A/N - Thanks for the alerts, reviews, and favorites and whatnot. I appreciate it! There is a lot going on in this chapter but like I said, this was purely for fun. I don't own anything. And woo, welcome back Glee! :) And by the way, how the heck do you spell Coach Beiste's last name? Bieste? Beiste? No idea.

The days that followed found Santana and Brittany spending more and more time together. They spent their nights together either in Brittany's tent or Santana's. The brunette had even gone to great lengths to befriend Quinn, who found the whole situation amusing.

The shorter blonde finally put Santana's mind at ease and assured her that she in no way objected to their relationship and was happy as long as Brittany was happy. When the princess wrapped her in a firm hug, Quinn was tempted to growl and shove her away but Brittany's tender smile at the sight left her rolling her eyes and patting Santana's back with a smirk.

Neighboring allies continued to join Santana's ranks. However, scouts continued to report that even with their increasing numbers, the enemy forces still largely outnumbered their own. Brittany sent word back to Chief Sylvester that more forces would be required if they could be spared, knowing they most likely would not arrive in time. The Romanian army seemed to be gaining strength as it was finally confirmed that the Swedes had in fact joined their ranks.

It was this new information that led a small group from Brittany's army to stage a coup of sorts. This handful of warriors fell in line behind Shannon Beiste, a brute of a woman. She was more than twice Brittany's size and decided to challenge the young blonde's command.

The challenge came as she, Quinn, and Santana were dismissing the troops from their afternoon practice sessions. Beiste and her followers approached as Brittany was catching her breath from a practice fight with Quinn.

"Is there a problem?" Brittany asked coolly.

Beiste squared her shoulders and grunted. "The problem, Captain, is that we are traitors! Our cousins the Swedes have joined ranks with the Romanians. We however have aligned ourselves with the very nation that sought to overthrow us just a few short years ago! Have you forgotten your roots? Your parents died fighting the very whores you now take to your bed."

Brittany hissed and stepped closer to the large woman. "You will watch your tongue. I am Captain here and you yield to me. The Swedes are the traitors and will be slaves to the Romanians if God forbid they are successful."

"You even pray to their god now do you?" Beiste replied with a smirk. "You are not fit to lead us. You have forgotten that we do not bow to anyone…least of all these cowards. We will join the Romanians and crush these European pigs."

"You challenge my command then? And you all join her willingly?" At the larger woman's nod and her followers' agreement, Brittany reached for her sword with a sigh. "Very well then. Pick up your weapon Beiste."

Brittany turned to where Quinn and Santana were standing. Without meeting either of their gazes, the blonde tightened her forearm guards and gripped her sword.

"Quinn, should she defeat me you are in command. Crush them."

Quinn gave a resolute nod and gripped the sword on her hip. Santana clenched her jaw. Before she could reach out to Brittany, the taller blonde looked up and smiled quickly. "I do love you Catholic."

The blonde quickly turned back to Beiste who was standing ready, her own battle ax in hand. The larger woman smirked and spun the ax in her hand before charging.

Brittany spun away from the arching swing of Beiste's ax and grunted as she threw herself into delivering her own blow. The sword glinted off of the large ax, sparks flying. They continued to swing and block each other's blows until with a twist; Brittany's sword was wrenched from her grip. Beiste smirked and charged, ramming her shoulder into the smaller woman's stomach.

Brittany grunted and felt herself lifting off the ground. Beiste twisted her hand in the blonde's tunic and threw her as if she weighed no more than a feather. Brittany winced as she landed and rolled. She barely had time to steady herself before she saw the large woman swinging her ax toward where she was sprawled on the ground.

Brittany heard Santana shout and rolled out of the way seconds before the ax split the ground. She flung herself toward the larger woman but was met with a stinging backhand. Brittany spit blood from her mouth with a growl.

They squared off again, Beiste with her ax and Brittany eyeing her sword on the ground over the taller woman's shoulder. Beiste charged and swung again. Brittany rolled out of the way and with a well placed kick, the ax flew out of her opponent's hands.

They fell into hand to hand combat and Brittany once again found herself being tossed around by the much larger woman. With a groan, she pushed herself from the ground and wiped the stream of blood from her lip. As Beiste charge again, Brittany used her momentum to swing herself onto the large woman's back, shoving her into the ground.

The blonde swung her legs around Beiste's neck and clenched tightly. The woman struggled to force Brittany to release her grip but she soon was unable to fight as the lack of oxygen left her losing consciousness. The blonde refused to release until she was certain the woman was subdued. She finally released and rolled away, Beiste still unconscious on the ground.

Brittany pulled herself to her feet and glared down at the woman before bringing her gaze to the rest of the Danes who had betrayed her. She was trembling with rage and exertion. "Kill them all."

Quinn and the rest of those gathered who were loyal to Brittany quickly corralled the traitors and drew their weapons to carry out their Captain's orders. The blonde turned on her heel and strode toward her tents, Santana quickly following after her.

Brittany was still shaking as she threw the tent flaps aside and entered her quarters. She winced as she felt her bruises starting to form.

