It was his home, and he said that is was where his family was. He said that I could go there one day if I wanted.'' He reached into his robe and took out a small black jewel. ''This would take me there.'' He said, showing it to Severus.

Severus took the small jewel. It looked like a pearl, yet unlike a pearl, it seemed to suck in all the light around it, turning it into a part of its own darkness. As he continued to hold it, he could feel a cold fire against his fingers.

He hisses and let the jewel fall to the ground. And then he stared as the stone pulsed.

They all watched it as the stone rose to float before them and a voice came forth.

''In water I lead

A gate I make

A garden I create

A road is the way.''

A riddle, a riddle that was an obvious key to get to the garden, if they could figure it out.

(A/N) I did it. I made this short cuz I wanted to update it finally and making it long was taking too much time. This chap is unbeta'd so go easy on me! I will give the next chap when i can! I hope I don't have to move to another site!