A/N: How this story works is each chapter (with the exception of the first 2) will be a different shenanigan. The first 2 are part of a writing assignment I had to do, where I wrote a story from 2 points of view.

Sengoku's POV

It had been a rough day for me and Garp. Ever since that grandson of his, Monkey D. Luffy, stormed the base of Marineford to try to prevent the execution of Portgas D. Ace, it had been non stop work for us. Cleaning up all the destruction, dispatching troops all over the world, all the paper work, and dealing with those damn World Government officials, it made my head hurt. Being the Fleet Admiral for the Marines was getting to be pretty demanding.

I needed to unwind and relax, so I extended an invitation for dinner to Garp. He was the Vice Admiral of the Marines, even though he'd been around forever. I was surprised when he turned down the offer to be Admiral years ago. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I guess he was my friend. We met in one of the more upscale restaurants near HQ. Following me, was my trusty pet goat. That was a perk of having such power, my goat could go with me wherever I pleased without any opposition. It helped that he was well behaved because no one really seemed to mind.

At the table, I decided to bring up the topic of Luffy. "We have to do something about your pirate grandson."

"Oh he's fine, Sengoku, you old crustacean." Garp never liked to discuss Luffy with me. It drove me crazy that the grandson of a well respected Marine could end up being a pirate. A pirate with a staggering bounty that kept increasing at that.

"He is not, and you know it. If we don't put a stop to his antics soon, he just might achieve his goal of becoming the pirate king." If that happened, there would be little the Marines could do. Luffy was strong, and he was getting stronger with every step of his journey. I watched as Garp guzzled down the last of the sake bottle. His cheeks were flushed from his intake of alcohol. I was still only on my first glass, and dinner was just ending.

I patted my goat's head as Garp was demanding a round of donuts from the poor waitress who was trying to explain to him that they did not serve any. He was getting louder with every sip, no, every mouthful of sake, causing the waitress to become more frustrated. She looked like she was going to breakdown, so I slipped the bus boy some money to go down the street and get a box of donuts. That would be the only way to shut that old windbag up.

Bus boy back, and donuts in front of Garp, I thought about trying to talk to him once more about Luffy. He seemed calmed down enough. And seeing that he was a bit drunk, it was possible that I could coax an answer out of him. But, before I could even open my mouth, Garp was screaming again. What now? I thought to myself. I swear he was like a female when he was drunk, laughing his ass of one minute, and screaming over something trivial the next.

From what I could decode, my little goat had stolen one of Garp's donuts when he wasn't looking. I didn't see the harm in this, since he had an entire mountain of donuts in front of him. My perspective seemed to anger Garp even more. He slammed his fists on the table, gathered the remainder of the donuts in his arms and burst through the wall, exiting the restaurant. This was his preferred method of entering and exiting places. I remember him telling me some time ago, when we first met, that it was just more fun this way. He would always have his minions patch his destruction afterwards. Yet another thing that drove me nuts with him.

With my hand to my head, in sheer aggravation, I apologized to the wait staff and the manager who came out to see what the commotion was about. Calling my goat to my side, we left the restaurant and went home. As I lay there in bed, I kept admonishing myself for thinking that dinner would go smoothly. Something always happened when Garp was in the mix, and today was no different.

I lifted my head to check on my goat. He was fast asleep in his little bed. Feeling a sense of calmness now, because let's face it, that goat was the only thing preserving my sanity at this point, I turned off the light and drifted off to sleep.

The sun crept into my room, waking me up as soon as it hit my eyes. I stretched, trying to savor the fleeting moments I had before I had to start another day of crazy. Placing my feet inside my fuzzy bunny slippers, I went about getting ready. It wasn't until I was almost out the door that I realized something was wrong.

My goat. He wasn't in his bed. I searched the house, all over but did not uncover the whereabouts of my sweet innocent pet. There was only one explanation for this, and it hurt my head to start the day off like this. That bastard Garp.