"Can you believe them?" The blonde called to Santana, who she had heard enter behind her. "She actually had the nerve to question my authority. And to speak of you the way she did…"

Brittany spun toward the brunette and her jaw dropped at the sight of Santana quickly disrobing. "W-what are you…?"

"You are alright?" Santana asked quickly, stepping out of her gown. Brittany whimpered and nodded, wide eyed. "Good. If she had truly injured you I would gut her myself. But as it is…all I could think of was being between those thighs myself."

Santana forcefully shoved Brittany backwards and fell on top of her on the cot, quickly reaching for her belt. She pulled herself up just enough to wrench the blonde's tight pants down her legs before crashing their lips together.

Brittany whimpered as the brunette slid down her body and positioned herself between the blonde's legs. As Santana's mouth connected with her center, Brittany threw her head back with a moan.

Quinn burst through the tent flaps seconds later. "Are you injur-oh my…I will report back later."

Brittany frantically waved her away with one hand as she fisted the other in brunette locks and the blonde exited as quickly as she entered, the Captain's moans following her.


The Romanians were finally within reach and in an advantageous position for Santana and the Danes to attack. The sea was closely bordering their camp and plans were made to advance. Santana was to take half of the army and attack from one side, Brittany and the Danes were to attack from behind. They were still outnumbered but with the option of splitting the enemy in half they were hopeful of their chances to defeat the Romanians.

Plans were made to attack the following morning. Camp was somber that night as they prepared themselves for what was to come. Brittany found herself drawn to Santana's tent as was quite usual. Upon arrival, she squared her shoulders and dropped to her knees in front of a surprised Princess.

"I wish to commit to you."

Santana eyed the blonde curiously. "Brittany, what do you mean? Are we not committed to each other already?"

Brittany reached for Santana's hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. "If I am to die in battle tomorrow, I wish to be eternally tied to you. I would like to commit to you in my Danish custom."

Santana felt her heart swell and she dropped to her knees as well. "Yes. I would like that as well."

The blonde smiled brightly. Quinn, Sam, Rachel and Puck were quickly called as witnesses as the two committed to each other under Danish custom. Their palms were sliced by a blade and after joining hands and so mixing their blood, Quinn wrapped a silk cord around their hands.

"I promise to love, protect and serve you as long as I draw breath." Brittany said reverently. "I pray to the gods for an honorable death in battle. But if I survive this fight, I am yours for as long as I live. If I die, I commit my soul to yours to travel the afterlife together for all time."

Santana felt tears gather in her eyes. "I pray to my God for a long life with you. But if you are granted your honorable death in battle tomorrow, I pray to be taken as well, for I am certain I could not survive without you…nor would I want to. I commit myself to you for all time."

Their night was spent reaffirming their love and forcing thoughts of the impending battle out of their minds.


Santana and her army stood at the ready as Brittany and the Danes prepared to circle the encamped enemy and hopefully end the matter for all time. The Danes had their blue war paint splashed across their faces as they proudly marched to their positions.

Santana and Brittany shared a loving gaze and nod before they separated.

"All will be well, you will see." Puck said softly as he watched the Danes exit from view to circle around the massive enemy encampment.

Santana clenched her jaw and nodded. "I hope you are right. For the sake of our people, I pray this enemy is defeated. I will gladly sacrifice myself if there can be peace in our lands."

"Do not get yourself killed foolishly." Puck said with a smile. "There is a certain Danish captain who could not do without you."

The brunette met her cousin's gaze and smiled. "Thank you for standing with me as a witness. I know our religion does not condone our union but…I love her."

Puck nodded. "And I love you. You are all that is good and just in this world. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I pray you both will live to see it."

"If I do not…you will make a good king someday."

"Bite your tongue heathen lover." Puck replied with a smirk before moving into position.


The two armies attacked ferociously. Santana led the larger portion of the army into the heart of the enemy with Brittany and the Danes attacking from the rear. Enemy scouts had no doubt informed the Romanians of the impending attack but they grew complacent with the ease of their previous victories and were unprepared for the enthusiasm of both armies.

Santana and Puck fought side by side as the European forces tore through the front lines of the Romanians. The brunette swung her sword with precision and soon the enemy was scrambling to retreat anywhere they could. They were met with the sea to one side, cliffs to another, and the pursuing army to the third.

They left few survivors as they fought through the masses. The contingent of Romanians had been split from those at the south that were still battling the Danes and quickly begged for mercy. The European army shouted with triumph and began to round up those who had been kept alive.

Then came a report that the smaller contingent of Danes was not having as easy a success. Santana felt her blood continuing to rush through her veins.

"Come! We must aid those who traveled to aid us in our time of need! Rally men, the battle is not yet over!"

The forces drew ranks and quickly set out to assist the Danish army. Santana slung a bow and quiver of arrows over her shoulder as she thundered out ahead of her army on her white stallion.


By the time the alarms had sounded that the Romanians were under attack, the southern portion of their army had time to gather themselves and were mounting a defense to the Danish attack. The Swedes soon rounded to reinforce the floundering Romanians and the neighboring forces locked into battle.

