Hey, it's been a while :[ I have been busy with school work, but I decided to update today! Halloween, my favourite day of the year! Anyways, hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, Harry Potter, A million dollars or even Edward from FMA... Though it would be awesome to own any one of those!

Chapter Three:

She stood in a noisy train station, crowded with people. Both muggles and magical folk she assumed when she saw a boy walking past her with a owl.

Kagome looked over to Sesshomaru who was standing there, stone faced. She really would miss him. The girl gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Sesshy! I'll write to you!" she yelled as she ran after the boy.

He stopped at one of the train stations directors and was about to ask him where he was going and she tapped him on the shoulder before he could. He turned to look at her and she smiled at him.

He had shaggy brown hair and big circular glasses that went over his brown eyes. He wore what looked like an elder mans hand-me-down shirt and some big pants that must have come from another kid. She thought he pulled it off quite well.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." she said and then asked, "He will look at you like your crazy. I'm assuming you are headed to platform 9 3/4?"

He nodded, eyebrows drawing together. "How did you know?"

"It's not every day a person walks through a train station with an owl." she laughed and then pointed to the cat who had been sitting on her own trolly. "I have a cat, her name is Kirara. She looks normal to you with her two tailed glory, but the muggles don't see that. They only see a regular cat. It's the same with Platform 9 3/4. They don't know that it's there."

"The same as last year! Always filled to the brim with muggles!" a bright haired woman walked past them and Kagome laughed.

"Shall we?" she asked before running ahead and behind the red heads.

They walked over to a arch way that had the signs 9 and 10 on either side. The bricks looked hard and chipped.

"Alrigh Percy, you first!" the mother of the children hollered, her british accent thick.

A boy many years older than the two, dressed in a brown outfit stepped up first. He had brown eyes and a browny-red hair color. Percy, the name of the boy, walked forward with his trolly until he was positioned straight ahead to the arch. He took off running and his body disapeard from sight when his body ran through the wall.

"Whoa!" Harry looked in awe, Kagome just clapped and giggled.

"Fred, you next!" the woman nodded to the taller of a pair of twins.

"He's not Fred, I am!" the slightly shorter one yelled.

"Honestly woman, and you call yourself our mother." the other one shook his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry George." the woman frowned.

The taller walked forward and was positioned inbetween 9 and 10. Just before he took off though, he stopped and laughed, "I'm only joking, I am Fred!" The other boy, George followed awter his twin with a laugh.

Harry stared in disbelief and walked foreward, calling out an, "Excuse me!" to the woman.

"Oh!" Kagome jumped and continued after the brunette.

The woman walked up and rested her hand on his arm. "Yes dear?"

"C-Could you tell me.. H-How to..." he mummbled.

"Oh, how to get on the the platform?" she giggled and smiled. "Yes, not to worry dear. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts aswell."

The boy she pointed to looked the same age as Kagome and Harry. He had the same red hair as his mother and dark brown eyes. He wore a lot of dark green and blues. He had a nice smile and suprisingly large ears.

"Now then, all you have to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if your nervous." She smiled sweetly and the little girl by her side wished him luck.

After both Ron and Harry had ran through thw wall, Kagome paused beside the woman and her Daughter.

"Thank you very much!" she exclaimed before running through.

Turning the corner, she came face to face with a big black and red steam train labled 'Hogwarts Express'.

A large smile split onto her face. She was almost there!

Kagome had taken a seat with Harry in the train, both of them silent and staring out the window. They had yet to learn each others names.

Both of their heads flicked over in unision as a familiar carrot top walked into their little compartment.

"Excuse me." Ron called."Do you mind? Everywhere else is full."

"Ah, of course not!" Kagome said as Harry also spoke. "Not at all."

The boy sat down beside Harry and spoke some more. "I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasly."

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." the brunette smiled shyly.

Kagome thought she would play along as well. "I'm Kagome, Kagome Higurash!"

Ron's eyes widened at the two of them.

"So it's true! I mean, about you coming to Hogwarts. D-Do you really have the scar?" he looked at Harry with wide eyes.

Harry just smiled and lifted up his bangs. "Yeah."

"Wicked!" he the Weasly boy leaned back in awe.

Just then an older woman with grey hair and a cart full of all different kinds of candy stopped at their little train cart. "Anything of the trolly dears?"

Ron held up some home made snacks saying, "I'm already set."

