I am in the process of rewriting all the chapters. I read my story from beginning to the new chapter and its pretty confusing. So I'm going to re do it all. So here is the re visioned chapter 1. Enjoy.

PS: ill be making this a juicy story. ;)

I own nothing, except the OC. Everything else is not mine. I can dream.

Chapter 1

Caleb didn't want to move. But since his dad had gotten a new job that required them to move from Canada to Nevada, he had a choice of a life time. Caleb lived on his own in Canada, but he didn't want his dad to be alone living outside of Las Vegas. So he and his father had decided to live together and Caleb would finish his last year of high school there. It was a bold choice, and he moved with his father. Leaving behind everything. His now ex girlfriend, Stacy. His friends, his shitty job at burger king. School. The house they moved in to a few days ago was rebuilt from the basement to the main floor. Something strange being said about the basement being left exposed and the floor caving in, and all the windows smashed. Whatever happened here was a mystery.

So far, being here wasn't too bad. It was really hot, but that would take some getting used too. His neighborhood at least it wasn't completely stupid. The houses looked identical and proper, making Caleb feel as though he moved to hell. Nothing was original! At least he had already made two friends, if he could call them that, in the first day. They were both teens a year younger then he was. The guy who lived next door, Charley Brewster was one of the two. His place was recently rebuilt as well, it had an odd story behind it as well. There was a fire that started then got out of control he was told. He had heard that the house had basically exploded. The house was on fire just like in a movie. One of those kind you want to see. There was no way someone could even tell when they looked at it now. Looked brand new. Same as his own place, there was no sign of the basement being open and exposed as he was told, the floor was in tact. It was all strange.

What made Caleb nervous about moving here in the first place were all the disappearing people in the area that happened a little over a month ago. Along with the previous owner of the house he lived in, Jerry Dandridge. No body knew what happened to him. Just stopped being seen by people.

He figured that he was one of the people that disappeared. He asked Charley about the disappearing people but he kept telling Caleb that there haven't been any more in about a month, he still didn't like the fact that he hadn't gotten a straight answer. Caleb asked Charley what made him feel so confident about there being no more kidnappings and such, he only gave a reply of 'I just know'. That was suspicious. But Caleb never pressed the matter further. Obviously he wasn't going to get an answer.

The second person that he became friends with was Amy Peterson. She was very hot, extremely hot. He couldn't help but check her out when Charley wasn't looking. He was a beautiful blond girl. Sadly, they were an item. Charley and Amy. Which was shitty luck for Caleb. Amy was really gorgeous gal. She reminded him of his ex Stacy, Caleb had to break things off with his girlfriend of three years.

He didn't want to hold her back and have a long distance relationship. He didn't want to tie her down if they weren't in person. Those kinds of relationships never ended well. He really did love her. He was glad she understood why they had to break up. Still didn't stop him from sneaking a glance at Amy whenever he had the chance.

As the days rolled by and turned into a week, Caleb grew to really dislike his house. Even if he was nineteen and just about finished high school, this house creeped the shit out of him. He heard unexplained footsteps, the feelings of someone watching him in the basement when he was doing his laundry, or whenever he was down there. The strange dreams that turned into nightmares. It was just plain freaky which just got worse as the evening came. Kind of like tonight.

Caleb sat in his room, still unpacking his belongings. His clothes already hung up in the closet and stuffed in the dresser. Taking his time with his tasks. Still wondering why a bunch of stuff was left behind even after the rebuilding. A lone table was left in his bedroom that looked old, and a few boxes of ancient looking books in the garage, even a strange cloth picture of some sort of animal with a crown on its head. It was a unique design. Never having seen it before anywhere else.

He hung it up on the wall beside the door, he had strange things like that taped to the walls. He liked the odd things in life. The unexplained. The supernatural.

While Caleb unpacked some things for his shelves he put up a few hours ago, he kept glancing over at he fabric flag. It always made him forget what he was doing when he fell into the mystery of it. He set the small box of sentimental junk down and walked closer to it. He narrowed his eyes as he touched it carefully. It was really old, like seriously old. Felt like a soft potato sack. And odd feelings came from it. When ever he touched it, he always felt like someone was behind him glaring. It was unnerving but he always shrugged it off.

