Disclaimer: I don't own Victorious, the hundred or so random characters that seem to pop up, nor "Two Weeks" by All That Remains. Sorry for the small hiatus, I had no real excuse for my procrastination. My PS3 did die on me so in theory I should have more time for writing, we'll see how that goes. Now enjoy your reading!
And I can see the fear in your eyes,
I've seen it materialize, growing stronger each day.
Nomak stumbled feebly from the headless corpse of the night watchman in the port in Los Angeles. The security guard had surprised him and next thing he knew, his leechers and fangs were clawing at the poor guy's neck. Nomak had to remove the head as soon as he had got his full because of how quickly an individual could turn into a fucking reaper. Hell, he even had a hard time killing the newborn fuckers. He had gone months without feeding to stop from turning others into a mindless disgrace of the vampiric race. He would not let his moment of weakness lead to a horrific pandemic. Taking the damn train from New York City a week ago when he arrived in America had been Hell. The sights and sounds of the United States suffocating him on his travels aroused the ever-growing hunger plaguing him. He could feel the suppressed darkness in him gradually growing, twisting, corrupting his mind which would result in an unstoppable and extremely hungry killing machine leading to the extinction of all life on Earth. ~No, get a hold of yourself Jared, can't...can't let this...fucking sickness spread. I got to...got to find Sarah.~ Nomak thought weakly as tremors assaulted his frail body as he continued his journey on foot.
I could see it as you turned to stone still clearly I can hear you say.
Don't leave don't give up on me, two weeks you ran away.
Elders Markus and Amelia stared at the setting sun out of the port side of the private jet as it transversed the Atlantic Ocean.
"To think our food as come so far that we are allowed to see the sun rays again and this marvelous machine that can connect ones to the whole world." Amelia murmured as Nyssa stood behind them.
"Are you alright with what will happen?" Markus inquired as he turned to Nyssa Damaskinos.
You couldn't see that it was not that way...
"I have spoken to him many times about his transgressions and he has remain steadfast. For what he has done to my brother and countless others can not be forgiven. I have washed my hands of him long ago." Nyssa explained heatedly.
I wanted nothing but for that trust again and brick by brick you would take it.
You feared of phantoms and none exist but you still saw fit to destroy it.
"Good, now tell us more about this little girl playing at queen." Amelia verbalized as Selene came over and served their rose-dyed beverages.
Vampire Elder Damaskinos and his representative Deacon Frost welcomed Elder Heggeman and his representative James Bishop into their underground laboratory in Eastern Europe.
"Eli my friend, you should have slept like the rest of us." Heggeman delivered woefully as he took in the almost fossilized appearance of his doyen.
You feared of phantoms and none exist but you still saw fit to destroy it.
"What I do is much too important for me to sleep yet. Even though my daughter disagrees with me, I do this for her and the entire vampire nation." Damaskinos answered as the four men journeyed farther into the complex. Heggeman surveyed his surroundings trying to understand the technological advancements during his dormancy. Humans and vampires like all bowed their heads in their presence as the foursome trudged by. Several floors deeper, they came to rest in front of decorated casket wrapped in chains.
"So this is No Life King's prison. To think that one such as him could be snared. I would have like to have met the one named Van Hellsing." Heggeman enthused as he stroked the phrase engraved on the side of the coffin. Before anyone could comment, a loud boom rang throughout the compound followed by the spray of machine-gun fire.
"WHAT THE HELL?" Deacon complaint as the structure vibrated because of a series of explosions. The vampiric quadrumvirate rushed to the upper levels to escape the occurring assault.
I can see the fear in your eyes...
"Someone has betrayed us." Damaskinos shrieked as he stumbled after the youthful others. They stopped as a unit because standing in their way was a tall, lanky blond-haired bloke. Wearing a greyish cassock over a pure white priest uniform, he stood as the avenging angel of death. Clenched in his hands were knife-like bayonets, one resting on his right shoulder while the other tapped against his left leg.
And I can see the fear in your eyes, I've seen it materialize,
Growing stronger each day...I could see it as you turned to stone.
"As my associates exterminate the vermin up top, I get to play with you ghouls. For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Amen." The man recited before he flashed over to the quartet and his right-hand held blade nearly separating Bishop's head from his shoulders before Heggeman kicked him away.
"Yes, make this worth my wild. Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." The man stated as he began attacking in earnest.
Don't leave don't...you ran away.