"Traitor!" The captain of the Swedish army called as he closed in on Brittany and her troops. "You dare side with those who sought to conquer your lands a few short years ago! You will die a traitor's death. And when we are through with you, we will pluck out your eyes and remove your feet so you are forced to wander the underworld crawling and blind for all eternity! You are cursed!"

Brittany smirked and twirled her ax in her hands as she squared off against the Swedish leader. He was similarly dressed and tall with long flowing blonde hair and held his own large battle ax. The two could have passed as siblings as they prepared to fight to the death in a foreign land.

The blonde woman glanced around quickly and saw the Swedish forces circling, protecting their leader as he prepared to battle. She saw Quinn and Sam fighting and struggling to break through to aid her. With a wicked grin, she and the Swedish captain rushed each other.

They fought and spun, their ax blades clanging. The Swedish captain hissed as her blade glanced off of his arm as they twisted. He countered quickly and Brittany barely had time to raise her own ax to shield from the blow. She shielded herself but the blow sent the edge of her own ax digging into her shoulder and she growled before spinning away again. They continued to swing at each other and Brittany found she had little trouble avoiding the man's blows.

A quick glance over her shoulder showed Quinn easily downing an opponent but her back was left open to attack. Brittany's gaze widened as she saw a Romanian rushing her friend's unprotected back. With a spin and a thrust, the blonde flung her ax and grinned in satisfaction as the blade landed squarely in the soldier's chest.

Quinn sent a grateful smile as they both continued into the fray. Brittany pulled her sword and continued to battle the Swedish captain. He finally dropped his ax and pulled his own sword. She caught him give a nod as he glanced over her shoulder and Brittany sensed someone approaching from behind. She quickly spun, thrusting her sword into the belly of a Romanian who was attempting to surprise her. With a growl, she pulled her sword free as he fell to the ground.

She quickly attempted to spin back toward the Swede but he had advanced while she was distracted and with a snarl, her thrust his own sword into Brittany's abdomen. White-hot pain seared and she gasped for a breath as her own weapon slipped from her grasp.

He smiled as he twisted the blade in his hand. "When I am through with you, there will be nothing left for your whore princess to claim. And then I will find her and rip her in half when I mount her."

Brittany clenched her jaw and groped blindly for anything to use to strike at the man before he pulled the blade from her and she sank to her knees. With a smirk, he delivered a backhand, sending her sprawling onto her belly, her back to him. Her hand fell on a discarded knife and with a yell she gathered her fading strength and threw herself back toward the Swede and buried the blade into his thigh.

She tried to pull the knife out and strike again but man growled and pulled the blade out himself. He grunted through the pain and kicked out with his injured leg and Brittany found herself on her stomach again.

The blonde struggled to push herself to her knees, determined that she would not die flat on the ground with her back to her enemy. She heard the Swede laughing behind her as she steeled herself for the final blow. Her thoughts were of Santana as she squared her shoulders.

Brittany glanced up and felt a smile form at the sight of that very woman atop her white stallion, her army behind her, thundering toward the battle. She was a vision with her dark hair flowing and a fierce expression on her face. Brittany felt peace at the thought of Santana being the last image she would see before being plunged into the afterlife.

Brittany watched as Santana swung a bow from over her shoulder and fixed an arrow preparing to take aim, still stop her stallion. She vaguely felt a laugh bubbling in her throat at the memory of their archery match. She closed her eyes, waiting for the Swede to deliver the blow until she heard a strangled choking sound from behind her. The man fell, an arrow lodged firmly in his throat.

Santana leapt from her horse and rushed to catch Brittany before she could fall back to the ground. The brunette held the injured woman securely and twisted so that Brittany was leaning against her in her lap. She cradled the blonde tenderly.


"Hush Brittany, stay still." Santana scolded. "I will get you out of here."

Brittany smiled through a grimace. "I do not understand…the bow and a-arrow…you were terrible at camp."

Santana seemed distracted as she glanced around for assistance. "Honestly Brittany? You choose this moment to concern yourself with that?"

The blonde nodded and reached to brush a strand of dark hair from Santana's grimy, bloodstained cheek. The brunette blinked rapidly and smiled. "I wanted you to win."

Brittany smiled again.

"As sickeningly touching as that is, now is not the time." Quinn muttered, dropping to the ground next to the two. "We must get her off of the field. Over there."

Santana seemed to regain her senses and nodded, following Quinn's line of vision to a secluded spot under a tree away from the ongoing battle. The blonde gripped one of Brittany's arms, Santana the other and together they scooped the woman from the ground and dragged her toward the tree.

They settled her down as gently as possible and Santana resumed her position, holding her tightly. Quinn set about to ascertain the severity of the wound.

"It is nothing but a scratch." Brittany said softly.

Quinn did not look amused. "You were run through with a sword; it is hardly just a scratch."

"A flesh wound then." The blonde replied, her voice fading.

"Where is Chang?" Quinn hissed, pressing her hand to Brittany's abdomen.

Santana glanced over her shoulder as if hoping the man would magically appear. Turning back she sighed. "Most likely back on the front lines tending to our wounded."

