

Blinding white, empty white.

Covered in it... painted in it. Like someone decided that they would dump a gallon of white ink on this nearly silent, mostly monotone boy.
Near, the anti-thesis of Mello, probably made him hate white. Before meeting him Mello had already avoided the color, but when it was announced that he had the only perfect score on one of our tests, the enraged and completely jealous blonde glared at that child. All dressed in snow white, and I suddenly wanted to turn that white into blood red.

Afterwords, Near didn't make a big deal about getting the best score out of everyone. Even though fellow students congratulated him, the snow-white boy seemed disconnected; his eyes locked on his desk in front of him, onyx eyes void of any emotion at all.

That little bastard only scored above me by one point again.

Mello thought, suddenly incredibly sour, glaring at the boy from the other corner of the room. He clutched his test in his hands, his black fingernails tearing through the thin paper. Mello clung to the thin sheet, now crinkling audibly within his frustrated grip. Mello's face contorted, twisting in hatred for the boy who was always surpassing him, even if it was just by a single point.
Mello watched the other children jumping out of their seats, all pushing eagerly to escape the tense atmosphere of the classroom, and out into the sunlit yard. Moments later the classroom was void of any other students, empty, leaving the two rivals alone. Mello continued to glare at the boy, until Near suddenly looked up, his ebony orbs finally meeting Mello's.

"Is there something you need, Mello?" Near inquired, monotone. He was still, not making a move to get out of his seat. Twirling one of his pale locks around his index finger, watching the chocoholic. His expression showed a slight curiosity for the boy who was dressed in all black, who also happened to be currently fuming.
Mello suddenly tore the paper, shredding it into pieces before he allowed the pieces to slip from his fingers , they landed softly onto the floor. Mello waited, watching the last shred of paper hit the ground he approached the younger boy, his gaze never leaving him.
Mello slammed his hands on the smaller boys desk, hissing now. Near flinched slightly, leaning back in his seat as Mello continued this intimidation.

"You know what Near? There is something wrong." He verbalized, extremely agitated. Mello's hands lashed out, gripping Near's pure white collar. A slight look of surprise passed over his face, but the emotion quickly faded before Mello would have had a chance to decipher it.

A sadistic smile took possession of Mello's expression, leaning forward to whisper softly in the pale boy's ear.

"You think you're so much better than everyone, ignoring everyone's compliments, dismissing them all." He scoffed, smirking now. "But you don't know how much they hate you " He pulled away, gripping the boy's pale, slim wrist. Yanking the smaller boy out of his seat abruptly, kicking Near's seat, slamming it into the desk parallel to it.
Mello was suddenly spinning on his heel, swinging and slamming the pale boy into a row of desks, releasing his grip. There was a deafening crash as Near toppled over them, unable to protect himself, crumpling to the floor.
Near was silent, raising his alabaster gaze to the blonde boy towering over him. His cold gaze still holding no emotion.

Still nothing?

Mello hissed, outraged that the boy's expression never seemed to change. Who the fuck does this pale freak think he is!

"Your incredibly unpredictable." Mello suddenly froze, it was a rarity to hear the boy speak while he was being bullied. Especially when it seemed to be by his choice, Near had always avoided drawing attention to himself, so he stayed silent most of the time. However, that silence seemed to be getting him a lot of unwanted attention from the threatening blonde.
"You deliberately pick on me, knowing that I'm weaker than you. Therefore, there would be no chance of me ever winning against you because unfortunately, I am so weak." Near took advantage of the Mello's silence and surprise, pulling himself to his feet now.
"But I think that makes you very weak, even more so than I. Picking the most defenseless person to prey on. It shows me that you're afraid that you couldn't win a fight with someone of equal strength and skill, I'm beginning to wonder who the real weak one here is." He twirled an ivory strand of hair around his index finger, feeling a speck of triumph when the slightest shade of pink penetrated Mello's cheeks.

Mello growled, pulling his fist back, urges to crush the boy flowing throughout his veins.

Near cringed, shutting his eyes tightly and wrapping his arms around his small form, protecting himself.

