My other Twilight/Skulduggery Pleasant Crossover went terribly, so I'm writing this and going to stop writing for the other one. I hope you like this.

I don't own Twilight or the Skulduggery Pleasant Series.


Summary: The Cullens move to Haggard, and enroll at the same school as Valkyrie Cain. What happens when two worlds collide, and Edward Cullen falls for our favourite dark-haired detective?

Valkyrie P.O.V

Skulduggery made me come to school, the son of a banshee. Not only was school bad enough, but there was new kids, therefore the whole world revolved around them. It isn't like I'm self-centered and want everyone fussing over me - I mean, I'd hate that - but it just gets boring hearig stupid, false rumours about people who just moved here.

"Steph!" A voice called, and I turned to see my Reflection's friend, Lia. Note; Reflection's friend. Not mine. At all.

I mentally groaned, before smiling at her. "Hey Lia." She was tall, and of average weight, with blonde hair and green eyes. Lia was quiet popular, and was the person to come to if you needed information on other people. Not that you could trust her information, mind. Half of it was a load of crap.

"Hey, the knew kids are here, and they all look like models. I wondered if any of them are single!" Lia squealed. I winced, and turned to look at the 'models', as she called them. It was true, they were all very good looking, but I for one knew looks were decieving - Hell, one of my best friends was a skeleton, and another was cursed before he was born, leaving him with a scarred face. But as intimidating as Ghastly Bespoke looked, he was a good soul. So, I wouldn't go fawning over the new guys, just because they looked good. It'd probably be a waist of time, anyway. One of them, a tall boy with odd, bronze coloured hair, locked eyes with me, and smiled slightly. I rolled my eyes, and swiftly took off towards my first lesson, but not before I caught a glimpse of his shocked face.

By lunch, I just wanted Skulduggery to turn up in his shiny black Bentley, because I'd rather deal with his abnoxious, egotistical self than all the gossip including the Cullens - I had found out their names whilst Lia was chatting hyper-actively with some other girl, who was probably just repeating rumours - and I swear, I heard Edward (The bronze haired one) laugh as they spoke. Although, it isn't like her could of heard them, he was on the other side of the class room.

I walked into the school canteen, and quickly grabbed my lunch. "I'm gonna sit by myself, I have some homework to do." I lied to Lia, hoping to get away from her. Luckily, I was better at lying than I am at being friendly, and she nodded, before walking off to talk to someone else. I sat down at an empty table, and got out my maths book, pretending to study for whatever test I'll make my Relfection take in a few weeks time. Five minuets later, I heard five people approach me. I looked up slowly at the Cullens, who stood looking at me from the other side of the table.

"Do you mind if we sit with you?" The small one, who I remembered as Alice from the gossip, asked.

I straightened up from my slouched position, and shrugged. "Sure."

They all sat down, and introduced themselves. I smiled half-heartedly. "I'm Stephanie." I told them. They nodded, sitting down,and I looked back down at my book. They started talking quietly to each other, and I didn't bother paying any attention. I heard Hannah Foley talking behind me, and grimaced as I heard my name being mentioned.

"Hey, look at Stephanie. Why on Earth are people as pretty as that sitting with her?" She hissed. I turned around in my seat, and grinned fiercely at her. Her eyes snapped to mine.

"Hannah, don't talk about me, or at least have the decency to do it when I can't hear you." I turned around, to see the Cullens grinning.

"Nice one." The big one, Emmett, cheered.

"She had it coming." I said in defence. My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out of my pocket, and checked that there was no teachers to take it away, before I checked the message. It was from Tanith.


Having fun at school, Val?

- T

I grimaced, and text back quickly.

Go away, Tanith.

- V

I got a reply in seconds.


I'll train with you later, does that make up for it?

- T

"Make up for what?" Alice asked, reading the text over my shoulder. I jumped, and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"Nothing, she borrowed a pair of my heels and broke them last night." I lied. Like I'd own a pair of heels. "She's teaching me self defence, and she said she'd throw in another session as an apology." There. It wasn't an entire lie - It just wasn't the truth. She nodded, but glanced at Jasper - a blonde boy with curly hair - who didn't look convinced at all.

Eh, whatever. The bell went, and I thankfully jumped up and started to collect my stuff.

"What class have you got?" Alice asked. I thought for a moment, trying to remember my timetable - I had lost it last term, and couldn't be bothered to get another one.

"Biology." I answered eventually.

"Mr. Brooklyn?" Edward asked - Huh, he hadn't spoke all lunch, like the others had been talking to eachother.

"Yeah, you got him too?" He nodded. "Good look, he's a sour old man." I warned him, before walking off. I could hear him following me, and he was soon walking along next to me, and we turned into the classroom. I sat down at my desk, and absent-mindedly traced a crack in the table with my blunt pencil. A minuet later, Edward slid into the empty seat next to me.

"Hello, Stephanie." He said. I looked up at him.

"God, are you trying to stalk me or something?" I do not need another Dusk-type following me around - well at least Edward won't be trying to kill me.

"No, it is just pure coincidence I was sat here, honestly." He told me solemnly. I smiled at him, rolled my eyes, and looked towards the front of the class.

Ten Minuets Later

Oh. My. God. Biology sucked. I shifted in my seat, and felt like slamming my forehead down on the desk. Five minuets later, I did. My face connected with the hard wood-work table with a thud, and I heard Edward chuckling next to me.

"This is torture." I muttered angrilly, without looking up.

"Stephanie, what are you doing?" Mr. Brooklyn snapped.

"Inspecting the cells in the table, sir." I replied dryly.

"Stephanie, you shall not speak to me-" He was interuppted by a knock at the door, and a female voice speaking.

"Excuse me, but Stephanie needs to come with me." my head snapped up, and I grinned at the sight of Tanith standing at the door, dressing in leather and her sword at her side. Everyone stared, oogling her body or her weapon. I cannot believe she brought that thing here.

"And who are you, miss?" Brooklyn asked. Edward was looking from me to Tanith with an irritated look on his face.

"I'm Tanith Low, Stephanie's step-cousin." She lied. Good job that the teacher had no idea about my family, because he nodded.

"Stephanie, you are excused." I laughted quietly, and grabbed my bag before bolting for the door at a barely normal pace.

"What happened?" I asked as we walked swiftly down the corridors.

"Skul and I got lonely, and Ghastly was busy making a suit to play with us." Tanith said, pouting. I laughed, and we ran out of the school.