Just as Harry reached into his pocket, Kagome shot up out of her seat. "I'll have three of everything!" she smiled and brought out a large handful of coins. Sesshomaru knew too well that she was going to find candy somewhere.

"Whoa.." the two boys looked at the asian girl who had just handed the correct money to the woman and was now stuggling to hold all of the candy.

She turned and looked at them with a sheepish smile. "Would you guys mind helping?"

"Oh!" Ron and Harry jumped up and grabbed the stuff she couldn't. In return Kagome gave them each one of everything (Even if she was going to give it to them in the first place). They first said that they didn't want any but they soon fell under the wrath of Kagome's kindness.

For a while the three sat around and ate their candy. Kagome pigging out on the lollipops, Harry and Ron eating up the popcorn, gummy worms and Bertie Box Every Flavour Beans.

"Bertie Box Every Flavour Beans?" Harry asked.

"Thay mean every flavour." Ron bit into a never melt candy apple. "My brother George swore he got a Boogie one once!"

Kagome laughed while Harry spat out the candy he had just put in his mouth. Next he picked up a small box that said chocolate frog on it.

"These aren't real frogs, right?" the Potter box asked hesitantly.

"It's just a spell. Besides, it's the card you want. Each one has a card of a famous witch or wizard. I've got about five hundred myself." Ron answered.

When harry opened the box a small brown frog jumped out and hit the glass on the trains window. "Watch it!" Ron called out but the frog squirmed its way up higher and jumped out the open part of the window. "Aw, that's rotten luck. They've only got one jump in them to begin with."

Harry nodded, turning around his card to see who he had gotten. "I got Dumbledore!"

"I've got about six of him." the carrot top boy smirked.

When the boy looked back down to his card he couldn't spot the man in it. "He's gone!"

"Well yeah, you don't expect him to run around all day." Ron pointed out.

Kagome smiled at the two boys and looked down at her own box. She opened the lid and easily cupped her hand over the chocolate frog. The ravenette leaned over and gave it to Harry to eat, she was more interested in the card. Flipping it over she had an empty card, but at the bottom was the name 'Midoriko'. Wasn't that the name of the woman trapped in her wand? Before she had any more time to think about it, Kirara jumped out of her carry on bag from a nap.

"Ah! Ron, this is Kirara." she looked over to the boy as the cat situated herself into her owners lap.

"Oh yeah?" he then looked down into his own lap to look at his pet rat. "This is Scabbers by the way. Pathetic little thing. Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow, want to see it?"

"Yeah!" Harry scooted closer, as did Kagome and they waited for the spell. Just as he started the spell, a familiar girl walked to the door of their little train cubby. She sighed, frusterated.

"Hello Hermione." Kagome smiled and waved.

"Oh Kagome... Anyways, has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Nevile lost it.

"No." Ron looked at her as if she were crazy.

Hermione ignored the look and payed attention to the wand in his hand. "Are you doing magic? Let's see it then."

Ron cleared his throat and thought about what he was going to say. "Sunshine daisies, bottom mellow... Turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" The only thing it did was shock the popcorn box off of the rats head. He turned to Kagome and Harry and shrugged.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it?" Hermione raised her head high and flaunted her bossy voice. "Of course, I've only tried a few simple spells myself but they've all worked for me." She walked into the train cart and pulled out her wand. The brunette walked through and scooted Kagome over to sit across from Harry. She pointed her wand at his face and smirked, "For example: Oculus Repairo." Harry's broken glasses suddenly returned to normal. "That's better isn't it?"

"Oh! I remember that spell. I read it in a biginners book." Kagome smiled.

The girl looked over and glared at Kagome, turning her face back to Harry.

"Holy cricket!" she gasped when she got a better look of Harry's face. "Your Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" She turned her face to look at Ron with disgust.

"I'm Ron Weasly." he said with a mouth full of chocolate.

"Pleasure." she looked away. "You three better change into your school robes. I expect we will be arriving soon."

With that she got up and walked out of the cart.

"Oh Ron!" Kagome got up and sat beside him, "You have a bit of dirt on your nose. Here." She handed him a tissue and poked him where it was.

By night time they had arrived at the Hogwarts train station. All three of the kids had gone ahead in putting on their robes.

Kagome looked cute in her knee length cloak. Her white undershirt fitting snuggly, her vest and tie looked perfect overtop of it. Her normal plaid skirt was waiting for the time when it could change colors to match her house. Lastly, her school shoes here on her small feet.