"Fuck!" Quinn scowled. "It is bleeding badly. We will need to burn it closed."

The blonde quickly ran off to gather supplies to start a fire and tend to the wound. When she returned with a torch she quickly held her knife blade into the flame until it was glowing hot.

"Brace yourself, this will hurt." Quinn said softly. Brittany nodded and Santana tightened her grip on the injured woman. The blonde tried to swallow a scream as the hot metal was pressed into the wound but she could not stop herself from crying out.

Santana held her tightly and pressed a kiss to Brittany's temple. She felt her heart drop as the woman fell limp in her arms. "Brittany? Brittany!"

Quinn reached out and placed a gentle hand on Santana's shoulder. "It is alright. She merely fainted from the pain…but do not use that term when she wakes. She will be horribly embarrassed."

Santana eyed the unconscious woman intently as if making certain she was still breathing. Quinn shook her shoulder slightly.

"Help me turn her, we need to burn the exit wound closed as well."

Santana nodded and helped hold Brittany. She winced as the skin sizzled from the hot metal. Once finished, Quinn helped settle Brittany onto the ground and glanced back toward the battlefield, just then remembering the battle still raged.


Brittany moaned and blinked her eyes open. As her vision cleared, she could make out Santana leaning over her and smiling tenderly.

"Good morning." The brunette whispered.

"Morning? The battle was yesterday? I have been asleep a whole day?"

Santana chuckled. "Three mornings ago actually. You have been unconscious the three days now. And I am sorry to tell you that your dreams of an honorable death in battle will have to wait. You are going to be just fine."

Brittany closed her eyes tiredly with a smile. "So we are both alive and we are joined…married as your people say."

"Are you disappointed?"

The blonde forced her eyes open and she met Santana's worried gaze. She reached a hand and cupped the brunette's tan cheek. "Far from it. I think dying old and gray in bed with you will be a far superior death."

Santana smiled brightly and leaned to press her lips to the blonde's. She pulled back abruptly when Brittany gasped. "Are you alright? Shall I call for Chang?"

"Did we win? Is the battle over? What of Quinn, is she well?"

Santana quickly soothed the woman from her panic. "All is well. The battle was won and the Romanians have been soundly defeated. Quinn is quite well, standing guard as always. Samuel is well too…and Puck. Overall it was a resounding victory."

Brittany seemed to calm then and she settled back against the cot. "I am glad."


Brittany leaned heavily on Santana as she was helped back toward her cot. They had been on the move for the last few days, heading back to the city to report to Santana's father the King. He was ordering their return for a full report and to congratulate them on their victory. The camp was quickly reconstructed less than a day's ride from the castle but Santana refused to continue further, worried Brittany was tiring.

The blonde refused to appear weak in front of her army and insisted upon riding her own horse and walking without aid. It was only when she was alone with Santana or Quinn that she would allow assistance.

"Does it still hurt?" Quinn asked from the blonde's side as Santana helped her settle.

"I was run through with a damn sword, of course it hurts!" Brittany hissed. "Not to mention I have been jostled about on the back of a clumsy beast that is intent on stepping in every rut and hole."

Quinn smirked. "Someone is cranky. I will go round up some strong ale to ease the ache. That is if you feel safe being left alone with her?"

At Quinn's question, Santana smiled and nodded. "Her bark is worse than her bite; you should know that as well as anyone. We will be fine."

"You like when I bite." Brittany mumbled, already drifting into slumber.

Quinn snorted at the brunette's blush. She quickly exited the tent leaving the two alone. Santana perched next to the blonde on the cot and tenderly brushed blonde locks from her pale forehead.

"Stop fussing." Brittany whispered.

"No." Santana immediately replied. "Have you forgotten you are my soul's mate? I will tend to you. Stop being stubborn."

Brittany cracked her eyes open again and smiled softly. "Soul's mate…I do like the sound of that."

Santana returned the smile and pressed their lips together. "We will be back at my father's castle tomorrow. You can rest properly then. He wishes to thank you and your people personally. Without you Danes we could not have protected our lands and forced out the Romanians."

"You slight statured Europeans did your part…but we Danes carried the day of course."

"Your humility is astounding." Santana said with a chuckle. "But yes, you did help us greatly. And my father will reward you. What would you like as your reward Captain?"

Brittany smiled mischievously and wrapped her arms around Santana. "You. On a silver platter…preferably naked. But a chest full of gold would suffice. Oh, and a new horse, one that is steady and not determined to hit every gully and hole."

Santana laughed and swatted at the blonde's shoulder. "I told you to ride in the wagon but no; the Captain must not appear any less than immortal. Even with severe injury. Your people love you; they would not think less of you if you needed a little rest and care. You are not invincible."

"I am with you." Brittany said, her expression serious. "I can do anything with you by my side. Even address a king and claim his daughter as my own."

Santana gazed into Brittany's bright blue eyes, both brimming with sincerity. She pressed her lips to the blonde's again. "I am already yours. My father will not condone our relationship Brittany. But I do not care. I am yours. I will leave Europe if I must. I will go home with you. I do not care where we are Brittany, as long as I am with you."