He sighed and wondered about it for the millionth time that day. About it's age, what it meant, where its owner went, why it was left behind. Questions that he would never get the answers to. Rubbing the back of his hair lazily as he exhaled, which was kind of short, deep black with dark red tips. He turned around after a moment, feeling the invisible glare and returned to finish unpacking the box of junk. He glanced out the window slowly and it made his stomach drop, it was getting darker.

Caleb took a deep breath and tried to keep his mind clear of that stuff. Didn't like it here at night, maybe he should just go to bed to avoid the eerie night. He took a deep breath and breathed out slowly. Rifling through the box and putting the small objects onto the shelves mindlessly till he picked up a rosary that had black beads embedded with blood red rubies, and the cross was the shiniest silver with a carefully crafted design. A beautiful object.

He squeezed it as he thought of his mom then, since it was all she left behind. Where was she these days? He frowned then threw it back in the box. Those thoughts of her always made him angry. Made him feel betrayed and alone. He set it down roughly as he started to turn around, jumping as a voice came from behind him.

"Thinking about her again huh?"

Caleb made a noise of annoyment when he realized it was just his father. He sighed then nodded while looking at the exhausted, slightly over weight figure before him. It was quiet for a minute. But a knowing silence. There was that invisible glare again!

"Yea, me too. Well she made her choices to leave, so just don't blame yourself. No matter what you think, it was never about you. She had her own reasons." His father said trying to console his teenaged son, pausing as he noticed the new flag on the wall. "That's an odd thing to have on your wall, but then again you have weirder things up."

His dad pointed at the aged fabric, then gave him a look that meant 'you're really weird but I love you'. Caleb laughed lightly and nodded agreeing.

"Don't stay up too late Cal, you have school tomorrow. I'm going to go to bed, need to be up by six. I'm beat. I forgot how much moving sucks." Mr. James laughed lightly as he gave his son a warm hug. Caleb smirked and returned the loving gesture.

"Yea. It really sucks, we'll get it done tomorrow. G'night dad, sleep well." He stood at his doorway as he watched his dad make his way down the hall to his room. "Uh, dad?"

"Yeah?" The man paused and turned around.

"Uh...does this place, freak you out? At all? Especially at night?" He treaded carefully.

"Occasionally, yes. I'll admit that its really different and nothing I've ever experienced before. Maybe its haunted. I heard that deserts are always haunted." The man replied then yawned loudly. "Well, I am going to bed before this conversation gives me nightmares. Good night my weird one."

Caleb smiled and nodded. So it wasn't just him who noticed the creepiness. He really hoped this house was just a house, and no boogyman lurking in the dark. Glancing at the stairs briefly Caleb leaned forward with a slight frown and for a quick second, he though he saw someone go down the stairs. He stepped forward as his dad closed his door and looked down carefully. His heart skipping a beat nervously. There was nobody there. Brushing it off as nerves he went back into the room and lay on the bed.

It had been a long day, and living in this freaky place didn't help. He closed his eyes as he relaxed, not caring that the light was still on. He was about to fall asleep when he heard loud heavy footsteps on the main floor, then a loud bang that jolted him awake.

He frowned as he sat up and quickly got out of the bed and moved to the railing in the hall, leaning over as he strained to listen while trying to steady his heavy, nervous breaths. It was too quiet now. So quiet that his ears started to ring a little. Then he heard it again, there were footsteps. Heavy footsteps.

"Ah, come on!" Caleb said as he straightened up. "What the hell!"

"Move from Canada to a fucking haunted house in Nevada." He breathed to himself as icy chills rolled down his spine. Swallowing a lump in his throat as he glanced towards his father's room. Unsure if it was his imagination, or if it was really happening.

He went down the stairs as quietly as he could, using his ears the whole time as he searched for the source of the unexplainable footsteps. Caleb reached the main floor as he looked around. He was creeped out to the max.

"Why did I move here! Why, why, why?" He walked into the kitchen and looked around. Jumping as an icy chill ran down his back as he saw the same thing happen again. A quick flash of a pale figure going downstairs. He made a face of fearful annoyance as he stepped back. He shook off the chills, but they just kept coming. Torn between fleeing back to his room or to continue his investigation.

"Fuck me, no way. Ahh! Ok, think ghostbusters! These things aren't real. Just my imagination." He said as he inched his way towards the open stairway to the basement.