They had all jumped out of the train when it had come to a stop, some boys looking at Kagome with greedy eyes, only to be walked in front of by Harry or Ron. The 'Big Brother' aspect had come out of them. It was quite funny. Kagome stayed oblivious to the stares.

They were ushered to boats by a large man with a black beard and longer hair. He was twice the size of Kagome, or more. The mans clothing were dark and covered in soot, somthing Kagome winced at. He kept yelling things like, "First years, this way please!"

"Hi Hagrid." Harry smiled when they had first saw him. Ron had also stood beside her and 'woah'ed in awe.

What was even more exciting was when they got to sit in the boats. The wooden forms of transportation moved without anyone rowing them along. It was as if the boats had a mind of there own. Kagome gasped when they turned around some rocks though. In her boat with Harry and Ron (Who was holding their lantern), she leaned over the edge and tried not to tip the boat, even with her small amount of weight. There, infront of them all, was the most beautiful place Kagome had ever seen. In the light of the moon shone a large castle. It was on a mountain, several lights shining from it. Stairs going up the huge hill towards the large school. This was Hogwarts. This was her new home.

As soon as they were on land again, they were told their luggage would be taken care of. Kirara jumped off her shoulder and began to wonder, she would come back to her owner soon enough. All the first years climbed the large stairs and made there way up to the castle. After being taken up many flights of stairs, they arrived infront of a woman. She had her hair tied back in a bun, a pointed hat on her head. She wore dark cloaks that seemed dusted.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." she nodded her head to the new students. "Now, In a few minutes you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." Kagome smiled softly, any of those could be her's. "Now while your here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup."

Just as she was finishing her speech a couple students heard a croaking and looked down to see a toad. A boy ran through all of them and grabbe dit. "Trevor!" he yelled. When he looked up to see the lady looking down at him in question he backed up into the crowd and whispered a, "Sorry."

"The sorting cerimony will begin momentarily." the woman said before walking away.

"It's true then, what they were saying on the train!" a boys voice called out when the woman left from sight. "Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

There were hushed whispers floating through the crowd speaking of the boy that Kagome stood beside.

"But I didn't know that a Higurashi would be joining us." he smirked. It seemed to cause more excitment through the crowd.

Kagome looked around her two friends and layed her eyes on the speaking boy. She tried not to gasp when she saw him for he was quite stunning. His platinum blonde hair was gelled back. He had perfect peach skin and his body was lean and looked about 11 years old. The boy was easily taller than Kagome by three or four inches. He had to be the most hansome english boy she had ever seen.

"This is Crab, and Goyle." he motioned to two pudgy brunette boys standing beside him. The boys stood from his leaning position and walked infront of Harry and Kagome. "And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Kagome tried not to giggle. Did everyone in this town have to introduce themselves like James Bond? Beside her Ron seemed like he couldn't hould back his laugh.

"Think my name is funny do you?" he looked to the red head. "No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe, you must be a Weasley. You'll soon find out that some wizarding familys are better than others Potter, Higurashi. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

The boy raised his hands to the two of them. Harry looked down at the hand unmoving.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort by myself thank you." he was stoic.

Kagome on the other hand gave him a small smile and shook his hand. "It was nice meeting you and I hope to be friends one day but... I don't really think there is a wrong sort, so I should also be fine by myself. Arigatou."

The boy gave her an odd look before he was tapped on the shoulder by the woman from earlier. Draco looked back to her and Harry briefly before walking back to his previous spot.

"We're ready for you now, follow me." she said and walked ahead towards the large doors that opened themselves when they walked near.

Inside was a large Great Hall. There were four sets of tables, each in a long column. Two were on one side, two on the other and a wider space in between to give everyone space to move. Students wearing long robes and black pointed hats sat at these tables. At the very end of the hall was another long table, this one facing them instead. This is were all the older looking people sat, all the adults. The ceiling looked like the night sky, obviously a spell, and candles floated around the room. Also, there were fires burning in hanging fire pots.

All the first year students walked towards the front, gaining stares from all the sitting older students. They all stopped when they were infront of a stool with a hat sitting ontop. The teachers and adults table was right behind the stool. Their leader, the woman who had yet to be introduced, told them to wait along the steps to the stool.

"Now, before we start, Professor Dumbledore would like to speak a few words." she announced.

The eldest looking man stood from the table. He had been sitting in a royal looking throne that was obviously made from gold, jewels and silk cushions. The man himself was dressed in dark purple formal attire and a deep orange hat was on his head. He had a long white beard and hair. Lastly, Dumbledore had glasses on his face.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce." he exclaimed so everyone could hear. "The first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden by all students. Also, out caretaker has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the left hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you."

