So here it is Big brother the beginning of my first Vocaloid story, I not sure how long this ones going to run for we will just have to wait and see. I did write this at like twelve till one in the morning, so sorry for any errors.
Warnings: None really in this chapter but I will warn you that this is not a clean story. There will be sex scenes and there will be Incest so you have been warned. None of the character in this story are underaged though so no worries there. In this first chapter there are only hints towards naughty things so no need to worry at the moment. I will be saying in this area in the chapters if there are any scenes of an adult nature so don't worry.
I hope you enjoy this story and its up and coming chapters as much as I wil writing them. So without further adure let us begin :)
Terms: Nii-san means older brother or big brother (I like to think of it as big bro instead)
Any more terms I use, I will put up here for you so you don't get confused.
Big Brother
It was a normal day at the vocaloids house; Miku was practicing a new song she had been writing for the past couple of days. Kaito was sitting on the sofa eating ice cream watching his favourite show, whilst Meiko was in the kitchen trying hard to stay on her chair; as she downed a bottle of whiskey. Neru had been quietly sitting outside at the garden table, carefully placing cards on top of each other making a stack. To her it was a way to relax and keep calm as she had fell victim to Len's pranks as of late; she had come so close to hitting him on many occasions, Kaito asked if she wanted to receive anger management. Not his best move as he found out shortly after, having to keep a bandage over his broken nose for a couple of weeks.
Neru sat at the table as a cool crisp breeze blew her hair across her face; she coughed as it went into her mouth like a cat spitting out a fur ball. She pulled her hair away from her face and breathed in deeply before breathing out with a sigh. Staring at the now colossal mountain of cards stacked on top of each other. She smiled and slouched into the chair, placing her hands behind her head. In the background she heard the back gate slam open and then 'whoosh' Rin and Len ran straight past her cheering and shouting. The twins had made Neru jump making her fall back on the chair; she looked up at the sky wide eyed. Slowly getting up off of the hard ground she was met with a horrific site. For as the twins had run past Neru making her jump; she had kicked the table over sending her precious card tower all over the grass. Neru began to go red in the face; she clenched her firsts as her eyes and eyebrows started to shake violently.
Inside the house Kaito was happily smiling while eating his ice cream and watching his show. Suddenly Rin and Len ran through the house screaming at the top of their lungs; making Kaito throw his ice cream all over himself and Meiko fall off of her chair. The twins continued to run through the house past Miku's room still screaming; screwing up her song that she was half way through recording. They then continued their screaming marathon through the house until they ended back up in the living room/kitchen. They were met by Neru, Kaito and Meiko with very angry faces shortly followed by Miku who had thudded down the stairs with the same angry expression.
The twins realised what their outburst had caused and just smiled awkwardly. Meiko walked up to them and grabbed both of them by the collars of their shirts.
"Okay you two what the hell was that all about" she said before throwing them to the floor. The two landed on their backsides with a thud.
"Oww, what was that for?" Len said now rubbing his backside; which was sore from the hardwood where he had landed.
"Yeah we were only celebrating" Rin said with a annoyed look on her face, her backside fine as she had landed on the mat of carpet under the table.
"And what is it that you were celebrating that made you want to scream around the place like headless chickens?" Kaito said as he began to run his finger through the ice cream on his shirt shortly before licking it.
"Well since you asked, Big Bro is coming back to live with us!" Rin said with big grin on her face.
At the sound of those words all was forgiven and everyone in the room began to get excited. The twin's big brother had lived in the house since he was born and then a year later his twin brother and sister were born. Throughout their life the Kagamine siblings had been extremely close never going anywhere without each other. Their big brother had started looking after them by himself at ten and kept to that until he was 15 when he left the house to travel around the world. The twins for months were very depressed without their brother; their house mates who too felt like a big chunk of their life had gone tried to keep the twins happy. But it never worked the three of them were so close that they couldn't bare him being away from them.
