Hellooooo! Welcome to my new fic, Out of the Flames. This will be a Draco and Kagome fic! I'm not going to rush their relationship though, there really is no point when they are so young, so if you like DraGome you will have to wait a few chapters before they speak and such.

Disclaimer: I don`t own Inuyasha or Harry Potter, boooo! Plus, I don`t make money from writing this either.

Chapter One:

A small girl of only five, sat in the snow outside her house.

She wore a pair of gray overall's that had been cut to short's size. Underneath was a baby blue t-shirt. Her skin was a natural pale, and it shone under the silver light of the crescent moon. Her face, legs and arms were covered in black soot. Her shoulder length black hair was frayed at the tips and the bangs that were cut across her forehead spiked into her eyes. The eyes of the small girl were the most inciting thing about her. They were blue, but not just any blue. A striking cobalt that was rare from her Asian decent. They also glowed, not only in the moonlight, but from the large flames licking up her house in front of her.

She had been dragged out. Her brother, mother and grandfather weren't so lucky. She had watched as the burning wood fell on them. Her mother had screamed her name for the last time.

He had taken them away from her. She had seen it with her own eyes.

He had walked to their door and knocked on it. Her mother had went straight to it, not checking who it was before opening it up. They had lived in a safe community after all.

The man that stood there was quite frightening. He had long black hair that twisted and waved all the way down to his hips. He was tall, standing around 6'11. The man wore a purple kimono with green under cloaks and a white baboon pelt over top. His eyes were a mix of burgundy and blood colored reds.

Nadoka Higurashi, the girls mother, instantly screamed and tried to close the door but was flung back when the scary man forced the door open with a flick of the wrist.

The girl, who had been standing on the stairs peeking down, creeped back up them to alert her grandfather.

"Grandpa, Mama is being scared by some old man!" she whispered when she entered her grandfathers study. He looked over at her, shocked.

"Who is he?" the elder asked.

"I-I don't know. He pushed her over though!" she said shakily.

"Naraku..." the man whispered and instantly got up. He turned back to her quickly before exiting. "Find your brother and hide!"

He was gone then, leaving the girl to panic and run to her brothers room.

The small boy was asleep already, for it was eight pm. She ran over to his bed and shook him lightly, making him stir. He was only one at the time, so she picked him up and ran to his closet and hid behind the toy boxes. It was good for a while, until they heard thumping up the stairs.

"Souta, please be quiet." the girl whispered to her younger brother.

The boy, being too young to comprehend what she had said, continued to suck on his fingers.

"Where is it! Where is she!" a mans yell was head. The girl didn't recognize it as her grandfathers so she knew it had to be the other mans.

The door to Souta's room was slammed open, making the girl flinch.

"You don't know what your talking about Naraku!" Her mother's voice was heard. "Nothing of importance is here, no one is here except for me and my father!"

"Then explain the furniture in the other room and this one as well." the sly voice of the man said.

"My daughter and son are out!" she yelled.

"Leave Naraku!" an older man yelled. The girls grandfather.

"Now, why would I do that when I what I am searching for is surely here." he gave a wicked smile.

In the closet, Kagome had set down Souta to make sure he wouldn't fidget in her arms. When she looked around for him though, he was no where to be seen. The girl got up and looked around the closet quietly. Souta was at the entrance to the small space, about to knock into the door.

"No Souta, come back!" she whispered. "Souta!"

Just like that... Souta slammed into the door and let off a high pitch wail.

Kagome ducked down the box like a coward and covered her mouth from screaming. Tears welled up in her blue eyes. She was scared.

"Oh, whats that I hear?" Naraku said maliciously as he ripped the door open and found a crying Souta. Nadoka quickly ran to grab him. "Hm, just the boy? What a shame, I was looking forward to taking away the girl. Oh well, you will all have to die."

"N-No! It doesn't have to be like this. Stop!" Nadoka screamed.

Naraku reached into his kimono sleeve and pulled out a long wooden stick. A wand.

"Locomotor Mortis." he flicked his wand to the woman and older man, locking their legs. "Hm, what now? A curse? A normal spell? Torture is fun, I always have enjoyed fire."

"N-Naraku, stop this! What you are doing isn't right!" the girls grandfather yelled.

"Isn't right old man? Oh, I assure you, this feels so good. So very right." he smirked. With his final word, the house burst into flames. "Incendio."

After a few minutes of watching the woman scream, the old man cry silently and the baby wailing himself he left the house with a simple spell.

When the man was gone, the ravenette jumped out from behind the toy box and ran for the entrance. Just as she was about to jump through, a large piece of burning wood crashed in front of her. She screamed as she jumped back, her hair being burnt at the tips.

"Mama!" she yelled. "Mama!"

"It's okay Dear!" the woman yelled over the creaking of the building. "E-Everything will be okay, j-just believe."

How could she believe though? Her mother and grandfather were crying rivers, Souta was wailing even louder and it was getting too hot. How could she even attempt to believe everyone was going to be okay? When the five year old put her mind to it and started to believe, things went horribly wrong.

A beam fell from the roof. That beam was right above the family. The two males and one female did not move. The beam fell and... They were downed in fire.

"Kagome!" the woman yelled.

"Mama!" Kagome screamed.

All the voices were quiet then, leaving her alone, even if she tried to see if they were okay.

Kagome curled up in a corner of the closet and cried to herself, sweating as she felt the fire come near her.

Everything was a blur.

Men rescuing her, taking her out of the house and giving her to some ladies dressed in white. The ladies looking her over. Kagome escaping to sit down in the cold wet snow. A few flakes fell on her nose, she ignored it.


That was the first thing she thought of when she realized her family would not be coming out of that house.


She was an orphan, no other family to take her. Her aunt and uncle had long ago died, her grandmother had croaked of old age, all other living cousins had left to live their lives elsewhere. Her father's side of the family... She had never known about them. Her mother told her story's some times, but not enough to truly know what happened to them.

Yes, Alone.

A hand was suddenly placed on her small shoulder. Looking back, she almost gasped at the man she saw.

Long silver hair parted in the middle of the forehead, rich white silk haori and hakama, molten gold orbs for eyes. Red marks were on either side of his cheek and a perfect blue crescent moon on his forehead. He was handsome in ways that many weren't. High cheekbones, perfect skin, tall.

"Your name is Kagome, correct?" he asked, his voice monotonous.

"Y-Yes." she whispered.

"This Sesshomaru will be taking care of you from now on." he said seriously, no joking there.

Kagome's eyes widened. Wasn't it too soon? Hadn't she just lost everything? Why would she move so soon... She couldn't leave!

"N-N-No." she whispered harshly and numbly scooted back in the snow. Why would he be so harsh?

"This Sesshomaru has lost his father, he knows what it is like to lose members so close to you." he nodded to her and crouched down. "You must not dwell on this any longer though. I will get you ready for the long future ahead of you. Now come."

He stood back up and began walking away from the still burning house.

Kagome looked between the two things. The man promising to get her 'ready', or the home she had always known. Little did she know that she was looking at her old life, and the man that would begin her new life.

Slowly, as if her body moved without her consent, she rose and walked behind him.

Her new fate was ahead of her, a new life that she would have to adjust too.

As the girl looked behind her one last time, at the burning house, she could only remember the first words spoken to her that morning.

Happy birthday Kagome!