Chapter One: If You Were The One; Rose Point Of Veiw

- I don't own any of Harry Potter, it all comes from J.K Rowling accept for the parts/people I made from my own mind -

His hand was entwined with mine, and I smiled up at him as we turned the corner, going into Hogsmeade. David Wood, my former boyfriend of about one year and a month, was calmly walking beside me, every now and than pulling me a little closer than I had been before, or squeasing my hand to remind me that he was thinking about me.

"Do you think we could get away with going to the Quidditch store?" I asked softly, praying in my mind that he'd say yes.

I was in love with Quidditch. More than anything else in the world. Accept for my family and friends. If they counted at all. Which, when it came to Quidditch, unfortuanately they did. He was in love with Quidditch, too, though, and I knew he'd say yes straight away. "You can, sweetie. I'll go and save us a table."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "Excuse me? Did you, David Wood, son of Oliver Wood, just say that you were going to pass on going to the Quidditch store?"

He laughed at me. "I got into a fight with Jackson the last time I went there, and they don't like me going there. I think I'll just go and get you a table."

I shook myself. I was dying to go in there, but I acted like a good girlfriend, since he was always trying to be the perfect boyfriend, even when he didn't want to be. "No. It's alright, I'll come with you."

He stopped walking, and turned me to look at him, a softer look taking on his face. "Rose. I am a teenager. I don't need someone always looking out for me. I'm a boy. You go, get what you need, have fun, and I'll meet you at the Three Broomsticks in a little while."

I sighed. "You're sure you're going to be alright?"

He laughed at me. "You want a Butterbeer while you're sitting down. You won't get a table if I don't go soon. Everyone's starting to head in there."

I smiled. "How you know me so well."

He kissed my lips quickly, before he turned around and walked towards the Three Broomsticks. I turned on my heel and walked the other direction, towards my favourite shop in the whole world. Well, other than Jay Jays but they were a Muggle brand, and I practically went shopping with Mum when I was at home in the holidays, whenever I possibly could. Oh, how I loved my mother.

The door rang, a bell nailed to the top of it, as I opened the door and walked inside, instantly being filled by the smell of leather, brooms and book pages.

I ran my hands over the old books, one by one, all of them about how to play Quidditch, or what Quidditch was about, or even biographys of past Quidditch players and new ones. Everything that anyone could want to do with Quidditch.

My favourite book, a blue-leather coloured book, that had all of the plays in it, was sitting in it's original place, and I picked it up, opening it, and getting greated by the smell of old books, the smell that I loved ever so much.

"Only you could keep reading that bloody book." someone said, and I jumped, already smiling.

I quickly put the book back, and turned around, wrapping my arms around the boy who was standing beside me. "Scorpius!"

He laughed at me, folding me in his arms.

"Uh-hum." someone cleared their throat behind him, and I sighed. He'd brought her.

I took a step back from him, and looked around him. "Hey, Amber."

She gave me a filthy look while Scorpius watched me, oblivious to the bitch that was his girlfriend.

I knew he was sorry for bringing her - he knew I couldn't stand her - but I knew that she would have made a scene, and said maybe he loved me, and I loved him, and that was why I couldn't stand to be around her. She would've made him feel guilty, and then he would have given in, because Scorpius was too nice for his own damn good.

"What's up, Rose?" she asked, not sounding as if she wanted to know for a second.

"I'm hanging out with my boyfriend, and my best friends. Oh, and some skank." I said, smiling politely at her. "What about you?"

She laughed. "I could say the same thing."

"Oh no, you see, then you'd have to have a friend here." James, my cousin, said, coming to the rescue.

Scorpius didn't take his eyes off me, and as soon as I met them I felt guilty. It wasn't his fault his girlfriend was a bitch. It was just his fault he didn't break up with her.

"How are you doing, bub?" James said, his arms winding their way around me.

I kissed my cousin's cheek, as he kissed mine, and folded my arms around him. "Better now that you're here."

He winked at me when he pulled away. "Missing your buddy, Scorpius, here I presume?"

I punched Scorpius' arm softly. "Always."

We were ignoring Amber, and showing her how good our friendship with Scorpius was on purpose. She didn't have anything like this with Scorpius. With them it was her bitching at him all night, and then him hugging her until she wanted to make-out.

Scorpius laughed, playing along, yet trying to get us to stop at the same time. "You guys ready to get that Butterbeer?"

"I know I am!" Amber said, leaning into Scorpius.

I rolled my eyes, nobody, especially one of my best friend, deserved that mutt.

"Where's David?" James asked, being the first to notice he wasn't there other than me.

"What? Did he finally dump you because of how ugly you are?" Amber asked, smiling over at me.

I laughed, not even needing the time. "That's funny! I always wonder the same about why Scorpius hasn't dumped you yet!"

She gave me a filthy look and slipped her hand into Scorpius'. James' arm wound it's way around my shoudlers, and I smiled over at my cousin, who was easily one of my best friends. Although, he and Scorpius were my only best friends. Some people thought it was weird that my cousin was one of my friends, I thought it was normal. James and I had grown up to look out after each other. We'd been together ever since we were kids, just like Scorpius and James and I.