"You cannot leave Europe Santana." Brittany replied seriously. "You are to be Queen. You cannot abdicate the throne, your people need you!"

"They need a just ruler, whether me or someone else. But I need you. Brittany if you go back to your land I want to go with you. Or you could stay here…but I would never ask you to give up your home…"

Brittany smiled and cupped Santana's cheek. "My lady, we have time to discuss this and make a decision. I will not abide by any decision that separates us. You will come with me or I will stay here. It is simple enough."

"I love you Brittany Pierce of the Sylvester clan." Santana whispered.

"And I love you." The blonde pulled Santana closer and pressed their lips together again. "All will be well, you will see."

Santana smiled. "Puck said the same thing."

"Then he is a wise man." Brittany said with a chuckle.

Santana nodded. "Brittany, I am sorry to worry so. It is just that my father…he will not approve-"

"Then we will not tell him." The blonde reasoned. "I will remain by your side as your bodyguard, your servant if I must. But I will remain by your side. Do not worry so. I have decided to die old and gray in my bed…with you. I will settle for no less."

Santana smiled again and settled next to Brittany on the cot, cuddling close.


"Hello father, my King." Santana said solemnly with a deep bow. "We have returned as you requested, victorious in defending our nations. This is Brittany Pierce of the Sylvester clan, captain of the Danish army. She and her people were instrumental in our victory."

The King sat upon his throne looking both bored and angry. He stroked his graying beard, a stern look on his face. King Lopez pushed himself to his feet and stared down at his daughter, her head still bowed before him at the bottom of the stairs, Brittany a few steps behind her. Puck and Quinn were standing side by side behind her.

"So this is the heathen who aided us." He said coldly as he descended the stairs.

Santana glanced up at the man and narrowed her eyes. "Heathen or not, she and her army are to be praised and rewarded."

"I shall be the judge of that!" The king bellowed. "The heathen nation has our gratitude. But this woman…she dares to step foot before me after what she has done!"

Santana felt Brittany tense behind her and took a step closer to her father. "What has she done other than help protect you and your sovereignty? If not for her and her people we would be bowing to the Romanians at this moment!"

"And you!" the King continued, turning to Santana. "You dare address me after you shame me? I will not stand for this. You dare bring that heathen here and parade her in front of me after you fornicate with her! You dare dishonor me?"

Santana paled. "Father…"

"I have no daughter! You are dead to me and you are disowned! If you remain in my home it will be as a servant and nothing more. No heathen-loving whore will ever inherit my throne! And as for you," he said, stepping closer to the defiant blonde. "You are hereby under arrest. Guards!"

A swarm of soldiers descended on Brittany and grabbed her roughly. Quinn pulled her sword and prepared to charge.

"Quinn no!" Brittany called. "You will stand down! Santana…she will need you, watch over her until I can again."

Quinn clenched her jaw and growled. With a nod she sheathed her sword. Brittany seemed to relax at the sight.

"Father…Your Highness, I beg you, do not do this!" Santana cried. "Please-"

The King swung and slapped Santana, the sound ringing throughout the hall. "You will bite your tongue whore!"

Brittany yelled and began to struggle against the soldiers holding her. "You will pay for that old man! Mark my words I will make you pay for that!"

She was still yelling and fighting as the guards dragged her away.


Santana was unceremoniously escorted to her private room and was ordered to remain there. A guard was stationed outside her door to be certain she did not attempt to leave.

She was pacing her room when she heard the door open. Puck stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Noah, what of Brittany? Is she alright?"

Puck sighed and moved further away from the door. "She is in the tower."

Santana nodded, expecting as much. The tower was where all deemed to be criminals were held pending trial or execution. She looked on expectantly.

"She is to be executed tomorrow at noonday, by hanging."

"Tomorrow." Santana whispered, sinking down into a chair. "That does not give me much time…I must get her away from here. Puck, you must help me!"

Puck clenched his jaw. "I cannot Santana. I must follow my King's orders and he has ordered me to oversee the execution. I am to inherit the throne now, thanks to you. Someone must remain in His Majesty's good graces otherwise when he passes our country will be thrown into civil war without an heir. This is your fault!"

Santana shot to her feet with a growl. "Puck you do not mean that. I know you do not. You know as well as I do that my father is an evil man. Brittany and the Danes helped save our country. She does not deserve this and I will not stand for it!"

"Santana you have no power, not anymore!" Puck replied. "There is nothing to be done. Do not fight your father on this and my may in time forgive you."

"I will never forgive you if you do not help me!" Santana cried. "You are as close to me as a brother. You know I love her! Please Noah."

Puck sighed and turned back to the door. "There is nothing I can do. Brittany is to die tomorrow. You would be wise to accept that and not cause trouble."

As her cousin exited the room and the locks slid back into place securing her in the room, Santana let out an unearthly scream. She spun in anger, looking for something to throw, anything she could break. Before she could reach the vase her eyes had fallen upon, an arrow came slicing through her open window and lodged in her bedpost.

Santana gasped in surprise. The arrow was still quivering from its lodging in the thick wood. She looked closer, seeing something attached to the arrow and she rushed forward. A note unraveled around the arrow shaft.

