Hunter Pov
"Where is he?" I wailed, Gripping Chloe's hand tighter. I tried to slow down my breathing but panic was settling in quickly. The baby way coming. The doctor and some nurses were swarming around me. I couldn't do this right now, I needed Quinn. He couldn't miss this. I screamed out in agony clutching my stomach, there was no way I could hold the baby in, no matter how much I wished it.
"Don't worry, Hunter. He'll be here as fast as he can," Helena reassured me. Since the majority of the drakes had arrived I wanted Helena in here, she was an expert at this considering. Eight kids. I can barely wrap my head around pushing one out of me.
As for Quinn not being here, Helena had told me about the incident with the basement. Typical of Quinn to get himself trapped somewhere whilst I go into labour. I guess I have to be thankful it wasn't a hel-blar fight. I wouldn't let him in here smelling like death and rotten mushrooms. As Lucy would say, it's bad vibes for the baby. Oh Lucy. I hoped she was driving like a maniac. If her driving was as bad as her parking, then she should be breaking all the laws.
"Ms Wild, it looks like your ready now," The doctor stated.
"No the dad isn't here yet!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry miss but junior is coming now"
Lucy Pov
"Lucy can you drive any faster!" Quinn yelled from the back.
Keeping my eyes on the road I yelled out, "I'm going sixty-five miles per hour, if I go any faster I will end up getting us in a ditch!". I had always been advised not to speed. Especially after I crashed into the fence outside of my house trying to park in the driveway. Despite my cautions I sped up a little to seventy. I was terrified and my knuckles were turning white from gripping the wheel. Nicholas was holding onto the "oh shit" handle. "Don't worry Quinn we are going to make it in time", I said. I'm not sure that I entirely believed we would, Surprisingly the roads were clear and the hospital wasn't to far away but time wasn't on our side. When Nicholas was one the phone the baby was close to coming. From what I know about babies and giving birth, the birth part was quicker than expected.
"There it is! The hospital!" Logan cheered. He was squished in back, it would have been an uncomfortable ride for him. I felt sorry for him, squished with Quinn and Bruno wouldn't be good experience for him.
"Thank god," Nicholas Muttered, releasing the top handle. He looked much paler that usual. "Lucy I think you need to re take your driving test"
I shoved him playfully before running towards the hospital reception, "C'mon we better hurry". The men all followed quickly, knowing time was of the essence.
The receptionist was a petite old lady, crouched over computer screens. According to her lanyard her name was, "Estelle"
"Hi were looking for Hunter Wild" Logan. Now Logan has never been one for impatience. I've always known him to be calm and collected. Estelle however was testing said patience. It was almost as if she was purposely searching slowly. Honestly how many Hunter Wild's have checked into this hospital lately. Logan's foot was taping against the floor and his left hand drumming wildly against the desk. It didn't take long until he said, "Ms, please this is really urgent. She is in labour and my brother needs to get there"
"Give me a minute", She muttered, "Technology, these days"
I could see from the corner of my eye that Nicholas was desperately trying to get ahold of someone on his phone and Quinn was fidgeting around like he had crapped his pants. Estelle gave Logan the stink eye but then said "Maternity ward, floor 6. Room 605"
We didn't even thank her the five of us bolted for the stairs, deciding it would be faster than using the elevator. Quinn lead the running party and me and Nicholas fell to the back. The only one who immediately needed to get there was Quinn. It was about the fourth floor where I was beginning to lose my breath. Nicholas took my hand and excitedly hauled me up the stairs. When we got to the six floor we ran into every other drake.
"You two are idiots!"
"Get in there Quinn!"
Quinn immediately ran into the room and as soon as he went in Helena and Chloe came out. Chloe was grasping her hand muttering about bruising and ice. Helena looked altogether collected. Which meant that everything with Hunter was going okay. "Couldn't have timed that any better," Chloe exaggerated. "Thank goodness you guys made it"
"For a moment I thought we wouldn't", Nicholas commented, "I guess we should appreciate my wife's reckless driving." He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. I was panting, relieved that we had made it on time.
"Damn right you should!"
an: Sorry this was short but I will probably compensate for that in the next chapter. Stay cool and review! - hearts a heavy burden x