Part 99 (first part of the wedding)

Massive YAY. I actually never thought I would see the day when Christian would be holding Zainab's hand. Last week was great. Though have you noticed that whenever anything good actually happens to Christian and Syed they then disappear? It's a little cruel we never get to bask in their happiness. Especially as we always get the hardships. Also just heard about the possibility of a chryed con, which I think shows just how popular they really are as characters and how devoted their fans are (which you would think might convince Eastenders to show them a bit more but I doubt it). To all out there in Chryed land we finally have some good times, enjoy them!


"Wake up." Syed's voice drifted through Christian's sleep and when he finally opened his eyes his soon to be husband's face was the first thing he saw gazing down at him seriously. "Come on." Syed continued shaking his shoulder slightly in an attempt to stop his eyes drifting shut again. "Important day today, lots to do." He warned him.

"Oh yeah?" Christian replied putting on a confused voice and sliding his arms up and around Syed's neck pulling him in for one little kiss before looking at him again. "Like what?" For just a second Syed's eyebrow twitched in confusion before a slight smirk slide over his face as he caught on. He pulled back slightly and put on a nonchalant expression slightly tainted by a twinkle of amusement.

"Oh y'know the usual, work, picking up the laundry, the flat could do with a clean…and the small matter of getting married today." He ended breaking the charade and grinning.

"Of course, I nearly forgot." Christian teased and received a light smack on the head for it. He let go of Syed to rub at his head and the young man used the opportunity to wriggle out of his hold and jump out of the bed.

"We're already running late according to your schedule." Syed pointed out picking up the rather lengthy list that Christian had painstakingly written out the night before in a last ditch attempt to convince himself that everything was going to be ok. Syed brandished it threateningly in front of Christian's face and sure enough they were supposed to have already had showers by now. Christian pulled the list from Syed's hand and gave it a little look. Everything had seemed so manageable the night before he had somehow managed to forget that it wasn't always easy to get out of bed in morning when you spend the night with someone who's mere presence it enough to distract you from sleep.

"Yeah and I thought you said that it was stupid and unnecessary." Christian quoted back Syed's words to him and was struck by an instant reminder of how Syed had suggested they spend their pre-wedding night instead of making lists and timetables. He couldn't help the face aching grin from covering his face which only made Syed frown in confusion before he turned and clicked on the kettle.

"Ok, so I was wrong. Maybe we should have been more organised…" he fussed biting at the inside of his mouth in his nervousness. "I keep thinking that we must have forgotten something. You have written your vows, haven't you?" He asked.

"Yes." Christian replied rolling his eyes and joining his fiancé in the kitchen. Syed's eyes slinked down his body as he emerged and Christian would hope that he would always be able to make Syed's eyes turn that dark and intense. He watched smugly as Syed shook his head just slightly and then passed Christian his dressing gown to rid himself of some of the temptation.

"And Roxy has her best…women speech done?" Christian frowned slightly wondering if all of Syed's list of possibly not completed tasks were those that were his responsibility.

"Done and read over by yours truly." He reassured accepting a cup of coffee from the nervously twitching man in front of him wondering where Syed's usual calm had gone.

"She has remembered that my parents are there, hasn't she?" Syed asked his leg jigging slightly as he leaned against the counter. "It's not too racy?" Christian held back the snort of laughter that nearly arose at the man he loves choice of words and wondered how someone so young and energetic somehow managed to sound like Dot half the time.

"Strictly PG-13 I swear." Christian told him. "I guess you don't have to worry about Tam saying anything vulgar." He tried to make the conversation light hearted again.

"What you mean about his brother and in front of his parents? No, I think we're safe. Though Jamie did keep threatening to do a repeat of the speech he gave at my bachelor party."

"Really?" Christian took in a little breath of amusement at the idea of Jamie, gleefully drunk, attempting to toast the happy couple while Syed shot him death glares and attempted to cover his parent's ears. "Now that might be an idea…" The look Syed shot him made him stop dead in his tracks, clearly he was not as amused. Concerned now he moved in and took Syed's cup and laid it on the side so he could take both his hands, gently he stroked his thumb over Syed's knuckles. "Babe, what's up? You were all eerily calm yesterday, what happened?"

"Well you were nervous yesterday, so I was just focusing on calming you down." Syed admitted guiltily and Christian recognised some residual aftereffects of spending years bending over backwards to please everyone else that not even leaving home could completely erase. But some of the tension was seeping out of him and slowly he dropped his head to Christian's chest and let it lie there.

"You want me to get all nervy again?" Christian teased, releasing Syed's hands to wrap both his arms around him.

"Not sure that would help." Syed's voice came out muffled by the fluff of Christian's dressing gown.

"Well y'know, Sy there is always one thing that never fails to calm you…" Christian suggested, Syed leaned back to look at his face taking in his cockily raised eyebrow and dirty smile.

"We do not have time." He said warningly though that spark of excitement was already lit in his gaze, and his hands crept up from Christian waist to his bare chest stroking through his chest hair. "We have to get in the shower, now."

"I agree wholeheartedly. But don't you think it would save time, not to mention water, if we were to both get in now…together?"

"Well…if you put it that way…" Syed allowed himself to be backed up and into the bathroom as Christian grinned at him predatorily.


An hour later Syed was pacing the living room waiting for Jamie and Tamwar to pick him up. Roxy and Christian could do very little but watch him move back and fore in front of the sofa biting at the end of his thumb and sharing little nervous glances with each other. The concealed bottle of vodka that Roxy had smuggled in seemed to be bulging out of her bag just waiting to be found by the tightly wound groom wearing a hole in the floor. Finally the buzzer went and soon Jamie was standing at the door looking almost as stressed as Syed.

"I am so sorry we're late." He apologised, hands up in a little plea for forgiveness before Syed could even open his mouth to berate him. "Your brother is the slowest driver ever." He shook his head. "I swear, Syed, we were overtaken by a mobility scooter. I'm driving us to the hall." He assured his friend his own annoyance making his voice tight. "If we let Mr slow-and-steady take us we would have had to leave yesterday." He huffed and Syed's annoyed scowl broke with a smile.

"It's ok." Syed reassured him, the familiar Syed calm covering over him again in the presence of someone who needed him to be rational. "Is everything done?" He asked.

"Yup, flowers are already there, your mum is overseeing the food and the band is on their way." Jamie nodded seriously as he listed off his tasks.

"Wow you've got things in hand." Christian noted a little surprised that the usually carefree young man was so focused.

"Well yeah, without this one…" He cocked his thumb in Syed's direction as he gathered up his change of clothes and prepared to leave. "…keeping my brothers in check who knows what would have happened at my wedding." He admitted. "I owe Syed; no way am I going to drop the ball." Down on the street a loud toot came from a car horn.

"That'll be Tamwar." Syed muttered reaching and giving Christian one last little peck on the cheek before heading towards the door.

"Yeah sure, now he wants to rush." Jamie muttered under his breath barely audible as the door shut.

"Aw…isn't that sweet Syed's mate's gone all serious." Roxy noted next to Christian fishing out the booze and going to work on the plastic covering the top.

"How come you aren't all commando like that?" Christian pointed out with a pout and earned himself a poke in the ribs.

"Oi, cheeky! I brought re-enforcements didn't I?" She reminded him brandishing the bottle like a prize. Christian smiled back at her and then gazed at the shut door that Syed had just walked out of, the next time he saw him they would be getting married.