Standing next to the SUV, Stephanie turned to Zero, "How did… why did… when the hell did he get out? Why wasn't I told?" Looking up at Zero with tears in her eyes, "Did you know?"

"NO, God no, I had no clue. If I had known, I'd have told you," he told her as he wrapped her in his embrace. "I'd never keep that from you, Steph. Please, believe me."

"I do," she cried. "I just don't understand any of this. Who was the man with him?"

Zero looked around, "I think he was a body guard."

Pulling back, she looked in his eyes, "Why would he need a bodyguard? Why do you think that?"

"Well, I counted at least two guns on him. I don't know anyone else that can get on a plane armed like that."

Binkie and Ram made their way to the SUV with the luggage. When they arrived, Stephanie turned on them, "Why didn't either of you say something to me? Give me a warning, heads up, something?"

"I'm sorry, STeph. I honestly thought you knew by now," Ram quietly said.

"Knew? How the hell was I supposed to know?" she screamed.

"We thought that Tank, Bobby, or Les would have told…" started Binkie.

"WHAT? They fucking knew? They knew and didn't say a damn word to me?" she yelled.

When no one answered, she jumped in the back of the SUV and waited for someone to drive. She was pissed and wanted answers. As they pulled from the airport, they saw Morelli being loaded in the back of a waiting car.

Pulling into the RangeMan garage, Stephanie jumped from the SUV before it was in park and took the stairs to the fifth floor. Throwing the door open, it slammed back against the wall making everyone on the floor jump.

She found Bobby standing in the hall, "Brown!" she yelled. "I want you, Santos, and Tank in the conference room yesterday."

Bobby looked taken back, but didn't question her. After finding Tank and Les, they walked to the conference room where Stephanie, Zero, Binkie, and Ram sat. "Have a seat, gentlemen," she said sweetly.

"Anything you'd like to tell me?" Stephanie asked.

The three looked at each other and shook their heads; they couldn't think of anything they wanted to tell her.

"So, you were just going to keep it a secret that Joe fucking Morelli is out of jail?"

Bobby and Lester looked down at the floor; they were letting Tank handle this one. Tank looked at Stephanie, "How'd you find out?"

"How'd I find out? I'll tell you how I found out… he was at the fucking airport when we arrived! THAT's how I found out. I should have found out from YOU!"

Tank looked around the room, "We were hoping he'd be back in custody before you found out."

"Back in custody? What the hell are you talking about?" Stephanie was getting upset and began shaking. Zero reached out for her hand and squeezed it.

"Steph, he escaped during his transfer a few weeks ago. I wanted to tell you, but then you were dealing with Ranger. I didn't feel it was best to tell you while you had other things on your mind. When the three of us finally made it to Miami, honestly I'd forgotten about it."

Tank scrubbed his face and closed his eyes, "Fuck, I know I messed up, I'm sorry." Looking at Stephanie he knew she was shaken up, "How are you doing?"

"I'm pissed, Tank. Royally pissed. I should have been warned. Do you have any idea how it felt to be confronted by him today?"

"He shouldn't have been able to get anywhere near you," Tank growled. "There was supposed to be a police escort waiting for him."

"Oh, they were there. Eddie and Big Dog, but still, he got close. There was also a body guard there; or at least that's what Zero said he thought he was."

Tank looked at Zero and shook his head, "Not a body guard; more like a bounty hunter. Morelli escaped and then missed his court date, he was considered a fugitive. With Ranger out of commission, they brought in the second best to hunt Morelli."

"So, he's back in police custody? He's not actually out on bail or free, correct?" she asked.

"That's right. His second trail is coming up next week; that's the only reason I know of why he's in town." Tank stood and walked to Stephanie, "Come here, Bomber."

Standing up, she walked into his hug, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I asked Bobby and Les not to say a word; I wanted to be the one to tell you, but with all that happened, I honestly forgot."

Looking up at the mountain of man, Stephanie glared at him, "Don't let it happen again."

After hugging the three guys, Stephanie had forgiven them and knew they'd all be fine. She'd been more scared than anything and wanted to know why she was kept in the dark, but having her answers, she was ready to move on.

Walking into their house, Stephanie sighed and leaned back against Zero, "It feels so good to be home," she whispered.

"Yeah, it does," he replied as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Ready for a bath?"

Nodding, she tugged him towards the bedroom and began undressing him, "I'm ready for a bath with you, Jacob. I need to feel you next to me."