Kagome frowned. Were they hiding somthing? She looked back to the caretaker who had long brown hair full with grey streaks, shaggy looking attire and scuffed up shoes. By his feet was an old looking light and dark brown cat with long hair and gold eyes.

The rest of the first years also looked quite confused at what the man had said but their attention was brought back to the lady as she opened up a scroll. "When I call your name, you shall come forth and I shall place the sorting hat on your head, then you will be sorted into your houses. First... Hermione Granger!"

Kagome looked over to the girl who began walking forward, talking to herself. Oh no... Okay, relax."

"Mental, that one. I'm telling yah." Ron whispered to Harry and Kagome.

The little ravenette didn't concentrate on her carrot top friend though. Instead, she was focused on the hat and the girl it was sitting on.

"Ah, right then...Hm, right..." the hat spoke, "Okay, Gryffindor!"

Said house burst out into cheers. Hermione hopped of the stool and skipped over to the table as if she won a million galleons. Her smile was... Well, it wasn't really a smile, more like a winning smirk. Kagome was happy that the girl was in her house of choice.

"Draco Molfoy." the woman called.

The boy walked up to the stool slowly and sat down. As the woman lowered the hat it shouted, "Slytherin!" before even touching his head. He smirked himself as he went to sit down with the other Slytherins, all of them cheering. The boys grey eyes were bright with excitment.

Kagome faintly heard Ron whispering to Harry over the loud crowd. "There's not a witch or wizard that hasn't gone bad in Slytherin."

Kagome frowned. She bet they weren't all bad. Draco seemed like he was sort of trying to look after Harry and her, back in the hallway. The other Slytherins looked like any other person, they even cheered for Draco. That was nice wasn't it?

"Susan Bons!"

A girl with long red hair walked up. As she sat down though, Harry nudged Kagome and pointed over to a man with shoulder length black hair and long dark robes. He had been staring at the two of them and talking to the back of a mans head it seemed, even if it were covered by a terbin.

Harry clutched his forehead and Kagome felt her wand pulse against her leg. Harry moaned, causing Ron to hear and ask what was up.

"Nothing, I'm fine." he murmered.

"Lets see... I know, HufflePuff!"

"Ronald Weasly!" the old woman called next.

Said boys face blanched into one of suprise and worry. He gulped, looking over at his shortly made friends and walked through the crowd. Ron looked at the hat hesitently as he sat. When it was sat on his head, it laughed, causing everyone to jump.

"Ah, another Weasly." The hat sounded sure of himself. "I know just what to do with you... Gryffindor!"

The boy slouched in relief. Kagome smiled. Gryffindor cheered. The other Weasly's stood and clapped louder than anyone else.

"Harry Potter." everyone went quiet and quite a few teachers leaned foreward. The boy walked up to stool after recieving a light shoulder squeeze from Kagome.

"Hm, difficult, very difficult. A lot of courage I see... Not a bad mind either. There is talent... Oh yes. A thirst to prove yourself, but where to put you." the hat spoke after it was set on his head.

"Not Slytherin, not Slytherin." Harry whispered.

"Not Syltherin, eh? Really, are you sure? You could be great you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness. No doubt about that." Harry continued to whisper his 'Not Slytherin, anything but Slytherin'. "No? Well, better be... Gryffindor!"

A large smile errupted on his face as the whole Gryffondor table stood and cheers ripped through the room. Slytherin seemed to glare daggers at the boy who so easily offended them. Why not them? Kagome on the other hand was overjoyed. All of her recent friends had gotten into the houses they wanted.

"Kagome Higurashi!" the green cloaked woman yelled over the crowd and things hushed down again as Harry took his seat.

Alright, here we go! Kagome practically skipped up the steps and took her spot. The hat pushed down on her head and she could feel some sort of hazzy mist swirling through her mind as the hat looked through her soul, mind, and spirit.

"Ah, yet another difficult one we have here. A Higurashi I see, it's been long since I have felt this precense. Kagome... Meaning lost in Japanese, fits you well. Hm, you have a lack of anger... A real kind spirit and soul. Not bad in the brain department either, quite a bit of knowledge here. Trust and strength... Like your father." Kagome froze at that sentence. So the hat really had sorted her father... "You have the nerve of a Gryffindor, fair like a Hufflepuff, wit like that of Ravenclaw and ambition like Slytherin. What do you think girl?"