I will come for you. We will get her out. Be ready. Q.

Santana smiled at the note and tried to calm her nerves and rest knowing she would need all her strength and wits.


The morning came and Santana found herself still locked away in her private chambers. From the position of the sun, the brunette knew the time for Brittany's execution was growing near. If the shouts and cheers from the streets were any indication, Santana assumed the festivities that came with a public execution had already begun.

She ran to her window and tried to get a glimpse of the square down below. The gallows where Brittany was to hang were in view to Santana's left. The platform was still empty, that the brunette was grateful for.

As the cheers got louder, Santana craned her neck and saw soldiers pushing their way toward the platform. Before she could spot Brittany, a commotion from the hallway sounded.

The locks were pulled and the door was thrown open and Quinn rushed in, sword in hand and bow across her shoulders. "Come, hurry. They are already bringing her from the tower; we do not have much time."

Santana nodded and followed quickly, barely sparing the downed guards at the door a glance. They rushed down a number of corridors until they made their way outside. Santana looked around and realized they were along the outer wall where guards would be on the lookout for attacks outside the city walls.

"I hope you have a plan of some sort." Santana hissed.

Quinn glanced back over her shoulder and smirked. "Of course I do. You do not think Brittany comes up with all the clever battle plans alone do you?"

Santana smiled for the first time since arriving back in her father's castle. She followed Quinn but felt her blood drop at the sight of a European soldier stepping in front of them. Then the soldier lifted the faceguard from his helmet and winked.

"Samuel!" Santana sighed with relief. The man nodded and Quinn again turned around with a smirk.

"We relieved the perimeter guards of their duty. Do not worry…we did not kill them all."

"At this point I do not care." Santana replied. "They protect my father who endangers Brittany. I no longer care for their safety."

The cheers continued and Santana watched as Brittany was led up the steps to the platform. She growled at the sight of Puck standing next to the executioner. His armor was polished and the golden eagle emblazoned across his breastplate was impressive. His cape billowed in the breeze as Brittany was placed into position and the noose secured around her neck and her hands tied behind her back.

"We must hurry." Quinn said. "Are the others in place?"

"We have not heard from Arthur. Without him we cannot be certain our exit will be available. He has not given the signal." Sam replied.

"We cannot wait for them!" Santana cried. "The noose is already around her neck. We must act now."

Quinn nodded. "Take your position Sam."

Santana watched as her father moved to the balcony overlooking the square. "Citizens!" he bellowed. "I give to you the heathen Brittany Pierce! She has corrupted your beloved princess and left her unfit to rule. She must be punished! She is to hang for her sins and burn in hell for all eternity!"

With her father's nod, the executioner moved to his position and gripped the lever to drop the platform out from under the blonde. Brittany stood still, gazing out across the crowd.

"Go now!" Quinn called with a wave her arms. A shrill yell sounded and Danish soldiers seemed to appear from out of nowhere.

"Do it now!" the King called. "Kill her!"

The executioner gave a nod and pulled the lever. Brittany dropped and began to struggle against the rope.

Santana yelled as the Danes rushed the platform. "Quinn, give me your bow!"

Quinn stopped abruptly and with a growl, she slung the bow from her shoulder and threw it to Santana with an arrow. The brunette took aim as Brittany continued to kick. Santana sent up a quick prayer as she released the arrow.

Brittany dropped to the ground as the rope holding her was severed. Santana watched her land and begin to cough before she quickly rushed toward her.

"No!" the King yelled from his position. "Stop them, kill them all!"

The guards rushed to fight off the Danish attack but the surprise turned out to be too great. Santana fought to get to Brittany who was still prone on the ground, her hands tied behind her back. She finally was able to break free and drop to a knee beside her.

"Brittany?" Santana quickly cut the binds around the blonde's hands helped her sit. "Are you alright?"

Brittany sat up and gripped Santana's shoulders. The brunette winced at the redness to the blonde's neck from the rope but Brittany paid no attention. "I am fine. Are you? Has anyone harmed you?"

Santana laughed. "I am not the one who was swinging from a rope. I am fine. Hurry, we must go."

Santana helped pull Brittany to her feet. The blonde was still moving somewhat slowly due to her injury from the previous battle but she picked up a sword and quickly helped Santana ward off the attacking guards. They saw Quinn waving from a short distance away and rushed toward her.

"Come," Quinn said when they reached her. "Sam has learned Arthur has been killed. We must make our own escape. Our horses are waiting by the south gate near the river. We will need to acquire another horse; two people on one will slow us down."

"But the rest of the men," Brittany cried. "We cannot leave them here!"

Quinn gripped her arm and pushed her in the direction of the horses. "They know to make their own escape Brittany. We are all to meet up by the glade a short ride from here. But we must go now or this will have all been in vain!"

Santana held the blonde's free arm and also motioned her forward. "We must get out of here Brittany, please."

Brittany gazed into Santana's dark eyes and nodded. The brunette smiled and the three rushed to where their horses were waiting. They saw the horses where they had been left and quickly made their way to them. They stopped short however when Puck moved in between them, a sword in one hand and the reins to his horse in the other.