We made our way out of the shop, and over to the Three Broomsticks, which was just over the road.

People from our school were making their way all up and down the street. When we opened the door to the Three Broomsticks, we watched everyone.

The place was overtaken with school kids, chatting, drinking Butterbeer, laughing and earning disrespectful looks from the older people around us.

"Rose!" David yelled to me, over the loud noises of people talking around us. "Rose! Over here!"
I smiled at him, and we started on our way over to the table he'd saved, an empty glass of what I presumed to be Butterbeer in front of him.

He stood up, and pulled me into a hug when I got there, James brushing his arms off me, and back to his sides. Sometimes I felt sorry for James. In moments like this. He could have any girl he wanted, but instead he just wanted one-night hook-ups or make-outs in broom closets. But when he came to moments where everyone was happy, and hugging and kissing, and being together, while dating, I know that he wanted a girlfriend too.

David's lips came down lightly, and he intwined his fingers with mine, moving out of the way so I could sit down before him.

Scorpius met me in the middle of the booth, the chairs going in a semi-circle around half of the table, a red leather underneath our bottoms. He smiled at me. "Hey, stranger."

I laughed softly. "We'll howdy."

Amber put her hands on Scorpius' arm, and got his attention. David's hand strayed to my knee, and I smiled over at him. His arm slowly went around my shoulders, and I put my head into his chest.

"Who wants a Butterbeer?" James asked, not even bothering to sit down yet.

"Me." I said softly, intwining my left hand with David's right. We were extremely close, he and I.

James was gone for a couple of minutes, while we set into an easy silence, and Scorpius ignored Amber while David played with my fingers. It annoyed me when people played with my fingers. It was strange, since I didn't feel like that when I was actually holding hands with someone.

Amber snorted about something, and I looked over at her as much as I could without murmuring David and I too much. "She should never be allowed to date him. He's amazing." She was staring at me.

I sat up straight and frowned at her. "Are you talking about me, bitch?"

I knew for a fact that she was. I didn't just go around calling people 'bitch'.

She smiled filthly at me. "If the shoe fits."

"You know what else the shoe fits with?" I asked softly. "That you're a bitch!"

David, beside me, laughed softly, and Scorpius sighed, leaning back.

"Now that we all know Scorpius' girlfriend is a bitch, in Rose's words of course," he totally agreed with me. "may we please enjoy a Butterbeer?" James asked, popping up out of nowhere, a tray with five cups of Butterbeer on it. He sat them down on the table, and we each took one. "Now I'd like to make a toast. Family, friends...Amber," she sneered at him, and I laughed under my breath. "I'd just like to say thanks for all being with me today. I hope the Butterbeer is good. And I hope we laugh for the rest of our lives."

I put my cup up in the air, and took a sip of it, while everyone else did. The word that left my lips before the cup touched them was simple. "Cheers!"

Scorpius smiled at me once we'd both put our drinks down, and he playfully nudged my arm, earning me a terrible look from Amber. I punched him back. "Don't be a girl basher, Scorpius."

"He'd have to be hitting a girl." Amber spat at me.

I flipped her off and turned, pressing my lips up against David's, who was watching me silently.

He brushed my dark hair away from my face, and I slid my fingers into his.

David had been my boyfriend since the start of sixth year. It was now a month into seventh year, and our relationsihp was still going stong.

Stronger than Scorpius' and Ambers, if that meant anything.

I watched them, as we made our way up to the castle later that evening. They were walking close together, and she kept going to grab his hand, but there was no passion there. They didn't love each other. They were just using each other for make-outs.

David walked both Scorpius and I to our Common Room's door. As we were Head Boy and Head Girl, we lived in seperate rooms from the other boys and girls. Although Scorpius wouldn't have been in our normal Common Room anyway. He was in Slytherin.

Scorpius turned away, and unlocked the portal's door, while David lowered his lips to mine and we shared one last kiss before we went our seperate ways for the night.

Scorpius and I didn't sleep for a while after we gotten into our pyjamas, and started talking.

"Nighty night, Scorpius." I said softly, while he wrapped his arms around me, and I hugged him back.

"Good night, Rosie." he said, smiling brightly at me.

He kissed my forehead, like he had ever since we were toddlers, and I turned around, running into my bedroom. I didn't bother to shut my bedroom door. Why would I? Scorpius and I had both watched each other sleep - we still had sleepovers!

My back was against the matress, and my head was on my pillows, the blankets pulled up to my chin. Both Scorpius and I had had the same idea; to push the two beds that they'd given either of us together and make it one big bed.

My last thoughts before I fell asleep that night were simple. And totally innocently thought. But it was perfectly normal while I was relaxed. If Scorpius was my boyfriend, I would never treat him like Amber does. If he was the one, I'd be the perfect girlfriend without even trying for him.