I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Who do you feel sorry for Alfred or Arthur?

My Life Is Complicated

By waterrain

Alfred has locked me out of the bedroom. Yes, We share a bedroom. However I sleep on the floor while he sleeps on the bed.

"Alfred, Can you unlock the door?"

"Why did you say that I'm the ugliest thing since sliced bread?"

"It was just a joke."

"I'll unlock it in a minute."

I waited patiently, looking at my cell phone, and it seemed as if time is against me. Suddenly the door slammed opened and what the-

"How do I look?"

I'm unable to talk. Where the hell did he get that outfit? More than likely from that cross-dressing boy, Feliks. Why is he wearing such an outfit?

"Arthur, How do I look?"

I could almost swear Alfred purred when he asked me, but I think it is all inside of my head. Alfred is wearing cat ears, a very short blue skirt, a long sleeved off the shoulders scarlet shirt, a black choker, and is he wearing mascara?

"Alfred, Is that mascara?"

"It doesn't matter…How do I look?"

I backed up a few steps and I'm feeling a bit turned on by that outfit. Poor Alfred has no idea that he is turning me on. Suddenly my ankle is throbbing in pain, I swore, and landed on my arse. Damn those kittens have sharp teeth and claws. Alfred refuses to have his poor 'children' be declawed.

"How could you? You stepped on my poor defenseless babies." Alfred said to me. "Seriously, What the heck is your problem?"

He bent over and picked up the two miserable kittens. Is that a thong? I feel all the blood flowing down to my lower regions. I can see his arse and I'm tempted to grope that arse for it is there almost begging to be felt up, but no I can't for Alfred would get even more pissed off with me and might even say to me 'I hate you and we are no longer friends'.

Liberty and Tony glared at me. My ankles hurt like hell, but at least I was able to see Alfred bent over and-

"Poor Liberty. Poor Tony. They were innocently walking, but then you stepped on their tails."

"I'm sorry for stepping on their tails."

"Anyway, How do I look?" Alfred asked calmly. He released the kittens and luckily those ankle biters avoided me. What should I say? You look adorable and I want to do you? No that wouldn't go over too well…You look cute and I want to do dirty things to you? No, I can't say that to him. Maybe I should say some kind of statement like let's have sex. No, No, No. Fuck, My head is in the gutter and it would be best if I keep my mouth shut.

"Artie. Tell me how do I look in this outfit." Alfred said in a demanding voice. He pressed himself against me, I'm against the cold wall, those blue eyes looking at me wanting an answer, and I can tell Alfred is getting very irritated with my silence.


Shit, Wrong thing to say.

"What did you say, Artie?"


I did not receive a punch from him, but received something much worse such as seeing his hurt expression. The door was quietly closed not slammed shut, I feel like a prat, and I have only myself to blame. Damn, I really screwed up this time. I doubt Alfred has a crush on me. I'm such an asshole and almost always saying the wrong words to him.

I walked to the living room and turned on the television trying to forget Alfred's hurt expression, but I kept on seeing it over and over again inside of my mind. A few hours later I was almost asleep, but felt a soft hand on my shoulder and it belongs to Alfred.

"I'm going over to Ivan's house and stuff."

"In that outfit?"

"Yeah, Ivan lives right across the street. I called my mom up and then called up Ivan. I will be back in the morning, Arthur."

"Alfred, I'm sor-"

"It's okay. It was another one of your jokes, right? You didn't really call me a whore or a slut. Anyway, See you in the morning."

Alfred gave me a faint smile, he walked away, and the front door was quietly closed. Why do I always mess up? I didn't mean to say those things to him, but yet it came out of my mouth. Some say you always hurt the ones that you love and care about the most. Alfred is going over to sleep at Ivan's house. Ivan is fifteen years old, Russian, and he has strange violet eyes. I wonder what Alfred will be doing over there. I have not really seen Alfred and Ivan interacting with one another.

What will they be doing? Watching movies, playing video games, or a game. What if they play truth or dare? What if they play strip poker? What if they play doctor? What if they touch each other? What if they have sex! I slapped myself and firmly pinched my cheeks. Oh, The mind can be a terrible thing to have along with thinking about what if's.

"I could have said oh you look nice, but no I said slut and whore. So he is sleeping over at Ivan's house and I'm such a bloody moron. My life is so complicated."

Please Review and Thank You.

Why do you think Alfred dressed in that outfit and asked Arthur 'How do I look'?

The next chapter will be in Alfred's Point Of View.