"Puck." Santana said firmly. "I love you dearly, you know this. But if you try to stop us, I will kill you."

Puck eyed her, as if determining the truth in her statement. He finally smiled. "You are a horse short. You cannot get away if your horse is slowed down with two riders. Take mine."

Santana gasped and felt tears stinging her eyes. As Puck sheathed his sword, he stepped closer, extending the reins to his horse.

"Oh for God's sakes, hurry. Take the damn horse!" Puck said with a shake of his head.

Santana rushed and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He pulled her close and pressed a kiss to her head. "Be careful cousin."

Santana pulled away with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Thank you. I have always said you would make an excellent king someday…prove me right."

"I still hate you for forcing me to be a responsible adult you know." Puck said with a smirk. "And you," he said, turning to Brittany, "take care of her. I will hunt you down and kill you if I hear she has been harmed or mistreated."

"I would hope so." Brittany replied. "And you have my word. Thank you."

Puck nodded and stepped out of the way as they mounted their horses and prepared to make their escape. "I will see you again someday Santana. When all this is behind us and peace comes again. You will be welcomed back into the kingdom when I have my say."

Santana smiled from her position on Puck's horse and nodded. "I look forward to it…Your Highness."

Puck shook his head as he watched them ride hard out of the city and toward their freedom.


They pulled their horses to a stop once they neared the glade and were certain they could stop and rest. Santana and Brittany immediately jumped from their horses and rushed into each other's arms.

"Are you certain you're not harmed?" Santana cried, holding Brittany tightly.

"I am fine, thanks to you." Brittany replied with a kiss to Santana's head. "You should apologize to my soldier with the arrow wound to his ass. You did that on purpose. I'm certain I've never seen an aim that good."

Santana laughed and pulled away slightly. "I told you I wanted you to win."

Brittany nodded and kissed her solidly. When she pulled away, the blonde turned to Quinn and pulled her into her arms. "Thank you. Thank you both."

Quinn smirked and shrugged her off. "It was nothing."

"So what now?" Brittany asked, her gaze flickering between Quinn and Santana.

"Now we wait for the rest of our men to arrive." Quinn said quietly. "Then we go home since we are so obviously not welcome here any longer."

Brittany eyed Santana worriedly as Quinn's words settled. She sighed and pulled the brunette into her arms again. "I am sorry it turned out this way Santana. You have only just arrived home and are now forced to leave again. I am sorry."

"I do not care Brittany." Santana replied firmly. "You are my home. I am happy so long as we are together. I do not care where we are."

They waited until more Danes filtered in. Finally they were certain there were no more soldiers to return. They quietly made camp, protected by the forest and glade swamps around them. Santana and Brittany slept, secure in each others arms.


The following morning the group was deciding their next course of action. Many of the Danes wanted to return home to their families immediately; which was understood. Some wished to remain and seek revenge on the King who had dishonored them.

They were still discussing when they heard a single horse approaching. They quickly drew their weapons and watched as the rider came into view.

"Rachel?" Santana called incredulously. "What in the name of all pure and holy are you doing here?"

Rachel smiled as she slipped from the horse and rushed Santana to hug her. "You are still my lady are you not? I wish to come with you. I cannot stay there Santana."

Santana hugged the woman back before pulling away. "What news? What have you heard Rachel?"

"You are both wanted for treason…and you as well Quinn." Rachel replied, glancing to the blonde. "Your father wishes to wage war on your people for the disgrace but even he knows the kingdom is weakened from fighting off the Romanians. So he is determined to raise taxes and draft more soldiers to restock the army. There is a bounty on all of your heads."

"Then we must go." Santana said sadly.

Brittany stepped closer and dropped a gentle hand to the brunette's shoulder. "Santana, you cannot abandon your people. You would never forgive yourself. I know you and I know you love this place and your people."

"Well what else am I to do?" Santana replied sharply. "You cannot stay here and I will not stay without you. I will go with you to your homeland."

"Or," Brittany responded with a mischievous grin, "We can stay and give your father hell."

Santana, and some of her soldiers, looked at Brittany as if she had lost her mind. "Those of you who wish to return home, you are free to do so and there will be no dishonor. Those of you who wish to remain; we might be able to do some good here yet."

"Brittany what are you talking about?" Santana asked, strangely excited by what the blonde was insinuating.

Brittany turned back to Santana and reached for her hand. "Your people are going to need you more now than ever. I say we remain and attempt to help them anyway we can. They will be taxed; we will rob the coffers and return what we can to them. They are attacked, we will attack in return until your cousin takes the throne and you are safe again."

Santana laughed and shook her head. "You have lost your mind Brittany. You have the chance to go home, safely, and have a normal life, treated as a hero. Yet you would give that up to stay here and live the life of an outlaw?"

"Have I not said that my home is where you are? You are not the only one willing to give up your home to be together. Besides, I have grown to love this land. And you love its people so therefore, I love them too. Plus I would like the chance to repay your father for slighting you. I told him I would make him pay and I will."

