"I'm hungry. Can we get some papinsu before we go to the temple?" Allen asked as he stared at a café that had a couple eating papinsu at the window.

"No," Kanda took him by the collar and dragged him away.

"I wasn't talking to you, BaKanda!" Allen snapped as he pushed away from him, "I was talking to C!"

"I have a name outside of our house, you know," C deadpanned as he looked at the bus routes at the bus stop.

"Oh. Sorry," Allen sighed, "But you kidnapped me from my lover, so you should make it up to me!"

C raised a brow as he turned back to the albino, "Kanda's right here, Allen."

"You son of a –"

"Calm your tits, I was just kidding. Damn, you're so sensitive. Such a woman," C chuckled as he turned back to the bus routes.

"I mean my food, not this he-she!" Allen stomped his foot.

"Have you ever looked at the mirror, bean sprout?" Kanda growled.

"Have you ever gotten a haircut, BaKanda?"

"Um…guys? Could you continue your lovers' quarrel later? The bus is here," C pointed to the long green bus with ads all over, "I'll buy you papinsu for lunch, so cut your bitchin' and let's go."

Allen immediately shut up and got on the bus. Kanda muttered something that sounded an awful lot like "typical" and stormed on as well. C pulled out a card and scanned it three times before seating at the very back and sighing, "I'll have to refill this card…"

"What is that anyway?" Allen asked, "Is it like a credit card or something? That's actually pretty efficient. I had to use paper money to get on the bus when I went to America when I was little."

"Yeah, it's kind of like a credit card. Basically, you put money in it using machines around Korea or the bank and you can use it to ride the bus or the subway. No need for tickets and paper money with this baby!" C grinned as he held up the card, "I can get you one if you want. It's pretty simple."

Allen shook his head, "No thanks. It's not like I'm going to be here for long."

"Eh? Why not? Moving again?" C pouted, "This Yuun Rung doesn't approve."

"What are you, my mother?" Allen grinned.

"Meh beh…"

Kanda snorted, "When're we gonna get there?"

"Be patient, Kanda. Look out the window or something. There's a nice view of Korea out there," the British teen sighed as he pointed to the window.

Kanda took a glance outside. There was a fat man scratching his crack while walking down the sidewalk.

"Yup. That's a great view."

"What is this place?" Allen asked, looking up at the sign, "Is it a temple?"

"Temple? Hell naw, this place is a spa and sauna," C replied, slinging his bag over his shoulder, "Are you comin' in or not?"

"What gender do you think I am?" the silver-haired boy frowned, crossing his arms.

Kanda gave a growl, "Firstly, bean sprout, the sauna and spa isn't limited to girls. You and your Western ways…Secondly, C, I thought you said we were going to a temple!"

The green-eyed teen next to him shrugged, "Hey, I never said we were going to a temple. I just suggested it before, remember? But you two couldn't decide on anything, so I decided to take you here. It's great! There's baths with different scented water that's made for different purposes for skin and rooms ranging from sweet-smelling, warm, hot, cool, and a literal ice-box. If you don't want any of that, then there's the little gaming area upstairs with a café and large flooring with a TV for resting. If you just want sleep, there are these little caves under the stairs and they're really cute!"

"You've been there?" Allen asked as they entered the front door and was greeted by a desk woman.

"Twice. Once with A, once by myself," C sighed, "I feel so alone…"

"Annyonghaseo," the woman bowed and smiled, "O nereun special itsuhsuh 20 puro kkakkajundeyo!"

"Gerheyo? Jardethda! Kkakkajuseyo!" C gave a creepishly chamming smile as he handed her a wad of cash and she handed him three keys for lockers.

"What did she say?" the British boy asked as they entered the locker room.

C dumped down his bag and tossed the two their keys, "There's a 20% sale today, so she cut it off the original price for us."

"Oh. Yay."

"It's women like her who make Westerners think that all Asians are obsessed with sales," the Japanese snorted as he peeled off his shirt.

