Sorry it's been so long. I've been so busy but I'm getting back into the swing of things. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed and followed this story, I really appreciate it!

Also is this season of Suits giving anyone else weekly heart attacks? Anyway hope this one is okay :)

As always I don't own Suits or anything related to James Bond.

Donna and Harvey had been a team for nearly 12 years. And over the course of these 12 years they had developed many things: a strong bond of friendship, special traditions, and an unbreakable sense of loyalty. And while they hadn't quite been able to master telepathy they did have a keen sense of knowing what the other was thinking. 12 years of partnership had also given rise to certain systems of communication.


Donna stood in the break room, back to the counter and bag of Cheetos in hand. Rachel was telling her about the recent visit she had just had with her parents.

"She tried to tell me that I couldn't-" before Rachel finished her sentence Donna's phone began to ring. She glanced down at it, the caller I.D. read Harvey.

"Hey Rach, I gotta take this. Resume story after work?" Donna said smiling apologetically.

Rachel sighed and nodded as she stood up, "Yeah, I should probably be heading back to my desk anyway"

"Drinks are on me" Donna sang as Rachel headed for the door. The young brunette turned and smiled.

"They'd better be. Also the James Bond theme song, really?" Rachel said pointing at Donna's phone before shaking her head and walking down the hall.

"Hey it's a classic" Donna mumbled to herself. Quickly wiping her hands she hit the 'Answer' button.

"This better be good-you interrupted Cheetos and girl talk"

"Honey? Is everything okay?" was what she heard from her boss, instead of the joke she was expecting.

" 'Honey'? Really? That's the term of endearment you chose?" Donna replied sarcastically.

"Although I guess it's better than baby or-" Harvey cut her off before she could finish.

"I'm out of earshot now"

Donna smirked, "I take it the meeting isn't going well?"

"Not really as planned. And I'd much rather talk to you"

"I told you to make him reschedule at the firm. You know meeting here lets you control the situation better" Donna lectured as she placed her secret Cheetos stash back into the cupboard. The trick was hiding it behind the boxes of Nature Valley bars. No one ever went for those.

"And the added pleasure of talking to me in person" she continued as she walked down the hall back to her desk.

"And what a pleasure it would be" he replied smoothly with a teasing lilt.

"Don't try to sweet talk me Specter. I am fully entitled to say 'I told you so' and I intend to exercise that right"

"I love you"

Donna's pace slowed to a stop and her heart beat increased. But the moment was short as she remembered what those three words actually meant.

Resuming her earlier stride she ignored the admission.

"Ah- and the wonderful Mr. Williams is back on the scene I presume"

"I'll be there soon"

"I'll have Ray come pick you up". With that Donna hung up. She stood in front of her desk for a moment staring at her computer screen. Dropping into her chair she shot off a text to Ray and sighed.

'We really need a new system. I am such an idiot.'

-Seven years earlier-

"If I have to sit in another meeting with some schmuck who doesn't stop talking I'll shoot myself"

Donna raised her eyes towards Harvey and gave him a look, "Don't be so overdramatic"

"I'm not. Some of the stories these guys are pitching are pathetic and are so clearly fabricated I can see the gaping holes. I shouldn't have to listen to this. I need an out" Harvey huffed leaning against Donna's desk.

Donna just rolled her eyes and continued typing as Harvey complained about the meeting he had just had.

She decided to stop him before he could launch into a full-fledged rant.

"Hey, the Classic Theater is having a Bond marathon tomorrow night. You in?" she asked glancing back up at Harvey. He paused at the sudden interruption.

"Connery or Moore? And are you even listening to me?"

"Trying not to. Connery- they're showing You Only Live Twice, From Russia With Love….and Goldfinger"

Harvey gave her a look.

"Hey I got the gist: you hate bogus clients, they take up your valuable time, poor me, so on and so forth"

Her summary was not appreciated as she received another annoyed look from Harvey.

"Okay okay, so you need an excuse to cut it short. Why don't you just come up with an emergency or something?" she said going back to her computer.

"What kind of emergency am I going to invent while sitting across from a client? The building's flooding? I think that'll only work as far as the ride to the ground floor" Harvey shot back.

"Hey I'm just throwing out suggestions. Say you had a family thing or something. People always excuse those. Just say you have to make a call, pretend something's happened and say you have to leave. Simple." Donna said her eyes never leaving the screen in front of her.

"Okay. Great. So I'll call you-" Donna opened her mouth to complain but Harvey cut her off.

"Come on who else would I call?"

'True' Donna thought shrugging, her eyes returning to her work.

"I call you and then I say something that sounds urgent and you'll know I need to leave"

Before Donna could weigh in Harvey resumed speaking.

"We need a code word" he said snapping his fingers.

"A code word?" Donna replied raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah so you'll know to send the car. Something that fits obviously"

There was a beat of silence as Harvey and Donna ran through a mental word list. After a minute Donna smiled slightly and cleared her throat.

"We tried to think of something that you wouldn't forget" she said raising her eyes slowly to meet his. Noting the plural reference and her earlier question Harvey caught on quickly.

"Yes?" he replied, a playful twinkle in his eye.

"" Donna said slowly staring back at him. But as she met his gaze the rest of the line seemed to slip away from her immediate thoughts. Their eyes stayed locked on each other for a long minute. The crash of someone in the office dropping a stapler, and the resulting curses, brought her back to reality.

"Repeat it please, to make sure you get it" Donna said matter-of-factly.

"Don't worry, I get it" Harvey quoted back smiling. But his eyes had lost some of their earlier glint. Another moment of silence past and she jumped to cover it up.

"So…we have a system!"

"Right. Oh and yes to Bond" Harvey said before turning around and walking back into his office.

Donna sighed and turned back to her desk.

'I'm an idiot'


Donna tapped her heel on the floor as she looked over Harvey's calendar for the next week. She was making a mental list of the e-mails she had yet to send when Mike popped up in front of her desk and shoved something towards her. Her head snapped up and she noticed she was being presented with an iced coffee.

"Extra whipped cream" Mike said smiling. Donna snatched the plastic cup away from him and sipped.

'Ah. Heaven'

"And you need…?" she asked in between sips of the delicious drink.

"Nothing" the associated replied. Unconvinced Donna raised an eyebrow.

"I promise. I was supposed to be looking at old cases but Harvey took me with him to meet Oliver Williams, you know the guy with the fraud case or whatever? But he didn't even show. So Harvey just made me make a coffee run. Told me to pick something up for you too"

"Oh well then… thank you" Donna said slowly. She was confused. Hadn't Harvey said he was meeting with Williams when he called her?

"Mike!" Donna and Mike heard Harvey call from his office.

"Better get in there" Mike said smiling as he headed over.

'I swear he said Williams'

"Hey Mike?" Donna called out stopping him. The young man paused and turned towards her expectantly.

"So you didn't meet with Williams" she clarified.

"Nope. I think Harvey tried to get in touch with him but I don't think he got anywhere because when I got back we just left. Why, going to send him a harshly worded e-mail on keeping appointments?" Mike joked as he turned around and resumed walking.

"Something like that" Donna said a small smile growing on her face.

Maybe they didn't need a new system after all.

Thanks for reading, please drop me a review and let me know what you thought. Dialogue was from the 1967 film You Only Live Twice.