Santana laughed again and gazed up into Brittany's sparkling blue eyes. "Is this really the life you choose? You will stay here, with me, and execute vigilante justice against my father, always hunted until the day he dies?"

Brittany smirked. "It sounds like fun to me. I love a challenge."

Santana pulled the blonde in for a kiss. "I do love you. The fact that you would stay here with me…I do not quite know what to say."

"Just say you know where we will be able to find a ready supply of your honey mead." Quinn said dryly from the side. "If I am to remain in this god-awful place, I will require much ale and mead."

"I second that!" Sam called. "I have always wanted to be an outlaw…women love dangerous men!"

Brittany and Santana laughed and glanced around at those who remained with them. Most of the Danes would return home but some would stay.

"Well," Santana said, addressing the group that remained, "my fellow traitors and outlaws…welcome. I have no idea what the future brings. But I am looking forward to finding out with all of you."

Brittany and the rest gave a cheer before mounting their horses. They were not certain where they were heading, just that they were determined to wreak havoc on the King and his army.

"Will you teach me to use a sword?" Rachel asked Quinn timidly as they rode away from the glade. "I wish to earn my keep and be useful."

The blonde smiled. "I will teach you the sword and anything else you desire to know my lady."

Rachel blushed but returned the smile with a nod. "I shall look forward to it."

Santana and Brittany rode out in front of the group. "Are you certain you know what you have gotten yourself into?" Santana asked as they continued on their way. "It is not too late to return home with the rest of the Danes."

Brittany smirked. "I find I was meant for the life of a traitor and outlaw. Heathens are well suited to such a life."

Santana laughed. "Yes of course. But what of your Chief Sylvester? Will she not be angry when you and her daughter do not return, along with a number of her soldiers?"

"I think she will understand. She is a bit of an outlaw herself. She murdered the previous chief so that she could assume command. She probably will be relieved Quinn and I have not returned to threaten her rule."

Santana nodded thoughtfully. Brittany continued before she found her own words. "Do not concern yourself with that my lady. We have a King to ruin and mead to find. There is much to be done."

"There is indeed." Santana replied. "There is indeed."

With a smile, the brunette spurred her horse on and the rogue group of outlaws continued on their way. Within a month the group had nearly doubled in numbers as Europeans joined their ranks to seek their own form of justice against the King.

A city of sorts was constructed deep in the forest and served as the camp for the small army. What goods and money they stole from the army, they shared with the common townspeople. They were as loved by the people as they were hated by the King.

Puck continued to serve the King and ordered the arrest of any from the vagabond army. The bounty on Santana and Brittany's heads continued to rise but no one was willing to turn them in. With a shake of his head, Puck began to hammer a new Wanted poster to a tree outside of a small town he and his men had reported to in order to collect the King's taxes.

Before he could secure the poster with Santana and Brittany's faces on it, an arrow whizzed through the air and was lodged into the tree securing the poster, between Puck's fingers. He stepped away, startled and quickly glanced over his shoulder. Seeing nothing he looked back to the arrow and shook his head with a laugh.

"Nice to see you too Santana!" He called into the empty forest. He waved; certain he was still being watched, before mounting his horse and continuing on his way.

Santana watched him ride away, Brittany close by her side. "Someday." The brunette said quietly. "Someday I will see you again cousin."

Brittany squeezed Santana's hand. "Are you alright?"

Santana nodded and graced the blonde with a bright smile. "I am fine. He is a good man…I hope he has not forgotten."

"I am sure he has not." Brittany said quietly. "He must remain on the King's good side or he will be banished as well. But soon. Soon your cousin will take the throne and you will be safe again."

Santana smiled. "Perhaps. The things we have done cannot be easily forgotten by the crown or the other royals. We may never shed our outlaw status. Even so…I have never been happier."

Brittany tucked a stray strand of dark hair behind Santana's ear. "I must agree my lady. This life suits me."

Santana laughed as they mounted their horses. "You do love trouble. What do you say to a race back to camp? Loser must prepare, serve, and feed dinner…naked."

The blonde growled at Santana's low tone. "That sounds-hey!" with a laugh, Brittany watched Santana already kicking her horse into a gallop, determined to win the race. She quickly spurred her own horse on, not too concerned with beating the brunette back.

She did end up defeating Santana in the race and arrived back at camp before the brunette. "You cheat." She called, watching Santana drop from her horse laughing.

"And yet you still won." The brunette replied. "Or perhaps I let you win yet again?"

Brittany scowled at the thought. "You did not! I won fair and square. Didn't I? Santana you wanted to win did you not?"

"Oh love, I have already won. I have you." Santana replied tenderly. "And with you eyeing me naked all night I am bound to be pleasured before I even finish preparing the first course which will then leave you to do all the actual work."

Brittany's jaw dropped as she watched Santana saunter toward their shared hut, the sounds of their friends laughing in the background. "Oh…you are clever." The blonde laughed and followed the smirking woman into their home.

A/N – Thank you for indulging me. I seriously could not even sleep until this was written for some odd reason. It kind of turned into Robin Hood there at the end. It was just for fun and completely made up. I don't own any of if. And now, back to Sins of the Father. Thanks!