I could see it as you turned to stone,
Jade was frozen in complete shock as her recently thought of deceased redheaded friend stood on her tippy toes and licked the dried blood from her lip.
"You taste wonderful, it's so hard to not turn you right here and now." Cat raved as she walked over to her sire. She growled at Andre before delivering a light left kick to his chin (well light in the fact that his head is still attached to his neck) sending him bowling onto the already injured Beck. Moans and groans floated from the two soon-to-be-sorry heaps in the hall as Cat knelt down placing Tori's lifeless head in her lap positioning a few strands of hair to cover the scarred half of her face.
Don't leave don't give up on me...
"Come on Tori, please wake up." Cat cried miserably as no response came from her mother. Cat stiffen suddenly as Jade wrapped her in a hug; her thirst screaming at her to take her gorgeous friend right there.
"How are you still around?, you were cremated. I saw your urn yesterday." Jade wailed desperately.
"Well..." Cat began telling her story of rebirth.
There is a house with its door left slightly opened and on that door was an X. The sound of a child's cry is radiating from inside. Hearing it, Louis ventured inside. He found a little girl tugging at a figure stumped over in a rocking chair.
Don't leave don't give up on me,
"Mama...Mama." The child wept. Louis stepped a little closer causing the girl to turn around. She's like a little angel as she stretched her hand toward him. She ran over seeking comfort and he without a second thought gathered her tiny form into his arms.
Don't leave don't give up on me.
"Please help us. Papa left us and didn't come back. Please wake mama, monsieur." She snuggled against him feeling secure in his arms. She pulled at his hair bringing his head down towards her. Louis shivered as the neglect hunger conquered him. His mouth went to her neck and his fangs betray him. The doll in his grasp whimpered a little bit. Her breathing becomes calm...
I remember don't lie to me, you couldn't see that it was not that way.
"Cat, CAT!, that happen in the movie Interview with a Vampire. You know when Louis turned Claudia." Jade interrupted hastily.
"Oh sorry about that, I still get a little ditzy when I'm hungry and horny. OK, this is what really happen..."
Two weeks and you ran away,
Tori watched stealth-fully as the Valley Funeral Home was emptied out after Cat's wait. She planned to swipe out Cat's body before her first childe was cremated with the bag of kittens she held in her right hand. Tori knew that her kitten would appropriate the irony of the Valentine family receiving an urn full of actual cat ashes and not knowing the difference. The demon of the night slipped in silently as the mass of mourners poured through the front doors bypassing all who may recognize her. Swiftly, the vampiric heiress searched the funeral home looking for the room that housed the cremator. Finding the crematorium vacant, Tori hid in the shadows waiting for the employees to bring down Cat's body. An hour later, she heard the telltale sides of footsteps matching and squeaking wheels rolling her way. As soon as her new-to-be childe's carcass was brought in, she stepped up to the attendant and hypnotized him.
"You've placed the body to be burn and now you can leave." Tori commanded as blank eyes gazed at her. Once she was finally alone with the slowly transforming shell, Tori walked over to stroke the redhead's cold cheek before picking her up bridal-style. After switching in the sack of dead kittens, Tori activated the furnace and push the container in. This way no one would suspect that Cat was still aliv...well that her body was still in one piece anyway.
"Let's bounce baby girl!" Tori muttered to her silent package before sneaking out as silently as she came in.
Growing stronger each day.
A scream vibrated throughout the quiet night as a new predator was born. It moved its body from the bed it was resting on to survey its surroundings. Not caring how lavish its location seem as its mind had been twisted into something unnatural, something so deviously primal. Only a unrelenting need, no...no, its was more like an uncontrollable thirst clawing from within. A foul odor migrated to her forcing her to turn towards the door as it opened. The fiend watched a gorgeous teenage brunette entered dragging an unconscious boy by the left pants leg. The creature grew happy at the sight of the girl as it recognized its mother and it started purring as the girl strolled over relinquishing the hold on the boy to hug her new childe.
"How's my little kitten?" Tori asked as she waved her hands through tangled red curls. Releasing the resurrected girl, Tori reached down and shook the dopey ventriloquist.
"Wake up you little pansy. See told ya, you would get to see Cat real soon." Tori stated as she picked the frighten boy up and shoved him onto the bed.
"Cat dinner, dinner Cat, now eat up so that you can grow big and strong." Tori joked as her baby vamped out at the promise of food. The demonic Cat reached over and pulled the struggling body towards her protruded fangs. Words like "No", "Stop", and "Please Don't" floated to her ears but the only thing she was listening to was the fanatic beat of his pulse as her instinct screamed at her to tear his throat out and bathe in the blood that was sure to flow.