"Hey, I don't think like that!" Allen frowned, "Most Asians are nice."

"Thank you," C took the orange bracelet part of the key and wrapped it around his wrist after opening his locker, "By the way, you might wanna put your hair down, Kanda. You're gonna get it wet anyway and it'll be hard to get the band out afterwards."

He clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Why am I here anyway?"

"Because you need to loosen up and relax," C replied, proceeding to unbutton his pants.

"Woah, woah!" Allen shrieked, "Keep your pants on, sir!"

The two Asians gave the Brit a long stare, "…Allen…this is a public bath house…I'm sure you know that you have to strip to bathe."

He returned their stares with three, innocent blinks, "Public bath house? I thought it would be like a hotel…"

C sighed. He needed to teach the kid about other cultures before people branded him as racist.

"Nice to meet you in person, Kyle," A grinned as he held out his hand, "I would be Yuu Yong; the one on the phone."

Lavi smiled back, "'Sup, Yuu? …Hey, I know another dude named Yuu…now I know two Yuus…hot damn, I certainly don't wanna call you Yong…that sounds weird, even if you are young."

He gave a small chuckle, "It's alright; you can call me A if it helps."

"A? That's kind of weird…"

"You'll see later. I have two other brothers and it's easier to remember us by A, B, and C," the green-eyed man explained as he walked over to a black car across the Gate, "Come now; Mr. Kanda and Walker have been waiting a while."

Lavi gave a small smile as he slid into the backseat. A slammed the door shut and sat at the wheel himself. The redhead seemed gullible enough. Naïve, even. A gave a small smile as he started the ignition and began to pull out of the road and onto the highway. He didn't notice Lavi's glare.

"See, Allen? It wasn't that bad!" C grinned as he yanked a towel over his hair and dried it furiously before leaving it on his head.

"I…I guess…" Allen muttered.

"Not that bad? The bean sprout fainted from being in the hot water for too long and when we ddaemir-ed, he screamed like a bitch." Kanda deadpanned, brushing his hair roughly with his fingers.

"I didn't know that 'ddaemirigi' meant rubbing the dead skin off you with a rough towel!" Allen snapped, "I'm still pink from that!"

"Weak. Not to mention disgusting," Kanda growled.

Before they got in another fight, C butted in, "Guys, we're in a public area and can't we just sit here and watch some TV calmly? Kanda, why don't you come mediate with me in that warm, sweet-scented room over there? Allen, could you get our bags?"

"Sure," Allen gave Kanda another dirty glare before catching the keys tossed at him and running off to the lockers.

"Tch. Stupid bitch," Kanda growled.

"Hey, hey, no need for profanity, you ass," C snorted as he pushed open the door on the far left of the resting area.

The Japanese gave another click of the tongue before following C into the room to meditate. It was nice; the scent wasn't overly strong and smelled of flowers and vanilla. There were benches on the wall and mats on the floor. The room was dimly lit, so it looked like a pretty good place to nap as well. It wasn't too hot, nor too warm. The temperature was just right. He gave a grunt of approval before sitting on the mat and crossing his legs.

C followed him and they both sat in complete silence.

"Hey, I need some water…I'll be right back," C muttered about three minutes later, his voice sounding dry.

"Sure," Kanda muttered back as he closed his eyes again and continued.

"God damn; stupid tag…" Allen muttered as he fumbled the keys in every lock starting with "43". The tag on the key's bracelet had the last number rubbed off, so Allen didn't know what number the key belonged to. He had changed back into his t-shirt and jeans and left the robes provided by the bathhouse in the basket in the front of the locker rooms. The albino dropped C's bag back onto the floor and shoved the key roughly into locker number 437. The lock gave a small click and Allen sighed in relief. Pulling the key out, he opened the door and was greeted by the sight of Kanda's clothes folded neatly, along with a wallet, a pocketknife, and a necklace on top.



"I always questioned his sexuality, but…" Allen thought in shock as he picked up the necklace. It looked too feminine to be men's jewelry.

