Chapter One
It was an incredibly hot day while I lay in my bed staring at the four walls. It was too hot for being outside, too hot for reading a book and it was certainly too hot for practicing magic. I looked around my room. It was about noon time, and soon one of our house elves would be knocking on the door telling me it was lunch time. I looked around my room. The walls were painted a beautiful emerald green; there was black trim around the floor. My large wrought iron bed was in the far left corner of the room, across the farthest wall from the door. To the left of the door there was a large wardrobe that held all of my clothes. I rolled over to my bedside table, I had put a photo album full of pictures of my brother, and parents atop it. I picked up the photo album and started to look at the pictures. The first page was one of my favorites. It was a picture of my parents embracing. My mother with her long red hair, and bright smile, looked like me in nearly every aspect. The only difference was our eyes, I had my father's oval brown eyes, and my mother had shinning green ones. In the picture my parents were spinning near a fountain, rose petals fell around them as they twirled. My parents died when I was only a year old, and this picture was the first image I ever had of them. When my twin brother Harry and I were born our parents were fighting in a war agents one of the darkest wizards in history. They died protecting us agents him. Harry and I grew up in separate homes, raised by our parents' best friends. I was raised by my mother's best friend and double agent Severus Snape. However the wizarding world couldn't ever find out that I had been raised by an ex-Death Eater so I was half raised by my dad's best friend Uncle Remus Lupin.
A light knock on my door soon came and I peeled myself away from the bed. I put the photo album on my bed and opened my bedroom door.
"Miss Allison, Lunch is served." Said a squeaky voice at my knees. I looked down and fond one of my favorite pointy eared house elves staring up at me.
"Thank you Mitzi. Would you mind showing me the way just one more time?" I asked.
"Master Severus said you might ask that." She said with a smile as she led me down the stairs. We had been living in this house for at least two weeks and I was still having trouble finding my way around. After walking down three flights of stairs, we turned right, left, and right again and entered the dining room. There was a loud pop as Mitzi disappeared beside me.
"Still having trouble getting around?" Severus asked me as I sat across the table from him.
"Yeah I guess." I said awkwardly stabbing at my pasta. He chuckled at me.
"It's alright I needed house elves to escort me around until I was nine, and I grew up here." He said.
"I still have trouble believing that. This house is beautiful; I wish I'd grown up here."
"Well you have quite a bit of time ahead of you. We certainly can stay here if you wish."
"I sort of miss home." I said referring to the farmhouse where I grew up.
"Well Remus is maintaining to property with the help of the house elves, we can return there at any time."
"Have you spoken with Remus recently? I haven't gotten any mail from him, Harry or any of my friends." I said.
"No I have not. But I assume he is just trying to get settled back home. I'm sure he has been rather busy maintaining two properties, and as for your friends, I'm sure they are also very busy, doing homework, traveling, don't worry child the letters will come." We ate the rest of our lunch in silence. When we were done Severus showed me to the library and I spent most of the afternoon there. After a few hours Severus escaped to his lab, like he always did when something was on my mind that I wasn't ready to talk about. He claimed he had to go prepare lessons for the coming year, but I didn't fully believe him. A few hours after Severus disappeared there was a loud pop beside me. I assumed it was a house elf, coming in to clean the library, so I continued on with my reading.
"Are you Miss Allison Potter?" The squeaky voice asked. Who else would I be? No other girls live here. I thought as I peeked over my book.
"Yes. I'm Alice, We must not have met." I put my hand out for the elf to shake. "Who are you?" The elf looked confused.
"Again one of the Potter children treats Dobby as an equal! Twice Dobby has been shown respect!" Dobby looked panicked.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you, please sit!" I jumped up off my chair.
"Miss Potter is most kind, offering Dobby her own seat, like an equal being." Dobby burst into what I imagine were elf tears. It In fact sounded like a cat through a blender.
"Please, please stop crying!" The elf stopped crying immediately.
"Dobby is sorry miss, he has never been shown this much kindness in his life." That didn't sound right, all of the house elves I had met so far had said that Severus and his family had always been kind to them.
"Dobby, to you belong to the Snape-Prince Family?" I asked using both Severus and his mother's family names.
"No miss. But Dobby may not say who his master is. His young master has forbidden me from telling you." Dobby looked horrified again. "Dobby has said too much, he must be punished." He began to smash his face into one of the bookcases.
"Dobby stop that!" He stopped as soon as I gave the command.
"Allison is everything alright? What are you doing up there?" Severus' voice called from below.
"Yeah, I'm fine Sev, I..ah..I dropped a bunch of books trying to reach the top shelf." I called down.
"Would you like me to help you?"
"No that's alright I've got it. Sorry to interrupt your work." I shouted.
"Just be careful Alice-Lily." He responded and went back to work.
"Ok, so you can't tell me who your masters are. I'm sorry I asked. But earlier you said 'again one of the Potter children treats you with respect.' Have you seen Harry?" I asked.
"Yes. Dobby was sent to warn you both. You must not go back to Hogwarts."
"But I have to go back to Hogwarts Dobby. My whole family will be there and all of my friends. I can't imagine Emily, Mary, Draco, Hermione and Ron going through school without Harry and me!"
"You speak of friends, but your friends and even your brother haven't been writing to you. Even your Uncle Remus doesn't write."
"Well they haven't been writing because they've been traveling and...hold on how do you know they haven't been writing to me?" The elf looked sheepish as he dug his hands into his dirty pocket.
"Dobby's master told Dobby, to do what Dobby had to do, Dobby thought if Miss Alice thought her brother, and friends did not write to her, Dobby thought she would not wish to return to Hogwarts. Dobby will give Miss Alice her letters if she promises not to return to Hogwarts this year."
"How about this, Dobby gives me my letters and I don't curse him into the next dimension." I said as a produced my wand from my pocket. I pointed my wand straight at the little elf.
"Dobby will not give Miss Alice her letters, unless she promises." I flicked my wand, and Dobby disapperated to the other side of the room, my jinx kept going and shattered a vase.
"ALLISON what was that?" roared a suspicious voice from down stairs.
"Nothing." I called back and I flicked my wand again at the troublesome elf. We continued on in this way until I had broken several objects and Severus' heavy footsteps were heard approaching the library. Dobby tossed the letters at me, and as the Severus opened the door, Dobby disapperated for the final time.