Chapter 3
(Camp Jupiter Percy is 14, location camp training fields)
Lash, duck, block, reverse, stab: the only thoughts going through my mind as I fought. How would I defeat my enemy quickly? What strategies would work the best to take out my foe? Every warrior was taught to think like that. It kept us alive.
Through the years, I had become one of the best fighters in camp, earning respect from many of those who doubted me eight years ago. Now, no one dares call me a weak Greek, unfit to train with Romans. All those brave enough to fight me lose – naturally, not a lot of people fight me anymore. They fear dishonor, fear losing like so many before them.
The other campers' fear was part of the reason I was training alone. The rest was due to the fact everyone had finished their training earlier, moving on to other duties. I'd been there for six hours, and it wasn't even noon yet.
My mom doesn't visit me as much as she used to, which, in a way, I was grateful for. I didn't want a rumor going around that the lone Greek needed his mommy to survive.
Despite how it might seem, I wasn't spiteful. I cared for everyone at camp and I would die for them if need be.
Camp is the only home I'd ever known, the only place that's safe for me. In truth, there were a good number of people at camp that liked me. Few dislike me, and fewer loathe me. Octavian, descendent of Apollo, our augur is one of the few that hated me with a passion. I swear the guy would impale me if he got the chance to. As a matter of fact he's tried it before, during one of our war games. Of course, no one saw him do that.
It's really unnerving how much of a pain he can be. He doesn't look like much at first glance. He's tall and skinny, with straw-colored hair. He's always in oversized jeans with and a really baggy T-shirt. He wears a drooping toga and carries around a small imperial gold dagger and some poor stuffed animal all the time. Jason and I took to calling him "The Scarecrow," when we were eight.
This past year, I went on a quest and found the missing Sibylline books. Now we have prophecies, and we don't need Octavian to read the gods' will to us in some stuffed teddy's guts as much. It angered him. It lessened his influence.
"Hey, Perce," came a shout from behind me.
I turned around and threw up my arm, just in time to block Jason's sword as it came toward my head.
"Ha, nice try, Sparky," I said with a smile, he hates it when I call him that. "I beat you again, Ace."
"That's what you think, Perce, but this time, I got a secret weapon," he grinned as he brought his sword around for a side swipe.
I quickly pulled a revise, bringing my leg under his feet and sending him backwards so he landed with a thud. "Well, what's that - finally learn how to lose without a fuss?"
"No," he said, grinning evilly. "This time, I brought back up."
As soon as he said that, I was tackled from behind and brought to the ground. It didn't work very well – I landed on Jason, and everyone else ended up in a tangled mess.
I looked around me to see our friends sprawled out on the ground. Dakota, son of Bacchus, was nearest to me. He was kind of beefy, with black hair and uneven, bloodshot eyes.
Hazel, a daughter of Pluto, was behind him. She had managed to straighten up, her tanned skin flushed, and her curly dark hair askew. Her violet eyes were bright with excitement. She's one of the nicest people you will ever meet at camp and will stick up for anybody who she considers a friend. But I warn you she has a temper that could put monsters to shame.
Reyna was next to Hazel. She was a daughter of Bellona who had come to camp three years ago. Jason's been crushing on her since the day she came. She was a good friend, but she gives the saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn" a whole new meaning. Make her mad? It's not pretty.
Frank had stood up by now. He was big and tall, like most sons of Mars. People are hard on him a lot though, seeing as he prefers a bow to 'manly Roman weapons'. His shots were deadly accurate, though – that and his 'special gift' help make him a great warrior.
I looked at the scene. They had managed to mostly straighten up, but Reyna and Hazel's legs were still tangled, and Reyna was still stuck on top of Dakota. I couldn't help but burst out laughing. The others joined me. "This….this was yo...your plan to get everyone…. piled up on the ground covered…. in dirt."
"We….well, it… worked out… be…better in my head, Perce."
Finally I calmed down enough to talk after a minute. "Well some Roman warriors you guys are. Where's the honor attacking a man from behind like that?"
"Hey, none of that was our fault. It was all Jason's idea to ambush you, not ours," Hazel protested.
"Plus, how else are we supposed to get you away from the training field without force?" asked Dakota. "You're always here and never with us so we improvised."
"And if we didn't come get you, you would be late for the war game that starts in," Reyna began as she looked at her watch, "about fifteen minutes so I suggest we go get ready. We can finish this on the battlefield."
We all looked at each other and smiled evilly. As one, we stood up and raced to our bunkers to get ready for another fun game.
"It is time, sisters. If Olympus is to survive we must move the boy soon," spoke a voice in the shadows.
"Yes, he has earned the loyalty of the Romans and now he must earn that of the Greeks," said another, voice raspy.
"We are taking a gamble. If the Olympians and all their children to not unite under the boy's leadership, we are doomed to face the vengeance of the giants and the Titans."
Well that's all for this chapter I know it was short but next one will be longer promise. And due to a tie in the choices over how Percy meets the Greeks I am going to combined them in to one story line. And now for an announcement I would like to thank artyfan for being my beta in this story hopeful with my awesome betas help we came get somewhere. As always please review. TTYL.