Hey guys! Sorry, but this isn't a new chapter. =( I just want to thank you for all the reviews I've gotten! Honestly... 53! I love you guys! Sorry, if I haven't replied to your review there are just so many and I get confused with all of those. So I just want to let you guys know that I seriously appreciate the reviews. Honestly. When I see people still reviewing months after I finished the story I get all warm and happy inside =) I love you guys, thank you so much. =)

On another note, I've been thinking about writing a sequel to this... A sort of 'Meet The Parents' fic. What do you guys think? If you guys want me to I will. It's just that my plate is full right now (3 stories... THREE!)

Thats all I wanted to talk about. Thank you so much! =)

~Katsumi Hatake