A Talk With Olive Should Do It

An A.N.T. Farm Drabble

Word count: 100

After school Fletcher pulled Olive aside and stated loud and clear, "Talk to me."

She swallowed nervously, "Fletcher its not a good time-"

"It's never going to be a good time." He scowled. "Lets just get this over with now."

She stared at him for a long time, "Fine." She said icily.

"Olive, I really like you, okay?" She winced at his words, turning away. "No, listen!" He insisted, making her look at him. "What you said yesterday-"

"What I said yesterday doesn't matter, Fletcher." She snapped. "Okay? I'm sorry."

"But Olive-"

"Stop." She held up her hand. "Just stop."

Sorry again for the lack of updates, but I'm still working on my upcoming story. I kind of want to get at least three chapters finished before I post it.

So… yeah.

And whoever wants to see a list of my upcoming stories, I'll be putting it on my profile shortly. There's a pretty good variety of categories.


-A.N.T. Farm (duh! :P)

-Kickin' It


-Big Time Rush

-Good Luck Charlie

-Phineas and Ferb

Ta da! I'm not sure when I'll post what, but the first will definitely be an A.N.T. Farm story, no worries (:

So stay alive & I love you all,

GetCrazy xD