Brittany's secret weapon

Brittany walked down the school hallways to Glee club. She hummed some song she'd seen in a cartoon and thought about how sweet Artie's lips were last night. She saw the door before her, and as she was reaching for the handle she heard the slam of lockers. Letting her curiosity ensnare her, Brittany went down the hall and turned the corner to see Azimo picking on a younger student.

"Give me your lunch money and I might not break your face", Azimo yelled, which made the younger student tremble.

"Leave him alone", Brittany ordered. Azimo turned and chuckled

"What are you going to do about it, Gleek?"

Brittany gave a coy smile and sat abruptly on the floor much to Azimo's confusion. She clutched her ankle then miraculously started sobbing loudly.

"What the hell is your problem crazy?" Azimo asked in panic. Immediately footsteps were heard running up the hallway and Santanna turned the corner.

"Brittany, what happened?" Santanna asked as she bent down to console her best friend.

In a fit of sobs (which looked extremely realistic), Brittany blubbered, "Azimo pushed me…me down!"

Slowly, Santanna turned to look at Azimo. Her eyes were filled with rage. She slowly got up and slowly walked over to Azimo, who knew he might as well have an open grave ready for him.

"Now take it easy, Lopez. No need to go Lima heights on my ass." Brittany had stopped crying but gave a devilish grin: one worthy of the Grinch. She turned too look at the younger kid and told him to sit next to her. He did just that and Brittany then proceeded to put her arm around him.

Enjoy the show" she said. As they both watched Brittany's secret weapon release the ass kicking of a life time, they both winced at the graphic images.

"I've never seen some one's ear twist that way", they younger kid gawked.

The end