Mello stopped, smirking to himself as he watched Near curl up into himself. Defenseless, like a dear caught in headlights. Mello reached out, gripping one of Near's wrists and pulling him forward, more gently this time.

"You think you've surpassed me in everything, don't you?" He asked, almost to himself, watching the pale boy before him like he was a meal.
Near looked away to answer. "Well, it is true that I do have better scores than you do, so I suppose that's true. Though it is highly unlikely that I surpass you in everything..." he trailed off, glancing back down.

The words infuriated Mello, who was suddenly able to keep the urge to crack the boy's skull in check. His heart was pounding, an adrenaline rush pulsing through his veins. He wallowed in it, letting it pulse through him without acting on it. Not yet. The blonde boy was oddly calm, this frightened Near, who was now suddenly trying to scramble away from this unfamiliar, deadly calm Mello.

What is he going to do now?

Near's thoughts were slightly frantic as he tried his best to wiggle Mello's iron grip. He had never seen Mello so calm, Near could have almost believed that it was a twin of Mello's, one with a drastically different personality. But he was brought back to painful reality as he watched a grin spread across the blonde's face. Cruel and sadistic, yet frighteningly beautiful. Near forced himself to calm down, blocking out any emotion that could propel Mello forward.

Near's stoic mask only enraged the blonde further, but Mello still gave no violent response. However, the blonde leaned forward, one of his arms curling around the monotone boy's waist. He reached out with his other hand, capturing Near's other hand, twining his fingers with his. The chocoholic leaned forward again, as if he had a dear secret to whisper in the smaller orphan's ear.

But he didn't, no. Instead he brushed his lips across Near's pale earlobe, biting it gently. The contact made the pale boy shiver slightly, and the small response thrilled Mello.
So he also has nerves that feel things other than pain... Mello decided to egg the boy on, intrigued, how far could I possibly take this?
"Well your not, I'm much, much more experienced things you couldn't even dream of. Things I doubt you even care to give a thought about. I surpass you in that. You may get best score by one point, or three points or whatever the hell you get above me…"

He paused before resuming "But I've got more passion than you could ever fathom of having." he tightened his arms around the trembling boy, crushing him against his chest, forcing the air out of him. Near coughed, struggling to retrieve the air that Mello had stolen from him. The snow white boy was suddenly confused, and Mello grinned as it hinted through his eyes, his almost constantly blank, dark eyes were showing emotion. But they were showing emotion for something Mello did, which made him feel suddenly superior the younger boy.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly sure of what you mean. Do you think you could explain it any clearly?" Near suddenly inquired, a meek attempt to distract him from any harmful he might attempt at next.
Oh, The Great Near asking for clarification? Is that really so? Mello thought smugly, relishing now that he had the upper hand on the smaller boy. I've got you now, you albino freak.

Mello gripped the back of Near's head, clutching the snow white strands and pulling them, feeling several brake from the pressure. He forced Near's head up like this, until the shorter boy was forced to look up at him, straining his neck.

The blonde boy ducked, smashing his lips against Near's pale pink ones with new-found energy.

Near froze, staggering drunkenly as Mello continued this assault on his lips. He struggled, forcing his hands against the boy's chest, silently protesting. The taller boy made no move to stop, he either didn't' notice Near's struggling or simply didn't' care about it, Near instantly knew which of the two it was.
Near was beginning to lose what was left of his oxygen quickly, fighting weakly against the cage that Mello's arms created around him. Mello chuckled, low and soft, his arms curled comfortably around Near's slim waist.

He blushed internally, enjoying Near's small body against his. He felt a twinge of embarrassment as he realized that he was getting a small pleasure off of this. Just barely there, making him tighten the pit of his stomach. He wanted to push it further, now not just to see the boy squirm... but now he wanted to know how the boy would react to an actual touch. Part of this was for himself, though he would never admit that to himself, or Near for that matter.
Seconds later, Mello pulled away to breathe, allowing Near to suck in much needed oxygen as if it were the only thing that would save him. Near was shaking, trembling in Mello's grasp.

