
Adventure is Magic

By Kent Roberts


"What's up, Pweebles?" Finn asked brightly through his usual goofy grin. He was positively raring to go. He couldn't help bouncing up and down a little; he was so overloaded with energy.

"Settle down cutie, this one's real important," Princess Bubblegum instructed warmly. Her smile effectively masked her unease. After all the years Finn had been her champion, she still felt a panging mixture of guilt and concern every time she would have him do something that could potentially get him hurt. She always had.

"Finn we've picked up a call for help from a place we didn't even know existed. This could be really dangerous."

"Rhombus," muttered Finn in excitement. He loved the missions and quests the Princess would send him and his brother on. He lived for them. Thrills and danger were what he was all about. Adventure was his life.

"Someone will come for us, I promise," Twilight Sparkle consoled the little foal who buried her face in Twilight's neck, shaking with silent tears. Over Apple Bloom's head, Twilight could see Rainbow Dash on the other side of the cave, Spike clumsily trying to wrap her bleeding foreleg in a makeshift bandage. Dash seemed to be staring at nothing. Her multicolored hair drooped slightly, obscuring her face, but Twilight could almost feel the pain and rage emanating off her person.

"What're we gonna do?" sobbed Apple Bloom. "What's gonna happen to my sister?"

"We're going get her back," Twilight replied automatically. "We're going to get them all back, I promise."

Or die trying, she added silently. That much, she meant without reservation. She had friends now. Real friends. Something it had taken all her life to realize was the most important thing in the world. Pinkie Pie. Rarity. Applejack. Fluttershy. She would give everything for these ponies. Friendship was her life.

Hiya everybody. My name's Kent and this is the beginning of what I tell myself will be an epic tale of adventure, friendship, death and life. Or it might just end up a good time. Or it'll suck so hard you hunt me down and murder me. Either way, it's my first story so constructive criticism is vastly appreciated. Forewarning, in this story, I'm going to get pretty ruthless with my character killing. I'm gonna knock off a lot of fan favorites, including ones I like a lot myself so if you wanna read a story where everyone is happy and naked in paradise, you turn the f**k around right now. Language will be a thing because I have a rather foul mouth and even though the two tagged characters are male and female, romance will NOT, I repeat, NOT be a very heavy part of this story and I'll tell you right now they'll be none of it between those two. Alright kids, that's all for now. Peace.