It got so bad that Meiko ended up calling their big brother from half way across the world; a rather expensive call for that matter. They talked to him and he managed to get them to realise that they would have to get used to it and if they ever felt sad because he wasn't there to comfort them, they would have to remember all of the good times they had. It worked but the twins were always seemed different after he had left, even after talking to their big bro.
The twins also had a big surprise in store for their brother; they hadn't told anyone in the house about their relationship, the two weren't just twins but lovers. They had felt this way about each other since fourteen and told each other how they felt around the same time. They were madly in love and never wanted to be away from each other for more than a couple of minutes. They hadn't told the rest of their housemates either because they knew they wouldn't understand. But the twins couldn't wait to tell their big brother who they in actual fact wanted to be with as well. They had grown so close to their older brother that they told him everything and nobody else. Something he would do also, they were only one year younger and so understood everything their brother would tell them.
If he was sad they would cheer him up and vice versa, the twins had realised they were in love with each other while their big bro was still living with them. But they weren't just in love with each other but with him as well. He had looked after them, comforted them, protected and done anything for them to make them happy. But before they could reveal to their older brother how they felt, he left to travel resulting in their depression. Without him they found life hard, of course they still had each other and so they could comfort one another in times of great sadness but without their big bro they were lost.
Now he was returning, the spark of life they once had had returned and they were filled with energy. Everyone in the house was so excited and couldn't believe that he was coming home. Of course he had a special place in everyone's heart in the house. He and Kaito were the best of friends and liked nothing more than to hang out and have a laugh. Meiko would enjoy talking to him about her day and how she felt; he could always bring a smile to her face. Neru had always found him to be a complete charmer and would always lose herself in his turquoise eyes; until he poked her in the forehead making them both laugh, they would always play games like tennis or basketball together Neru always losing but never bearing a grudge as his smile lifted her spirit. And Miku would blush every time he greeted her with a smile; she had always had a crush on him and never had the guts to tell. She would become nervous and shy which ended up with him doing all the talking as Miku nodded trying to hide her rosy red cheeks.
"We have to prepare the house, oh god it's such a mess, we need to hover and dust and Kaito! Get that ice cream out of the sofa!" Meiko demanded as her drunken state began to dissipate turning into a serious frame of mind.
Miku began to blush and started to mumble to herself worrying she had gotten ugly and that he wouldn't want to talk to her anymore. Neru just jumped in excitement and ran outside proceeding to put the basketball net back up onto the back of the house. The Twins just giggled to each other, finding it hard to contain their excitement, they ran up to their room and locked the door, they didn't want to be disturbed.
"Rin I can't wait Nii-san will be here tomorrow" Len said extremely excited to his big brother again.
"I know hehe, do you think he has changed?" Rin said sharing the same excitement.
"I don't know, maybe, we will just have to see" Len said know wondering what his big brother may look like now he is older.
"Are we going to tell him about… You know" Rin said hinting towards the fact that they were know lovers.
"Errr.. I want to but will he understand?" Slightly nervous about the question he was posed with.
"I..I…I don't know, but we were gonna tell him last time"
"Yeah and I really want him to be closer to us more than before like really close" he smiled to his sister as he spoke.
"Me too hehe, but I think we should wait a couple of days and maybe until then we can have some fun hehe" She said giggling.
They both knew what each other was thinking, they couldn't just tell their brother about their relationship until a couple of days went by and he was settled. But that didn't mean they couldn't get acquainted with their brother again in more way than one.
"We would have to be sneaky like ninjas!" Len said with a big grin.
"And we would have to wait until he is asleep, but then it will be fine after all big bro was always a heavy sleeper" Rin said with the same cheeky grin as her brother.
"Ok first we have to get big bro to sleep with us again, which means we're gonna have to break the guest bed" Len said pointing at the wall in the general direction of the guest bedroom.
"Hehe this is too much fun, I can't wait until Nii-san gets here" Rin smiled hugging Len before giving him a kiss on the lips.
So there you have it the first chapter of Big Brother, I really hope you enjoyed reading it. Reviews would be awesome from all you readers and any advice, tips ect will also be welcomed after all, I am here to learn as well as have fun uploading stories for all you awesome people out there to read :) Thanks again.