"You don't know how to act, do you?" Mello asked, pinning the boy against the nearest wall, sliding his thigh between his thin legs. "No one's ever touched you like this, you don't know how to comprehend it." He gloated, touching his chin softly before forcing him to look back up at him. He dipped his head again to slide his tongue up Near's cheek, dragging it from his jaw line to the top of his cheek bone. Licking in long, smooth strokes, almost as if he were licking an ice cream cone. Near was shivering, his breath coming in and out harsher, the sound filling the room. He had lost all of his composure, and felt like Mello was stealing something precious from him. He turned his head away, allowing his eyes to flutter closed.

"Stop it..." Near said meekly, his voice hushed as he shoved his hands against Mello's chest. The boy's cheeks were flaming, and he was suddenly glad that Mello had his attention elsewhere and couldn't see his sudden flush of frustration and embarrassment.

He could already imagine Mello's snide comments as he saw the blood flushing to his cheeks, and in lieu of the present situation, he decided that was the last thing he needed. Near was letting out quiet mewls of frustration, panting hard.
Mello laughed quietly, covering the whining boy's mouth with his hand.

"Do you know that if you press here..." Mello touched the hollow at the base of Near's throat "You can make someone feel like their choking?" He applied pressure, not to much, but just enough to force the pale boy to pant, now struggling for air. Seconds later he found that it was much easier to relax, breathing out of his nose. The sound was audible, like a child with asthma wheezing, in dire need of their inhaler. Near's breathing returned to regularity moments later, Mello noticed this, and in reply slid his thigh between the pale boy's. Inching his thigh up further, receiving a surprise look from Near.

Now brushing Near's most private area, he watched as the boy blushed further, eyes slightly watering as Mello slid his leg up all the way, and he slid down it. He raised his limb, pulling the underweight Near off his feet and forcing him to rely on him. Near was now riding Mello's thigh, like one of those games you play with your parents, and they're bumping you on their leg. This was just more perverse, much more sexual and the helpless boy didn't know how to handle it. Mello watched, fascinated as Near looked down, ashamed and refusing to meet his gaze.
I want to see how far I can take this...

Mello thought suddenly, devouring the boy with his eyes. Near burned, feeling that obscene, lust filled gaze set on him.
Mello removed his hand, allowing the boy air as Near sucked down mouthfuls of oxygen. Several seconds later, he silenced the boy with his lips, shoving his tongue through Near's lips forcibly. His free hands roaming up his chest, slipping under the soft material of his pajama-shirt, sliding slowing up his abdomen... Finally reaching their destination to tease the boy's sensitive nipples. Near groaned abruptly, hating himself for being so easily manipulated by Mello's experienced hands. The older boy was massaging them softly, manipulating him like a piece of soft clay, twisting the sensitive buds in his fingers. Near's body was heating up, responding beautifully to Mello's advances. His arms now clutching at the boy taking advantage of him, his nails digging into the soft skin of his neck.

"I told you. You don't surpass me in everything. Look at how easy it was for me to do this to you." One of his hands trailed down, teasing the edge of Near's white, drawstring pajama-pants. Near tensed, awaiting further assualt.
Mello felt the boy stiffen suddenly, and began pulling his hand away, now dipping his wet tongue into the cavity of the boy's ear. Near shuddered, the act sending shivers down his spine. Mello smirked, enjoying the effect that he was having on this monotone boy, he needed to teach this boy a lesson, and he certainly was.
He sucked on his earlobe gently, pulling another moan from the writhing boy before him.

"We'll wait for that for now, next time, I'll teach you something that will really make you lose you mind. This will seem like child's play compared to what I have for you next." He suddenly let go of the boy, watching him stumble, falling to his knees audibly.

"Be extra careful from now on, I'll catch you when you're not expecting it." He said, looking over his shoulder at the shivering boy. He exited, stalking out of the room without another word.

Holy shit, oh my Jeevas. I was informed that this chapter had the first part, then it ended abruptly, and it began again, TOTALLY repaeting what I had written and I didn't even notice it!
Anyways, its fixed now, so I hope that it is much easier to read.

And I'm soo sorry that this chapter is so short...

Anyways, I edited this and made a lot easier to