Chapter 1
We find Sonic the Hedgehog strolling around the school. HE was of course bored out of his mind. HE saw some of his friends, including Tails and Knuckles, with their girlfriends like Cream and Tikal. He leaned against the wall watching them while standing next to a dark corner. He watched them for a while. He didn't go over there because Sally (his sorta ex-girlfriend) was there. She was never really his girlfriend.
She just acted like she was. She would go to the movies with him, and spent time with him when no one else would. He appreciated it at first, but then when Sally introduced him to her friends as her boyfriend, he decided to set her straight. Now Sally acts like his stalked.
But when everyone else found out that Sonic and Sally were never together well they ate it up expect for two other students.
Shadow the Hedgehog was one of those students. He was sitting in a dark corner. He sees a blue hedgehog, but didn't know who he was so didn't bother to say anything. He did not care about things like couples breaking up or making up.
Shadow was a lone wolf or lone hedgehog or whatever. He just didn't get along with people. Most girls considered him emo, but they thought it was attractive how he would stare off into space and would be so mysterious most of the time.
There was one girl that was brave enough to talk to Shadow, but he found her very annoying. It was Rouge the Bat. He hated her with all his heart because she would always follow him around.
She wanted to talk all the time and always asked him how he was doing when she got the same answer every time. Horrible.
Silver was the other student who didn't care about break ups, but he had an annoying stalker like Sonic and Shadow. Her name was Blaze the Cat.
Well Silver really didn't consider annoying since they use to be friends, but she always wanted to hang out when Silver had to study.
So he told her straight up that he did not want to date her. That's when she started to follow him everywhere. Silver was getting his books from his locker when he saw a blue hedgehog standing next to a red and black hedgehog who was sitting on the ground. They sorta looked alike, but it was obvious that they didn't know each other. Silver has never met them, but they looked like they were deep in thought so he didn't say anything.
That's when it happened. A light giggle was formed from down the hall. All three hedgehogs' ears perked at the sound and they almost broke their necks looking for the source.
What they saw had their eyes wide and jaws dropped. They saw a light pink hedgehog. She had nice curves and a slim body. Her quills went a little past her shoulders. They could barely see her eyes, but they looked jade green.
The male hedgehogs were stunned. They have never seen a girl like this.
"Whoa" was all they could say.
Then they looked at each other confused.
"Um well isn't this awkward." Silver said.
The pink girl noticed the three. She stared at them for a while. She told her friends she had to go and walked over to Sonic and the guys. She had a feeling that if she became friends with them they could understand her…. gift. She didn't know why she thought that, but it didn't stop her from going up to the three. She just had to remember to act like a stupid preppy flirty girl or people would hate her.
She shook the thought from her head and started to talk to the three hedgehogs.
"Hi, my name is Amy Rose. Oh sorry if that was random. You three just looked really interesting. Are you three friends I hope so that way we can all be friends. Wouldn't that be fun? To just hang out together. Oh wow I sound like a total freak right now don't I? Wait don't answer—"She was cut off because Shadow stood up and covered her mouth.
"You talk too much, Rose. I'm Shadow." He smiled at her.
Amy noticed that his eyes were blood red. She was startled at first, but calmed down to see those eyes filled with sadness even with that smile. He looked like he needed a hug, and that was the real Amy thinking not the stupid flirty Amy.
Sonic saw how close Shadow was to Amy (about two inches apart) and got really angry so he pushed Shadow.
"Hey, you just met the girl and you already talking to her like you're best friends."
Amy was a little surprised by the blue hedgehog's actions. HE too had just met her and was already acting like he needed to protect her that caused her to smile.
Silver then took Amy's hand and kissed it.
"Hello, Miss Amy. My name is Silver. Sorry about the violent scene." Amy smiled at Silver's gentle behavior around her she appreciated it.
Sonic and Shadow glared at Silver. Sonic suddenly got an idea then he grinned.
He used his supersonic speed to run to Amy and picked her up bridal style running away from the other two.
"Hey there Amy. The names Sonic." He smiled at her. Amy just stared into Sonic's emerald green eyes. They were nothing like Shadow's. His were filled with joy and happiness and cockiness and lusted for adventure. She has never seen such eyes filled with so much passion and excitement for life. She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around his neck so she wouldn't fall while he ran.
Soon enough Shadow appeared next to them going at the same speed. Sonic glared at him then picked up the pace telling Amy to hold on first.
Shadow then started to speed up as well. They were both racing neck to neck not sure where they were going. While Amy was in Sonic's arms she wondered where Silver was.
He was in class. Although he wanted to go after the hedgehog who took Amy. He didn't want to skip so he sat there watching the clock.
"So faker why are you trying so hard?" Sonic asked Shadow.
"Why are you calling me a Faker?"
"HA, I don't know. I think you look like me. Even though I look a whole lot better."
Amy decided it was time for her to keep her cover going by saying something stupid.
"He's right Shadow. You two do look alike. Hey that makes you both cute. Oh I do talk too much." Amy said then hid her face in Sonic's jacket to make it look like she was blushing.
"Excuse me." The three hedgehogs looked up to see Silver floating next to them going sonic speed.
Both Shadow and Sonic stopped to stare at the gray hedgehog.
"Whoa dude how are you doing that?" Sonic asked setting Amy down.
"I'm Telekinetic." This caused Amy to fill with joy.
She took this time to look deep in Silvers eyes. She was surprised by what she saw…nothing. Now this wasn't the first time has seen someone with empty eyes, but it was very rare. It mostly meant that the person has not yet found their meaning in life. This made Amy want to cry, but she looked at the time and saw that her mother would be here for her soon.
"You guys are awesome we should hang out some more. Since tomorrow is Saturday we should hang out some time then. You guys just call me when you get the chance." She giggled and gave them each her number than ran off waving.
The three looked at each other than Silver broke the silence.
"So what do we do about this?"
"Well it doesn't seem like Rose has a boyfriend so we just see where all this leads too."
They all agreed with that then went their separate ways.