And I can see the fear in your eyes,
"I LOVE YOU PLEASE STOP!" Robbie bawled wretchedly as the love of his life tried to literally eat his heart out. An offense odor assaulted her nostrils halting her quest for a healthy drink.
"Yea I know, loser pee kind of reeks. Trust me, you won't get used to it." Tori voiced heatedly as she held her nose. Completely fed up with her combative meal, the demon wearing Cat's face, growled and punched her wimpy victim knocking him for a loop. As his head fell to the side, fangs descended to the throbbing vein begging to be drained. Liquid life doused the walls as the newly risen vampire had her first slovenly feeding. Tori smiled happily as the glow in Robbie's eyes dimmed and cognitive thinking sort of return to Cat.
You still saw fit to destroy it.
"I can't believe you killed me like that you bitch. There were nicer ways to turn me. I thought for a second that you didn't like me." The now-full redhead snapped. Tori walked over and hugged her pouting childe.
"I'm sorry, I got a little overzealous and I will make it up to you. Now let's go meet the rest of the family." Tori declared excitingly.
Still clearly I can hear you say, don't leave don't give up on me,
….Swear I never gave up on you.
And I can see the fear in your eyes...I could see it as you turned to stone.
By the time Cat had finished her story, Beck and Andre picked themselves up and walked into the woman's restroom.
"How could you kill Robbie Cat?" Beck screamed as he held his dislocated right arm.
"Ssh quiet down, don't you know that there is a funeral going on right now. Besides he was a great A loser(of course Cat had to place her left index finger and thump in the shape of a L on her forehead) and the fucker had cardboard cut-outs of me naked, how did he get them, I don't even know." Cat answered with a scowl. Andre took a deep breathe then pulled a wooden stake from inside his suit jacket.
"I'm sorry Cat, but I can't let you live like this. When I slay you then I will finish off Tori." Just as he was going to take a step forward, the back of his jacket was grabbed halting his mission. A deep growl drifted from behind him, freezing everyone except Cat in their place.
And I can see the fear in your eyes,
I've seen it materialize, growing stronger each day.
"Ooh you guys are in so much trouble, meet Tori's bodyguard Leo. He takes his job very seriously. Leo don't kill them just yet." Cat proclaimed as the short, stocky bald-headed black man calmly snatch the stake from Andre, crushing it in his grasp and paced over to check on Tori. Seeing the mutilation decorating her face, rage struck him forcing his eyes to an icy blue; the next second his right fist was having a very unpleasant meeting was Beck's jaw dropping the pretty boy to the floor. He leaned backward to dodge away from Andre's right haymaker then gave a right knife-hand shot to the off-balanced boy's left kidney. Excruciating pain flared up on Andre's left side causing him to crash into a sink knocking him for a loop.
"You are a hundred years too young to challenge me kid. Also, tell Michael and his Night-Slacker buddies that their day of reckoning is coming." Leo barked as he scooped up Tori in his arms. ~Fuck, that's twice that you have been hurt on my watch.~ Leo thought tragically as he trod out into the hall.
"Well, later guys, he's my ride." Cat announced before her lips were glued to Jade's. After she broke off the smooch, she made sure to kick both boys on her way out the door.
And still you feel like the loneliness is better replaced by this.
He tried to block out the faint pleading disturbing his peaceful slumber.
"It hurts...please make it stop."
"Go away." He expressed sleepily.
"Make the pain go away...please it hurts so much." The voice replied firmly.
"Who are you, what's hurting you?" He inquired disoriently.
"My name is Tori. Please just make it stop, it hurts, help me!" A young female voice cried weakly. The eternal darkness surrounding him slowly dispersed as she called out to him.
"Fine, fine, I will help you, my master. I've been asleep for far too long anyway." He spoke as his cherry-tinted eyes open. The chains that held him captive exploded off and forced the lid on his sarcophagus to soar into the air. White gloved hands gripped the sides of the polished coffin and pushed the numbed body upward. The smell of blood and the sounds of struggle wafted to him and the long suppressed thirst roared through his leather-clothed body. The No Life King grinned devilishly as he strolled to the awaiting battlefield.
And you neglected I called you out don't please,
I said we're stronger than this now,
You resurrected mistakes, years past it seemed and they exist to still haunt you.