Angel walked down the stairs with Cordelia, hand on the small of her back. She noted his immediate possessiveness, but she didn't mind it. As they broke away and went about what had to be done, nothing had to be said about what happened upstairs. Their friends could tell just be the way they stood, the way their shoulders or hands would casually brush against one another's when they passes each other. Or maybe it was the huge smiles on their faces, or the way Cordelia would blush when Angel stared at her for a second too long.

Maybe it was all of the above. But in either case, nothing had to be said. Everyone knew. Including Buffy, who sent Angel hurt and betrayed stares, Cordelia recieving angry and jealous ones, all day Friday and all day Saturday, through out the entire wedding.

Saturday Night nearly came to an end as the AI's and Scoobies waved Conner and Ysabelle off. Cordelia went to Angel's side and held his hand tightly. Time passed as he watched the limo disappear into the darkness. Everyone left him and Cordelia outside, sensing Angel's need for some alone time.

"If he needs to be alone, why is she out there?" Buffy snipped.

"Because she's Cordelia." It was as simple as that. Buffy huffed and went with Willow and Xander.

Outside, Cordelia gave Angel's hand a squeeze. He looked down at her questioningly.

"Just making sure you're still awake." He nodded and stared back into space. She stood there with him in silence, such deep silence that when he spoke it made her jump. "He's gonna be okay, right?"

"Yeah. He's going to be fine Angel. And it's not like you're never going to see him again. He's still your son. Plus, he's got no where else to live. That kid couldn't hold a job." Angel nodded in agreement.

"He's gonna be okay."

"And us? Are we gonna be okay?" She asked him. They hadn't really talked about what had happened, or where to take it from where they now were. It was completely unknown, she didn't think he knew either. The thought of giving herself up to fate excited her, but petrified her at the same time. She needed to know Angel was on board with her. He turned to face her and gave her a soft, loving smile, causing her doubts and insecurities to melt away.

"Us? We're gonna be better than okay, Cordelia. We're in love."