A small, delicate silver chain held a little hourglass as a charm. When Allen looked closely, he saw a small flower, something that looked like a lotus, floating at the top. Some of its petals were at the bottom of the hourglass.

"Though it is kinda pretty…" Allen muttered as he shoved Kanda's clothes in C's bag. Since the necklace looked so delicate, he put it in his pocket to give to Kanda later.

"Hm?" He felt the glass give a small jingling sound in his pocket. Allen pulled it back out.

"Huh…" the albino gave it a small stare before putting it back in his pocket.

"One of the petals fell again…"

"Lemme go…" Kanda murmured as he kicked back weakly, on the verge of unconsciousness.

A laugh.

"Keep still, or I'll have to hurt you~"

He pressed his fingers against the wall as he tried to stand back up. Kanda gave three loud coughs as he turned back around to his opponent.

"Hey…you know somethin'?" C grinned malevolently, holding a small pocketknife to the Japanese man's throat, "An agent needs five things – Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, and Smell. You seem to lack the last one. There's a reason why the room's so sweet."

Kanda fought for consciousness, gripping the throat of the teenager above him. C's smile only widened, "You think you can kill me in that state? Just sleep already. If you have a bad dream, I'll eat it away for you…just sleep…"

He gripped harder, "I fucking won't!"

The knife slid across his throat, leaving a shallow wound.

"Sorry…my hand slipped."




"…Hey, your grip got weaker."

A smile.

"Are you dead yet?"

Lavi jolted awake.


He was still jetlagged from the plane trip. He had fallen asleep in the car.

"Ah, are you awake?"

The world around him was black. Lavi looked out the window. Trees.

He turned back to A, "Where are we?"


No reply.

"Where are we?" Lavi shouted, gripping the Korean teen's shoulder, "Where the fuck did you bring me?"

"Calm down, geez," A sighed as he turned to face Lavi. He undid his seatbelt and turned his whole body around so that his chest was leaning against his seat and he was kneeling on the chair. A took Lavi's chin and raised it to meet his eyes.

"Welcome to Hell."

"What is this?" Wisely frowned as Rhode peeked from behind him.

"Subject: Project AKUMA


Hey, Devii, he sent me a file about the AKUMA project. Read it over and let's send it to Tyki or someone.

Hah. This Neah guy thinks he's so great. Bitch doesn't know that twins have two faces.


File attached: Project AKUMA: V1 Allen"

"V1 Allen?" Tyki muttered, "Isn't Allen Mana's kid?"

" 'V' usually stands for version, no?" Lulu pointed out, "So 'Version 1 Allen'."

"Version?" Rhode's frown deepened, "What's that supposed to mean? How can a person be a rough draft?"

"How come the two regard Neah as though he's alive is my question," Wisely let a faint smile show, "…So who wants to be the one to open the attached file?"

I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long! FORGIVE ME!

I've been caught up in life. I'm actually starting to like someone! Yay!

Also, I've been trying to make a Asian Ball Jointed Doll because they're so expensive that my parents won't let me buy one.

Plus I have a big project for Science due on the 20th...

Because of the time differences of the story and reality, I couldn't find a good way to add a Thanksgiving/Halloween omake and I don't think it's going to be easy to have a Christmas one either. So please, bear with me. If you want an omake (which I swear I will write because you deserve it) please write a topic in the reviews!

I would give a big rant about the bathhouse they're in, but I'm sure no one wants to read about

The reason why I didn't post a chapter earlier - I was going to post one after the next chapter of DGM came out but...this mangaka had a full month to draw a chapter and what do we see? SEVENTEEN PAGES? What is this nonsense? I know how hard it is to draw manga, but seventeen for a pro is kind of ridiculous. I was so disappointed. I'm sorry ): But the next chapter was intense! Allen's so attractive X3

Thank you all SO MUCH for the reviews! With the life I'm having right now, they're really the ones that judge my mood for the day!