Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice

Many Meetings



A/N This will be a series of meetings between Robin and his teammates. The story is written as a fill for Rowanfall's 'Soundtrack Challenge.' My soundtrack was 'Many Meetings' from The Fellowship of the Ring. The title and reflective nature of the song is what inspired this series.

I am going to attempt to do this chronologically.

Chapter 1: Wally

Rated: K+

The first time Wally met Robin was when he was ten and Robin was eight.

Flash had come to Gotham, without invitation, in pursuit of Captain Cold. They had barely stepped foot in the city when Batman landed softly behind them and scared the living daylights out of both speedsters.

"What are you doing in my city?" The growl was scary to the ten-year-old Wally and the young sidekick began vibrating with fear.

Flash and Kid Flash turned to face the Dark Knight. Flash tried to explain the situation making Batman increasingly more annoyed. But Kid Flash wasn't paying attention to the two adults. Instead his attention had been captured by the brightly clad boy that stood in the shadow of the infamous Bat. This was the famous Robin, the first of all the sidekicks. "Dude, your Robin!"

"Congratulations Kid Idiot, you're a regular detective." The kid had wit to match his mentor, though his cold sneer was rendered useless by his adorable high-pitched voice.

"You're like the first sidekick ever! You're so cool!" Wally was having trouble controlling his inner fanboy.

Robin gave a slight smile and extended a green-gauntleted hand to the speedster.

Kid Flash eagerly took it. "I'm Kid Flash, but you can call me KF."

"KF, I like that. I'm Robin, as you know."

"I won't tell you again, get out of my city!" The growl that issued from Batman sounded beyond deadly. Kid Flash and Robin turned to see the Dark Knight with a strong hold on Flash's collar, holding the older speedster so that just his toes touched the ground. It looked like Batman was getting ready to hurl the unfortunate Flash all the way back to Central City.

"The kids are getting on." Flash pointed out hoping to distract Batman from his desires for bodily harm. Flash liked having all of his bones intact.

Batman glared darkly at the speedster before turning to see the two sidekicks eagerly making friends. He released his hold on Flash's collar. As much as he hated to admit it he was happy to see that Richard was making friends. He turned back to the speedster. "I won't kill you in front of innocent eyes. But if you ever set foot in my city again you will find yourself in a full body cast so fast that it will make your super-speed head spin." With that said Batman turned on his heel and shot out his grapple gun. "Robin."

Robin took out his own grapple gun and waved at Wally as he shot it. "See you around KF."

It was the beginning of a wonderful, but chaotic, friendship.

A/N Yet another series... yes I do realize that I have three of them going. This is what happens when I let my muse out to play...

Next meeting: Roy