Chapter Thirteen ; Something Wicked This Way Comes ; Rose Point of View:

This is for everyone who's liked / favourited / alerted / reviewed this story so far, and who's stuck with it from the start. but mostly to " fedcba " who made me decide to post this up. Okay, I'm going to a Christmas party soon... Christmas is in 20 days! Hahaha, I'll post a chapter up then, if not before! C: xoxox - Tarnie

When I woke, in the late morning, the day after beating up Amber, I found myself alone in bed.

I heard the water stop, and I reassured myself that Scorpius was staying with me, and the last months hadn't been a dream - we were really together.

In my head, I went over everything that had happened the night before, over and over again.

We'd been playing spin the bottle, Scorpius had walked out when I'd started kissing David, he was a little jealous. I'd gone to find him, and it took me a while, but in the end I found him down in the classrooms. We'd had a fight, like usual, and ended up kissing, like usual. Except, unusually, Amber popped out and went ape at us. Totally bloody crazy, we'd gotten into a real fight, and then Scorpius had carried me back to bed. I was surprised that the teachers hadn't come and gotten me yet. Amber had told me I would pay for what I did to her, a couple of broken nails, a couple of punches, yada yada. I'd expected points to come off Gryffindor, but, as far as I knew, no points had been deducted yet, and I hadn't been called to McGonagle's office, so I took that as a good sign.

Could it be that Amber had learned that she could possibly be a nice person? I felt light-headed thinking about it. Everything about the night before seemed far off and distant somehow, but as soon as I went to run my hands through my hair, it all came rushing back to me.

The place where Amber had been trying to pull a chunk of my hair out was tender, and when I touched it, it hurt badly.

The door to the bathroom opened, and steamed rushed out before I saw Scorpius at all. Steam surrounding him, a towel the only thing that was covering his thing."Good morning, beautiful."

I laughed lightly and sat up against the headboard. "Well, my, my, my. Doesn't someone look good."

And he did. His muscles were big enough on their own - they didn't need to be flexed, and his toned stomach looked amazing, as always.

He walked over to me, putting a little bit of a swag into his walk, and when he got over to me, he knelt down.

His mouth was moving towards me when I pushed him away and moved towards the bathroom. "One sec."

I didn't bother closing the door after me. Scorpius had, literally, seen me in nothing, so why did I care if he saw me without a shirt on? I pulled it off quickly, dumping it on the floor with the rest of his shirts, and went over to the bathroom mirror, grabbing the deoderant before I sprayed it on my underarms.

I pulled my toothbrush out and brushed my teeth, taking my time to make sure I didn't have any morning-breath while I was kissing him. The idea made me shudder.

He came up behind me, and turned me around, bringing his lips down on mine. I was glad I had time to rinse before he swept me off my feet.

He picked me up and put me on the counter of the bathroom, putting his hands on my waist as he kissed me passionately.

My legs were dangling over the side, and I noticed that I was topless, yet still had my pants on.

"Rose?" someone called, and Scorpius and I broke our lips apart as they walked in and looked at us.

"Here we are, concerned that he's killed her, and they're having a fucking make-out session." Lily sighed.

"I think it's sweet." Roxy said, smiling at the two of us.

"Grow up." Lily shot back at her.

"What do you two want?" Scorpius asked, he looked as if he had no plan of moving.

"For you to put some clothes on." Lily shot at him. "But since you and Rose are probably planning on finishing, I uess there's no chance of that, is there?"
"We'll finish later." Scorpius winked at me, quickly pecking my lips before he walked through the other door to his bedroom and shut the door.

"What did you guys want?" I asked, running a hand through my hair and instantly I scrunched up my face in pain.

"We were coming to get you for lunch." Roxy said. "What happened to your head?"
"I got into a fight with Amber last night." I said, sliding from my position on the counter to the floor. I walked back towards my bedroom and went through my trunk until I found the jeans and shirt that I wanted.

"Why?" Lily asked, suddenly interested.

I grabbed a new bra and turned around, facing away from them as I took my old one off and threw it on my bed, pulling my new one on. "She called Mum a filthy Mud-blood, and Dad a half-blood and I went beserk."

"I would have too, the fucking bitch." Lily said.

"What happened to you?" I asked, watching her.

"Nothing, why?"

"You're swearing a little more than normal today. And you're in a bad mood." I said softly.

"I didn't get any sleep!" she almost yelled. "I don't need this shit from Roxy and then you!"

"Fine! Fine! Sorry!" I rolled my eyes, pulling my clothes on one-by-one.

"Are we going to get some food or not?" Scorpius asked, coming into my room via the bathroom. "Oh, yeah, and Rose, how come everyone knows our password?"

"Because we can listen!" Lily shot at him.

Scorpius walked next to me as we went out of the door and down towards the Great Hall.

"That bitch!" a girl whispered, looking at me from her group of friends.

"What a slut!" her friend agreed.

I frowned slightly. "Excuse me?"

