Both Gideon and Reid turned to look at Morgan, his mouth a tight line and his eyes dark with fury. Reid moved back from Gideon as if he had been shocked. He stood and went to catch the cans that were rolling under odds and ends in the room.

"Jason, what the fuck is going on?" Morgan was almost snarling, his voice venomous and his hands balled into fists.

"Morgan, you don't understand. It's fine. I know how to help him." Gideon raised his hands slightly as a sign of goodwill, and stood up slowly. He walked over to Reid and put a hand gently on the center of his back. Gideon put slight pressure there and Reid stopped fussing over the escaped groceries, instead the slender man took a deep breath and straightened his body, eyes still downcast. Gideon's eyes then travelled up and down the form beneath his fingers, lingering on his wrists, neck, and hips. Morgan noticed Reid's stillness.


Reid looked up towards Morgan, but stopped his gaze before reaching Morgan's eyes, "Uh-huh?"

"Is this okay with you?" Morgan stepped forward towards Reid, who instinctively took a step back into Jason's chest.

"I know what he needs, Derek. Let me take him," Gideon put a hand at the small of Reid's back and led him towards the front door. "I will do a good job of caring for him, I can help in ways I don't think you can."

Morgan watched as Reid turned to look up into Gideon's eyes. Whatever his pretty boy saw there, it convinced him that he couldn't decline the offer. He glanced towards Morgan and frowned slightly for a moment, lifted his hand so he almost waved goodbye, and then let Gideon lead him past Morgan.

"Stop. I want him to stay here. You've been gone for how many fucking years and then you want to come back and claim him? That's not how it works, Jason. You need to deserve your presence in his life," Morgan side-stepped so that he was in between Gideon and the door. He crossed his arms over his chest and flexed slightly, hoping to intimidate the older man.

"He can stay, as long as I can stay."

Morgan stopped for a second before nodding slowly. "You can stay, but if I find out anything I don't like, I'll kill you."

Gideon nodded solemnly, he knew Morgan meant it. But he meant his promise to Reid, he would give him a distraction. Looking, again, at the lean form of Reid's body, Gideon felt himself begin to harden and yearn for the body that was so flexible below his own, the body that let him do whatever he pleased, and the mind that matched. Maybe it was his ego, or maybe it was the innate need to feel dominance over others, either way, Gideon felt the greatest whenever he was dominating the boy both mind and body. Getting Reid to submit to him, even though he was clearly the superior, gave Gideon a power-trip high. He never came harder than when Reid was begging, calling him master, tied up and willing. He felt his cock begin to ache with need, and Gideon turned to Morgan, "You ruined the groceries. Go get more."

Morgan was shocked by the command, but almost recognized its truth. He stood for a moment by the door before deciding it was probably best to keep Reid well fed. "If I find out… I'm serious Jason, I'll ruin your life and then end it."

Gideon smiled and threw a condescending wave over his shoulder as he led Reid back towards the living room.

Morgan left, ensuring Reid that he would be back in half an hour. Gideon lifted Reid up by his wrist, and gave him a rough kiss. Reid turned away slightly, slightly enough for Gideon to yank his wrist and remind him whose he was. "Do you remember the deal? You do what I say, and I don't let other people hurt you."

Reid nodded gently, eyes to the floor, realizing that he didn't have someone like Gideon to protect him and that was why he was so easily hurt. He didn't need love, he needed protection. He needed Gideon there to protect him from people who would do worse.

Gideon smiled when he saw Reid realize the significance of his words. "Good. Now I want you to take your clothes off and get on your hands and knees in the bedroom."

Reid quickly took off the sweatshirt and pants Morgan had given him, and let them drop to the floor as he hurried towards the bedroom. He dropped down to all fours and waited, head down, for his next command.

"Good pet remembered his place," Gideon whispered, pulling the long curtain of hair back behind Reid's ear. Reid shivered uncomfortably at the warm breath in his ear but nodded again. "Good, then it's time for you to tell me why I should even care about someone like you."

Reid shook as he realized that there were no reasons for anyone to care about him—he rambled, went off topic, didn't understand other people, wasn't any fun, and couldn't have a normal conversation—he was lucky Gideon cared in the first place.

"You… you should care about me because I can remember the wor—," Gideon tugged at a tuft of Reid's hair, stopping him. Reid looked up at Gideon.

"You know I won't care about you because of anything you can think. Just what you do."

Reid blushed but continued, "I can take a cock all the way into my throat without gagging. I can take three fingers or a cock all the way inside me. I can do any position, and will let you film me so that you can tell me how to improve later." Reid paused, unable to think of anything else.

"You can be dead quiet when I need you to be?"

Reid nodded vigorously, hoping to convince Gideon of his worth.

"Good, pet. I want you to let me cum on your face, and you will leave it there until I let you wash it off."

Reid paused by got onto his knees in front of Gideon after only a moment of hestitation. Gideon sighed and threaded his fingers through Reid's hair; nostalgic for the times when this was a regular occurrence behind his closed office door. His other hand moved quickly, he jerked himself to completion in three minutes—looking at the wide-eyed man in front of him helped bring that time down significantly. Reid, now painted with Gideon's cum, stayed still, on his knees, for fifteen minutes until Gideon allowed him to wash it off and put his clothes back on.

Morgan returned to his apartment in 42 minutes total and saw a contented Gideon sitting next to a hunched over Reid in front of his TV.