Kagome let out a shaky breath but steadied herself. A smile came to her lips as she looked over the tables. "As much as I wish I could stay with my friends, I know it's not about that. Sesshomaru tought me that you should be there when one needs you and I can see that Gryffindor already has as many helping hands as it needs. So the real question is, what house needs me the most."

"Selfless... Like your Father." the hat murmered and Kagome tried not to smile. She liked the sound of that. "Then there is no choice but... Slytherin!"

Things were silent before laughter and shouts errupted from the 'Devious Snakes' table. Harry and Ron stared in disbelief. They had known Kagome for almost a day and already knew that she would never fit with those slimy creatures called Slytherins. She was pure and they were evil. Hermione on the other hand shook her head.

All the pure looking girls are just fake of course. I really shouldn't have paid any attention to that shorty back in the clothing store. She is a snake now. They need to be taught a lesson, I have read so much about the horrible Slytherins, none good. If she is one of them... Just forget even talking to her. The brunette thought to herself as she watched the girl hop up and walk over to the table, taking a seat next to the boy named Draco.

Kagome tried not to blush under all the attention the Slytherins gave her. They each said hello and introduced themselves, well at least part of the table she was at did. There was Crabe and Goyle, Pansy (who seemed a little mean towards her), Blaise (A kid who was reserved and quiet, only saying a few words) and lastly, Draco. He smirked at her as she sat next to him, gaining a glare from Pansy who came to sit with them shortly after.

"My names Pansy Parkinson." she flicked her short, dark brown hair around and batted her eyes at Draco. It seemed the girl also noticed he had nice looks.

"Draco Malfoy." the boy nodded to her.

"Kagome Higurashi. By the way your name is very pretty, pansies are very nice colors." the girl offered a compliment. Pansy tried not to sneer at the little asian. She knew she had looks, no duh! Her name was also of beauty like she was. Unlike the girl, she was taller with tanner skin, somthing she knew guys liked. Her mother had told her to find Draco Malfoy, and if possible snatch him up. Her mother had always been right, so she would do as she was told. If the little shrimp of a girl got in the way though... She would have to face her wrath.

"Thanks, Ka-hoe-may." Pansy said innocently, acting as if she really didn't knwo how to pronounce the name (which wasn't exactly a lie, she just added in the foul word).

"Eh heh, yeah." Kagome smiled sheepishly.

Draco was quick to nudge the girl, making her look towards him and away from all the other people being sorted.

"Sorry, did I nudge you?" he asked slyly.

"Yeah, it's alright though. It really didn't hurt." she nodded at him.

"So, you remember my offer from earlier?" he continued the conversation. "You said somthing about being friends?"

"Yeah! I thought that we would get along well, you seem nice." the innocent cobalt blue eyes stared him down, making him feel a little bit guilty for having any bad thoughts about her. Plus, she said he seemed nice... That wasn't somthing he was used to. Odd, that girl was.

Before they could speak any more, the unknown Lady tapped her cup with a fork. Kagome looked around. When had she sat down? In fact, when had everyone been sorted Had it really been that fast and she wasn't paying attention? It wouldn't suprise her, she wasn't oblivious to the fact that she was oblivious... If that made any sence at all. She knew that she could be pretty thick headed when it came to certain things. What? Sesshomaru hadn't let her read any foul books of any sort!

"Attention please!" the hall went silent at her call.

Dumbledore stood from his chair and smiled at his students. "Let the feast begin!"

Kagome gasped as the empty serving plates and bowls were all suddenly filled to the top with food. All kinds of food too. Chicken drumsticks, mashed potatoes, carrots, corn, brocolli, fries, turkey, you name it. She looked down into her cup and whatever drink she thought of, it filled to the brim with it. She took some food, a small enough portion to fill herself so everyone else could eat too, and dug in. Just as they began to eat they got another suprise.

White figures, almost see through, jumped though the walls and floated around everywhere. One whent right over the Slytherin table and she heard a few people call out, "The Bloody Baron!"

She smiled when he came to hover around the first years.

"Ah, a new batch of fresh meat we have here?" he smirked. "You'll soon learn that Slytherin is where the magic really lies."

After finishing dinner and having desert (Draco had stared at Kagome the whole time, astounded that the girl could looks so graceful while shoving her cheeks full of sweets), the Slytherin prefects ushered them to their common room.

