Sorry for the delay.

Ch. 19. A Home At Last

Their departure had been delayed much to everyone's annoyance by the ever persistent press. Out of a sense of obligation they had made an appearance at a gala in honor of the victims of the war. Being one of the last heroes standing Hermione was instantly swarmed while Draco spent the night ignoring dirty looks. Until someone made the mistake of insulting Anko but before his veela instincts could take over the kunoichi had a kuni pressed to the offender's neck startling the party goers.

It was amusing watching the man stumble his way through an apology since no one was willing to step in to save him. Luckily the party ended without nothing else of interest happening. That night Hermione and Draco made their offer to Gabrielle asking her to join them in the village. She thanked them and told them to go ahead without her, she would think it over and if she decided to join them she would need time to put her affairs in order.

The next days they made their goodbyes, stopping by the Ministry and Hogwarts to ensure safe passage for Buckbeak and Fluffy. Apparently McGonagall had added her own two cents to the recommendations for the animals' contribution to the village. Now it was finally time to head back to the village.

Much to the distress of the ninja they would be taking a portkey back to Konoha. They arrived on the same field they had left from landing much the same way they landed in England. Only this time Naruto landed on Jiraiya, Sasuke managed to land standing only to be toppled over by Sakura. After many groans and muttered curses they made their way to the village gates.

A lot had happened while they were gone. The village was once again hosting the Sand Siblings. Apparently the ninja that had created the barrier to keep the Hokage prisoner during the attack had come back for their captured companion, the flute girl. With the village's forces spread thin they had made it inside and freed her. The team that gave chase had been formed of Choji, Kiba, Neji and Shikamaru as leader since he was the only one who made chunin this past exam.

They had managed to stop the enemy ninja but all were severely injured except for Shikamaru but thanks to the Sand Siblings intervention they had survived. Tsunade was extremely proud to hear that Shizune had tackled the challenge of healing the severe injuries of Choji and Neji and was a big part of the reason the two had survived. Now the Siblings were being hosted by Nara household who Hermione suspected Yoshino was trying to secure herself a daughter-in-law in the sand konoichi.

The Third Hokage also made the decision to step down claiming his age no longer allowed him to protect the village to the best of his ability. After many arguments Tsunade accepted the position as his successor. Though arguments seemed to be sprouting everywhere.

"There are plenty of places for him to train here! It's not necessary for him to leave let alone for three years!" Hermione shouted.

"You don't get to make those decisions! I get that you want to keep him safe but locking him up in the village isn't going to help anybody especially not him!" Jiraiya shouted back.

After sitting in the living room for an hour watching them argue about him like he wasn't there Naruto decided to intervene.

"Come on guys knock it off!" The two in question turned to glare at him. Swallowing the lump in his throat He turned his attention to the woman he thought of as a mother. "It'll be okay I promise."

Her eyes softened, filling up with tears.

"I have to get stronger to protect the village and the people precious to me. I need to do this." He hugged her. "You're one of the only people who believed in me without question. Please let me go, I will come back. I promise I'll come back home."

She clung to the blonde boy in her arms. He grew up so much from what he'd been when she first arrived and he was right. As much as she wanted him safe she couldn't stop her from his dreams and what he needed to achieve them.

"The first sign of trouble you send word, we'll be there in an instant. And you do everything in your ability to come back whole and stronger than ever before."

Pulling back with a grin. "Believe it."

With that Naruto prepare for his trip, leaving a few days later. Sasuke decided to go into training to be part of the Torture and Interrogation Squad and Sakura put more effort into her apprenticeship with Tsunade.

Putting Teddy down for a nap Hermione sighed. It seemed it would be awhile before they would all be together. Though she was happy that the arrival of Buckbeak and Fluffy was not met with hostility. The Inuzuka, much like she predicted, were fascinated with the three headed dog while the hippogriff had garnered curiosity as well. Though Buckbeak had become Teddy's ever present companion much to Hermione's amusement and the bewilderment of most of the villagers.

Sighing Hermione put Teddy down for a nap. Being back in Konoha had given her peace but she couldn't help but worry with Naruto so far away. She jumped when a pair of hands covered her eyes but relaxed when a familiar scent washed over her.

"I have a surprise for you." Kakashi whispered in her ear.

He led her up the stairs to a room she hadn't been in before. When he returned her vision she was speechless for the first time since they met. On the walls of the room were exact replicas of the tapestry and portrait in the Marauders Room.

"I asked McGonagall to make copies that way Teddy can get to know his father and you'll always have your friends near." Her silence was making him uneasy.

After what felt like an eternity she turned to him and gave him a kiss that left him breathless.

"Thank you."

"I thought it be a good courting present. I think it's time we did this right."

The witch stared at him before giving him a beaming smile before giving him another resounding kiss. This was it, what she was meant to live for and everything was finally going to be okay.

She was finally home.

The End

Yes folks this is the end I'm sorry it took so long but it's here. I have also found that I like crossovers so expect some more. I don't know when but it will be coming.

Thank you all for your support and I'm glad so many enjoyed the story.