"How could you do that to David?" another one of the three asked.

"Do what to David, exactally?" Lily folded her arms across her chest while I looked at Scorpius.

"You stupid slut!" the first to speak exclaimed. "You were bloody lucky to have him! You didn't deserve him in the first place, and then you went, and, what? Two days after you break up with him you're with Scorpius?"

My stomach felt as if it had fallen on the floor, and I looked at her speechlessly.

"Slut." she said again.

Lily walked up to her and put her face so close to her she could kiss her. "Listen, you filthy mut! I am tired, I am angry, and I really want to hit someone right now. So I swear, if you call my cousin a slut one more time, you will see the inside of the Hospital Wing. Got it?"

The girl towered away from her a little bit while Scorpius tried to talk to me, but his voice was a blur, I was too busy focusing on my family.

Sweet Roxy, who was watching me with concerned eyes. She didn't know what to say, and I didn't know what to tell them either to ease their worried looks. And then my eyes turned to Lily. The girl who had just threatened someone for me. The girl who I could trust with my life. I realised, slowly, that I could trust both of them with my life and with my secrets. I loved them both so much.

"Rose? Are you okay?" Scorpius asked once again.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Scorpius? Who did you tell that we were going out?"

"No one." he said softly. "The bitch caught us."

I shook my head. "No, Amber's a bitch, but she couldn't be that much of one to tell everyone...could she?"

"She did." We looked over to one of the three girls. "She told everyone."

"Shut the fuck up!" Lily hissed at them. "Rose, it's gonna be alright. This shouldn't even worry you!"

"How could it not worry me, Lil-" I stopped talking and looked at Scorpius. "How come you're so bloody calm?"

"Rose, I see it as meaning that we don't have to hide our relationship for one more day." he pointed out, watching me. "I mean, we're only here for a couple hours of the day after tomorrow and then we're out in the big wide world all by ourselves where no one's going to judge us. And plus it's always been you and me, who cares if we're dating or not?"

"You don't have to tell them. You can pretend that you guys aren't dating." Lily pointed out, watching us closely, just like Roxy was.

I looked over at him. "What do you want to do?"

"Actually, it's what do you want to do?" he corrected me.

"Scorpius-" I was going to argue, I guess he picked up on that because of what he said next.

"I've always loved you, Rose, and I still will, even if you chose to hide us for a couple more hours from them." he held my hand.

I looked down at our intwined fingers.

If we went in there and said it never happened, everyone would believe us and they would think that Amber was just a jealous ex girlfriend. Nobody would care, and everyone would think that she was a lying jealous bitch. The downside was, despite what he said, it would hurt Scorpius if I went in there and pretended that nothing was going on between us. If I went in there and said that we were dating, if we showed everyone, there was no telling what would happen. Would people get angry? Would more people call me a slut? I had no idea and it wasn't as if I could possibly tell anyway. I wouldn't hurt Scorpius, but there was quite a big chance that I would hurt David, and my friends could turn against me. It was just a chance I was going to have to take, though. If they weren't my friends because of one tiny thing, than they weren't my real friends at all.

"Get up, Scorpius." I whispered. "Let's go."

So we walked into the hall, hand-in-hand, and I readied myself for a group of people who were going to throw things at me.

"So you two are dating?" Troy said once again.

"No...yes. We don't know." I said, looking over at Scorpius who shrugged his shoulders.

"And you're okay with this?" Troy asked, looking over at David.

David had shared his oppinion at bits and pieces throughout our sharing stories. We didn't mention that we'd been together while David and I were together.

"My best friend. And my little sister...together." he said.

"Er- I'm your little sister, James." Lily frowned, looking at her brother.

We were all suspecting that he was having a mental breakdown because of Lily and Ryan and Scorpius and I.

"Best friend. Little sister." James whispered again.

Lily let out a little laugh, and Fred and Roxy looked at Scorpius. "So...what are you planning on doing for Rose's birthday?"
"I don't know yet."

"How did this subject change?"

We were all a little bit confused.

In minutes we were all laughing and joking around like we usually would.

"I'm going to miss you all so much." I said out of the blue, spoiling the laughing mood.

"But we'll always be together. We're gonna have parties and get togethers and other stuff." Lily nodded her head.

"You know, we'll all probably live in the same street or something when we're older." Troy piped in.

"Ours kids will grow up together." Ryan nodded.

"Perfect picture." David smiled.

"I was really scared of growing up and leaving school." I said quietly. "But I think it's just going to be another journey. We'll probably all die together."

"Probably." Roxy and Fred agreed at the same time.

I watched all of them on their own for a while. How I could have thought that these people wouldn't be my friends because of Scorpius and I defeated me. I now understood that they wouldn't leave me, and I wouldn't leave them. I hoped that we would all stay friends forever, as corny as that sounds.

We ended having another sleepover, but, instead of it all being biological family, it was my un-related-totally-retarded family. I loved each and every single one of them.