Breathing deeply, his heart beating faster then normal. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he came closer to the dark doorway. Looking down into nothing but pure darkness. That was scary. Reaching his hand up to hit the light switch quickly and smacked it then snapped his hand back. Nervous chills rolled down his back again as he went downstairs slowly. The stairs creaked with every step. His bright green eyes were wide as he came to the bottom. Expecting to see a scary sight when he came down, or that something would jump out but nothing happened.

He sighed as he looked around, calming down immediately. It was a regular basement. Washer and dryer in the corner, a few support beams along the center of the house, smooth concrete on the floor and flawless plaster boards hugged the walls. Nothing scary down here. Except for the spider running across the floor.

"Fucking hate this place. I fucking hate this place. Get freaked out for nothing." He breathed before he turned around as he shook his head. Taking a few steps up the stairs as he raised his eyes and instead of nothing, he saw a man standing a the top.

Caleb's heart stopped as he saw this man. Time seemed to freeze as the two looked at each other. The man at the top eyed him up carefully, like he was going to devour the teen. Caleb stared at the man in shocked silence, his heart started pounding and his body going numb with an icy feeling of fear. He couldn't move and that was a scary feeling. In the frozen moment in time he was able to burn this figure into his mind. The figure had a calm face that seemed slightly sad and very hungry, hair so black that it contrasted to the white skin. The loose black shirt he wore was open that revealed an perfectly lean torso. A torso that was pale as a corpse, for some reason he felt his face flush. He didn't know why, his eyes slammed shut. This man rippled with danger. It terrified him to the core.

"Not real! Fuck this isn't real!" He said to himself as he opened his eyes again. The man was an inch from his face. Caleb opened his mouth to scream out in fear, but nothing came out a his heart seemed to stop beating.

The face an inch from his gave off an oddly cold tingle. The dark brown eyes studied Caleb's face with a mixed look of extreme wanting and being sad. He finally stumbled back down the stairs and roughly fell against the wall when his legs decided to move, then turn to jelly as he slid to the ground. His heart pounded so hard his ears began to hurt. Never in his life was he this scared of anything. He had scary experiences before, but never this bad. The figure smiled at him as he walked down the stairs and knelt slowly in front of the teen. Caleb stared wide eyed and breathing furiously.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" Caleb demanded, finally gaining use of his words. Not sounding brave at all.

The figure shook his head slowly as the smile faded. This pale man grabbed Caleb by the throat suddenly and made him stand, Caleb panicked by the painful grip on his neck. This wasn't supposed to be happening, things like this were saved for a horror movie. But this felt so real. So very, very real.

The man came close to his face again after Caleb squeaked out. This terrifying man smiled as his eyes turned black further scaring Cal. He felt that at any moment he was going to have a heart attack or die from being so scared. The pale face so very close to his own that he felt his face flush again, the way this scary figure had him up against the wall started to make his mind drift slowly.

"What do you want?" Caleb's terrified voice weakly asked, feeling sharp points at the ends of this mans finger tips.

The man seemed to consider the question before he slowly pointed at him and smiled darkly. This thing wanted Caleb. The teen's terror went into over drive. Tears spilled from his eyes and he started shaking. The man let go of his throat then slammed his hands into Caleb's chest and pushed his way into his body. Pain rippled deep inside his body and mind, pain that turned into invading agony. He just couldn't stop from feeling this. He started screaming loudly and screamed hard enough to vibrate his whole form. Hearing a dark laughter fill his head as he fell to the ground.

He rolled off the bed suddenly, hitting the floor hard as his screams stopped. Frantically looking around as he breathed quick and heavy. Sweat gleaming on his whole figure. His body aching painfully as he realized where he was.

He was in his room, and his alarm was going off loudly. He sighed as he tried to calm down, wanting to cry because of how real and horrific the dream was. He rubbed his face and fell back onto the floor as he closed his eyes. He coughed like his agonizing scream were real, and started getting a headache from the constant pounding in his ears. He held his head till it stopped aching.

"Thank god that was a fucking nightmare." He calmed down after a few minutes then sat up to shut the alarm off that was still going off. Caleb got to his feet and went to the bathroom to shower before he had to leave for school.

His mind going over what the man looked like as he turned the water on, then slowly stripped to nothing. The scary dude was sexy, even to him and he definitely preferred women to men. Who ever that man was, he needed to find out if anyone knew about him. Or if it was just his imagination.

Boy did he have a story to tell Brewster and Amy this morning.

TBC! So what do you think of this? Hope this was better then the original version. Ill be updating my chapters as well as posting new ones.