Zero helped her with her clothes and when they were naked, he walked into the bathroom and began running the water. Helping her put her hair up in a bun, he spun her around and kissed her hard.

As the water began to turn cold, Zero helped Stephanie from the tub, dried her off with a huge fluffy white towel, and sent her towards the bedroom. Pulling the covers back, they both climbed in and snuggled up together, falling asleep instantly.


The next week brought the second round of trials for Morelli. Stephanie wasn't needed and stayed as far away as possible. The only thing she heard was at the end of the trail, he was sentenced to an additional ten years for recent escape, failure to appear, and another victim of rape that had stepped forward.

Helen was still in prison; still had no visitor's and no mail. No one had heard from her since the day she had been taken away to another state to server her sentence.


Two months later, Ranger made his way back to Trenton. As he stepped off the elevator, Stephanie knew he was there. Walking out of Tank's office, she looked toward the elevator and smiled. Walking up to him, she gave him a friendly hug, "Welcome home," she whispered.

"Thanks, I think." Looking around, he saw the wall of black forming around him, "What's everyone staring at?" he barked out.

"We just wanted to welcome you back home, Bossman," Zero replied. Walking up, he shook Ranger's hand and smiled, "It's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back." He made his way to his office after handshakes and backslaps from his employees. Opening his door, he realized how long it had truly been since he'd home. His tumor was gone, his headaches were gone, his life was turning back around to where it was supposed to be. All was right in his world once again. He often stopped to think about his life and Stephanie, but he knew he'd be better off as a friend to her; he couldn't give her what she wanted, needed, and deserved. No, that was saved for Zero. As much as Ranger use to think he was Stephanie's soul-mate, he now knew he wasn't… but he would always be her friend.

Sitting down at his desk, he pulled open his drawer and found a picture laying on top with a note. Ranger, just because we aren't together anymore, doesn't mean that we can't still hang out. You are, after all, one of my very best friends. I'm glad you are home and doing well. Come find me when you want to have lunch sometime; we need to catch up. Love,S.

The picture was of Stephanie and Ranger attending an annual RangeMan party; just two friends standing together having a picture taken. But to Ranger, that picture meant, more than anything else, that he still had a friend in Stephanie. No matter what had happened, she'd forgiven him.

Shutting his drawer, he leaned his head back and smiled. "Now, that's not a look I believe I've ever seen in this office before," he heard and jerked his head up.

"Babe," he smiled.

Stephanie smiled and walked in the office, shutting the door behind her. "How are you really doing?"

"I'm good. Thanks for the picture and note. We'll definitely have to do lunch soon. I want to know what I've missed these last few months," he told her as he looked at her hands in front of her.

Following his gaze, her face turned pink, "Yes, you've missed a few things." Holding up her hand, she smiled, "I'm getting married."

"Congratulations," he said as he stood up and hugged her. "When's the big day?"

"We're not sure. We're not rushing anything. This could turn out to be a long engagement; but we're both happy just the way things are."

"I'm happy for you, Steph," he told her as he looked in her eyes. "You deserve the best life you can get and I think with Zero, you hit the jackpot."

"Me too," she smiled. "I love him, Ranger. More than I've ever loved anyone. I never knew it could be like this."

Ranger hugged her tight and closed his eyes; he knew the best man had won and he couldn't begrudge her happiness… he just wished it had been him that had been able to make her that happy.

"I best get going. I just got off the clock and Zero's coming off monitors. We're heading over to Pino's with some of the guys, do you want to join us?"

"No, you go ahead. I have some paperwork to catch up on." Ranger turned toward his desk, stopped, and looked back at Stephanie, "Babe?"

"Yes?" she said with a lump in her throat.

"Proud of you, Babe," he smiled. Seeing the confused look on her face, he continued on, "You bounced back from your attack, you moved on with your life, and you landed in a happy and loving relationship. I'm proud of you for not giving up."

Stephanie smiled and nodded before heading out the door. Ranger sat down, closed his eyes, and wished he'd been able to do the same with his life, but he knew the only one that was ever for him just walked out his door and would never be more than a friend.

The End!

Wow, I'm surprised this is finished… I hadn't realized how close to the end I had been, but this is where I wanted to end it. I hope you enjoyed my first story… if you did, please let me know… if you didn't, please let me know what I could have done differently (other than making it a Babe).

I hope you'll continue to read Broken Road (it's nowhere near done just yet) and any others that I write. I love the reviews and I appreciate the time you all take to read and leave me a message! You're the best!