At first Kagome had been confused, why were they standing infront of a plain brick wall? That was until one of the prefects spoke the words 'Serpent Fang' and the wall distorted until it was a plain archway leading into another room.

Have to remember that... Kagome hummed to herself in her mind.

The ravenette almost gasped at the sight of the common room. It had a very high ceiling that could almost take up two floors. Green lamps glowed around them, making the dark room glow in the poison colored light. The floors were a hard wood with green rugs around. Smooth, black leather chairs and sofas were places around the room in little groups. Some were around fire places others near bookshelves or windows.

Yes, they were in a dungeon, quite far down into the ground actually. She listened as a older student explained that they were so far down that they were under the Hogwarts lake. The windows were beautiflly tall and arched. Out of them though was what amazed Kagome the most. Blue, so blue that it almost hurt her eyes. Ocasionally fish swam by and ate other fish, some magical creatures as well. She had read that the Slytherins affiliated with water as their element, it only made sence they were close to it.

Draco smirked and went to lounge in a leather seat.

The only other things that the prefects explained were the facts that Severous Snape, the posions teacher, was their Houses Head. They also pointed out where the girls and boys dormiterys were. Boys to the right down the hall and girls to the left.

When they were left alone to do whatever they liked, Kagome made her way to the girls dorm. It was arranged that four girls would sleep in each room. When she entered the rectangular room with low ceilings, one window that looked into the lake and hardwood floors she smiled. Little green lights floated around the room and when Kagome went to touch one it just drifted off in the other direction after touching the tip. There were two beds on each side of the room, two by the window and two by the door. Each bed was about a twin and was canopy styled. The deep wood had green drape curtains that could be pulled around her for private sleeping and the pillows and blankets were also green and puffy.

Walking in further Kagome noticed something laying ontop of one of the beds.

"Kirara?" she smiled and ran over to one of the window side beds. There she was, in all her puffy furred, two tailed glory, napping ontop of a suitcase that had the asian girls name written on it in both english and kanji. A small smile came to her mouth. This was hers... All hers. Her bed and her small dresser for clothes.

She decided to take the time and pack away all her clothing and suplies. In the top drawer of the dresser was all of her dress shirts, sweater vests, normal sweaters and ties. The second drawer was full with her skirts and extra pants. The third drawer had her underwear and lastly, her last drawer held some books and other supplies. It was odd though, all of the clothing fit in even though there was clearly no space for it all. Obviously it was charmed. The rest of her normal clothing and winter clothing was kept in a suitcase under her bed.

When she was finished, the floating green lights had dimmed and gotten smaller. The aqua water seemed to have dimmed as well. It seemed it was near her time to sleep.

The door behind her opened and three girls walked in. One was Pansy, with her black cropped hair. The other two she didin't know but had seen at the Slytherin table a couple hours prior.

"He was totally flirting with me!" Pansy giggled. Not the cute kind of giggle either, a high pitched and annoying version. "Just start calling me !"

"Anyone who is anyone knows of the Malfoy family! Could you imagine all the money you would get from being in that family!" one of the other girls cackled.

The last girl smirked. "If anyone gets in your way I will tackle them."

Kagome decided that she would be kind and say hello.

"Good evening. I guess you three will be with me in this dorm?" she smiled.

"Oh." the first girl looked at her as if she had just noticed her existence. "Yeah... My names Tracey Davis."

The girl had tan skin and green eyes. Her dirty blonde hair was back in a ponytail. She was quite tall, hovering over Pansy and the other girl by an inch or so. She was skinny and wore robes that showed a little more skin than nessicary.

"And I'm Millicent Bulstrode." the other girl said.

This one was the same height as Pansy. Her brown hair was thick and curled to a stop when it reached her shoulders. Her skin was peach and her cheeks were rosy red. She was pudgier than the others and wore baggier clothing.

"Nice to meet you two, I'm Kagome Higurashi." she bowed to them, a habit since she was from Japan.

"Well, we already know me." Pansy flicked her hair. "Snape told us to come inside, because it's past cerfew. He never said we couldn't stay up and talk."

The girls all got changed into their pajamas in their corners of the room. Pansy, Tracey and Millicent all stayed up talking about boys that they had seen or about famous witches and wizards. Kagome on the otherhand decided that she would need sleep if she wanted to be completely active the next day. She closed the curtains around her bed and slipped under the covers.

As she closed her eyes she could swear she heard the peaceful sway of the water outside of the window.