
Disclaimer: I own nothing associated with the Fast and Furious franchise, I'm just a fan.

People say that when you die you see your life flash before your eyes. You see memories you didn't even realize you had. I didn't see that though I saw and felt some of the most important people and things I've dealt with in life.

I turn the corner. I see Brian, Braga, and Dom side by side, the reasons for my death.

Phoenix hits the side of my car sending me flying. I see my mom the only reason I've ever done something good in my life.

My car flips. I see my dad, the reason I got into cars and met Dominic.

My car flips again. I see Anthony Toretto, the man who taught me how to let go after my mom died.

My car flips a third time. My passion, cars and going fast after my dad died the only reason that kept my life worth living.

My car flips a fourth time. I see my family, my blood family and my real family, the team.

My car flips a fifth time. I feel Dom's kisses, the ones full of passion and the ones that were sweet and full of meaning.

My car flips a sixth time. I see every mistake I've ever made, every person I've ever hurt, and the people I've probably hurt by doing this.

My car flips a last time and settles on the ground. I see Jesse all bloodied and dieing in the hospital.

I undo my seat belt. I see Vince making a fool of himself again and again in front of Mia.

I push open the door of my car. I see Leon, my best friend who always made me laugh no matter how much I was hurting.

I push myself out of my car, if I'm going to die I'm going to die fighting. I see Mia, the girl who is like my mother, she loves me with all of my faults and will help me no matter the consequences.

I look up. I feel the pain I felt when Dom left me in the Dominican Republic.

I hear a gunshot. I see Dom, my best friend, the only one who knew how to handle me when I rarely cried, the one who took care of my when I was a kid, the one who got jealous whenever I talked to another guy, the man I love.

I open my eyes, and watch Phoenix drive away, and I realize,

I'm Alive.