Chapter 8

Precious things are not free

Authors note:

In case you havn't realized, I updated 2 chapters today. So please read chp. 7 first & thank you ! (:

Did you know "Juvia" means 'rain' in spanish? sp: [Lluvia]

This chapter mostly includes gajeelxlevy sorry if it's boring. Things will get a bit more excited in the next few chapters.

"Gajeel..." The blue haired mage whispered, she woke up to find the iron dragon slayer who is always violent and impatient resting his face on the side of her bed; he looked much softer, warmer and... cuter when he's asleep.

Levy tried to get up to get some water only to realize something is hanging to her hand, she lifted her bed sheets, surprized by how Gajeel's hands were holding onto hers tightly. Like a baby who doesn't want their mother to leave. Levy smiled, somehow this felt... warm, it feels right for him to hold onto her hand.

"Mhmmm...?" Gajeel rubbed his eyes, the sunlight blinded him, then later he saw himself staring into a cute blue haired girls' eyes. who was smiling at him.

"Huh?" Gajeel mumbled not realizing where he is. Then he felt something warm, something he never felt before. It wasn't really the warm temperature that felt so warm. In fact the thing he felt in his hands were quit cold, but he felt warm inside. He felt like he was home, back when Metallica was still with him. Looking down at where the warmth is coming from, his iron face blushed. He saw his hands hanging on tightly to Levy's.

"S-Sorry... I must've fallen asleep..." Gajeel quickly took his hands away. Wait what the hell that sounded so not like me. He thought.

So Gajeel has a soft side too, he looks so cute now- Wait what am I thinking? Oh yeah I still need to find a cure for Lucy!

Levy got up, breaking the romantic atmosphere between the two, "I'm gonna make some breakfast then I'll pack up and leave for Hosenka in 2 hours. The books in the library here has nothing even related to the curse, I gotta go check out Hosenka's library..." Levy suddenly realized the way she just talked to Gajeel sounded like what a wife would say to their husband in the mornings. Maybe it's just her, maybe she was just too stressed that's why she's been having these weird thoughts.

"W-Wait I'll come with you." Gajeel got up too, he's NOT gonna let his gi- no, Levy, go to Hosenka alone.

"Huh? You know you don't have to..." She turned around to answer him then fell silent, what's this feeling? I don't want him to come but on the other hand I really want him to come...

"A man can't let a fragile shorty go travel on her own." Gajeel said in the Elfman tone along with a "nice-guy" pose. (In case you havn't watched Naruto, that's mighto guy's signiture pose, google it!)

"Sure." Levy started packing up, "Meet you in thirty minutes at the train station." leaving Gajeel standing there, staring at her.

"A-AH yeah see you later I'm gonna go p-pack up..." Gajeel mumbled and headed to his own house which was not far away from hers.

Yes, I don't feel physical pain. But this is far more painful than that. Natsu and others, how can I let them be in danger... If I hadn't ..If I hadn't been so close to Natsu this wouldn't have happened...

If I let them go, let Lisanna and Natsu get back together everything would've been better, Lisanna and Natsu dating then getting marr-

No this feels wrong... but why? Why does it feel weird when I think of Natsu being with Lisanna? This is weird...

But everyone is in danger and it's all my fault... If, If I kill myself maybe they won't try that hard to get me back right? Maybe they'll think Lisanna killed me and just live on. I hate it when they come to me everyday and cry and tell me to get better. I'm keeping everyone back. I'm such a lag... Because of me Erza kept going on S-class mission by herself. Not even having a single cheesecake since I was 'back'...

Maybe I'm the only one who can end this I-

"BAAKA! (Idiot!) Not like Lisanna won't come back if you killed yourself." A voice with annoyance pulled Lucy out of her thought.

"Wh-Who are you..?" Lucy sensed no one's presence.

"I'm Lucy! Lucy Ashley!" It was Lucy's own voice she hears.

"Lucy! Wh-where are you ?"

"-sigh-, I'm in Edolas of course, we don't have magic so there's no way I can get to Earth land." Edo-Lucy chuckled lightly.

"Th-Then how come...?" Lucy stood up, searching for where Edo-Lucy's voice was coming from.

"Oh I was at the library, yeah I know very unusual for me. Anyways, Na-Natsu and I... We... We g-got mar-married... A-and I'm um... I'm... I'm..." Edo-Lucy fell silent.

"Oui! Are you okay? LUCY!" Lucy couldn't hear her counter part anymore.

"Shut up and listen will you! Anyways... I um... I-"

"Can you just say it, what happened to you after you and Natsu got marri-married." Lucy paused a bit realizing her counter part and Natsu's are together... What could this mean...

"I... Oh my god I'm so nervous to say it..."


"I'M PREGNANT!" Shouted Edo-Lucy.

Both of the Lucy's fell silent.

After a long time, Lucy spoke up. "Can I be the God mother?"

"Huh? F-for sure!" Lucy can imagine her counterpart blushing.

"So is that what you were doing at the library for? Searching for book on... Pregnaaaaaaaancy." Lucy roooolllllled her tongue.


"... AYE~"

They both laughed.

"So I was saying... I found this really old book, It talked about Edolas and Earth land connecting and all that stuff. Documents on Earth land were banned by the Prince and they took all the books about Earth land away so I thought it was weird how this book was left behind. Probably they forgot about it. I found it under the shelves.

It said that Edolas and Earth land counterparts and contact each other by some spell. Once the spell is cast, their minds are connected. I tried and I saw your mind. I mean, I saw all your memories! Oh boy. Your Natsu sure is waaaaay manlier than my Natsu. But for some reason I can't feel your presence, I can read into your mind and see your memories but I'm supposed to feel your presense too. It might be because of that stupid curse Lisanna cast on you.

You know she tried to kill me in Edolas too? Good thing I'm not a weakling like you, seriously that bitch doesn't learn."

"Yeah I guess, I can't read your mind or memories. Maybe because of the curse. "

"Yeah.. probably.. You know ne, only 7 more months til my baby arri- "

Edo-Lucy suddenly stopped, "Lucyyy, I gotta go, Natsu is calling me for my pregnancy appointment. Se- I mean talk to you later."

Lucy didn't respond, still deep in thought. Maybe the same happened to my counterpart will happen to me too? NO NO that's just so wrong!

"GAJEEEEEEEEEEEL! " A small girl ran towards the dragon slayer. Trying to catch her breath.

"H-hey, the train's about to leave, let's go." Gajeel took the big bags off Levy and walked onto the train. A small smile appeared on her face.

Gajeel found a spot near the window, only to find Levy sitting beside him, not across from him.

"Don't you like window seats? That one's empty." Gajeel said after the train started several minutes.

"Y-you don't want me here?" Levy looked at him with innocent eyes.

"N-no that's not it! I-I want you here-" Gajeels stopped realizing what he's about to say.

"Hehhee... You're cute..." Levy mumbled.

"Mhmm..? " Even with dragon slayer ears he didn't catch what she said. He turned his head feeling something on his arms.

There was a girl who looked like an angel that was resting her head on his arms. She looked so innocent, pure and cute.

Gajeel sighed as he though of this, what had he done to this angel in the past when he was in Phantom...

Sorry for the boring chapter, too much homewrk and tutor and cheer and badminton lol