Okay, here it is a spin off of the Along Came Trouble story, but set in the Old West universe. I had to change a couple of my OC names to fit the timeline of the story. Please let me know what you think. (Meaning: be kind and constructive criticism is welcomed. Whether I follow it or not is entirely different.) Again, all rights to The Magnificent Seven belong to someone else. No copyright infringement intended. This is for pure enjoyment only. All mistakes are my own.

Warning: Some chapters may contain some disciplinary action against a teenager. If you don't like, by all means do not read. It's a work of fiction folks, created from my own warped imagination.

Hands of Fate

Four Corners territory

Chapter 1

He was hell bent on leather to escape that dusty town. Every last member of the Henry gang was either injured or dead. Good riddance. His main problem now would be to lose whoever had decided to give chase. There was no way he was going back to no stinkin' orphanage.

Touching his spurs to Rogue's sides he urged the powerful animal on. He had given the horse his full head and he was bent low over the animal's back. Sadly, the other rider was gaining ground. Refusing to look back he applied a touch of the reins to either side of the horse's withers. Without any warning an arm reached for his reins. Like hell you will! He veered the horse to the right. The other rider followed suit again attempting to grab the reins. That's it! In his attempt to block the other man's actions, he unwittingly slipped from the saddle. Not good. The only good thing was the other man fell and cushioned his fall to the ground.

Except he wasn't about to go down without a fight, they tussled and rolled on the dusty ground until he found himself pinned and looking up into a fist ready to strike. He tensed, but the blow never came. Instead he was roughly pulled to his feet.

"What's your relation to the Henry gang?" The man in black shouted his fists clenching the boy's dark tan duster. "Answer me boy!"

Damn. "No relation. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Glad to see them gone." He matched the glare the older man had been giving him. "Let me go and I'll be on my way."

"I don't think so. There's more to this than what you're telling me. You can tell it to the Judge when he arrives."

No damn way was he sharing a cell with any of the Henry gang and there was no way he was talking to no judge. He'd been through that route, there was no going back.

Chris saw the boy's panic and then felt a searing pain to his knee. The kid had kicked out and made direct contact. He didn't have a choice and lost his grip on the boy as he hit the dirt. He heard a sharp whistle, and heard the hooves of an approaching horse. Then he heard the boy say, "Not going to be judged for something I didn't do. Like I said, wrong place wrong time. Do what you want with the Henry gang they deserve everything they get." The vehement tone is what caught Chris' attention as he looked up into the boy's steely gaze. A soft nicker announced the horse's arrival. As the boy went to mount his horse that's when Chris heard, "And I ain't going back to no damn orphanage."

His timing had to be just right. Although his knee throbbed something fierce, Chris couldn't let the boy go. As soon as the boy's attention was focused on the horse that's when Chris launched himself and they were back on the ground. The boy struggled against him until Chris' authoritative voice rang out. "That's enough!" He turned the boy around so the kid had to look him in the eyes. "You're going to get on that horse without another word and you are coming back to town with me." Chris winced at the pain, but kept a tight grip on the kid's wrists. He pulled the kid with him while he searched his saddlebags. Finding the rope he tied the kid's wrists together. Satisfied he then helped the kid up on his horse. Chris held the reins to the kid's horse as he mounted Pony. The jarring ride back to town did not improve the mood he currently found himself in.

The six men in town anxiously waited for the return of their leader. Vin paced the boardwalk in front of the jail. "I'm surprised you haven't left town in search of our wayward leader." The man in the red coat suggested.

"He can take care of himself."

"Yet you demonstrate the exact opposite by wearing a worn path across those undeserving boards. Whatever did they do to you?" The gambler chuckled shuffling a well-worn deck of cards.

The bounty hunter suddenly stopped and glared. "Shut up Ez!"

J.D. came riding in fast. "Chris coming in and he's not alone!"

The men in front of the jail came off the boardwalk followed closely by the two men who had been sitting inside the jail. "What's all the ruckus J.D.?" A lanky tall man with a mustached shouted.

"Chris is headed this way, Buck! He's got the one that tried to get away!"

They didn't have long to wait as the man in black came into view. As he came closer, Vin could see the beaded perspiration on Chris' face. "J.D.! Get Nathan! Chris is hurt! Hurry!"

J.D. ran to the clinic, but Nathan met him halfway when he heard Vin's shout. Ezra grabbed the reins to the other horse while Vin and Buck helped the injured Chris off Pony. A strangled cry left Chris' lips as the jostling took its toll on his knee. He would've crumpled to the ground if Vin and Buck didn't have a good hold on him. Josiah helped the other person off of the other horse while Ezra took the pair of horses to the livery stable.

"Chris, where's it hurt?" Nathan asked suddenly appearing by his side.

"Right knee, Nate." He managed to choke through gritted teeth.

Josiah had been about to lead the fugitive to the jail when he heard Chris say, "Not the jail. Bring him along to the clinic."

"Very well. J.D., keep an eye on our guests."

The young man answered, "Will do."

The grueling flight up Nathan's stairs with Vin and Buck almost killed Chris. By the time they settled him on the bed, Chris was drenched in sweat. Nathan began barking out orders. "Vin, start by getting his boots off. Josiah! Keep an eye on that boy. Have him sit on the floor somewhere preferably out of the way. Buck get Chris out of his duster."

God it was painful as Vin tugged off his boots. He gasped loudly when his right boot finally came off. "Sorry cowboy." He nodded to Vin in understanding, although the pain was immense. "Nate, his leg's pretty swollen." Vin said loudly while he leveled a severe glare at the perpetrator sitting on the floor. "I think you may have to cut his pants in order to get them off."

"We'll see. Get his gun belt off and let's see if we can remove his pants without causing him too much pain." They tried to be as gentle as possible but at the last moment Nathan took his scissors and opened the pants leg to get the last part off. "I know Chris, better your pants than your leg. Buck, get me the tub and start bringing up the water. Vin why don't you help him I need to bring that swelling down. "I don't think the knee cap's busted, but it sure took a bruising." He, too, shot a heated glance toward the fugitive sitting on the floor.

As they filled the tub, Nathan placed a few cold cloths on Chris' injured knee. Chris was not looking forward to sitting in a tub of cold water. When the time came though he went willingly, because the pain was getting to him. Nathan threatened to hog tie him later in order to get some laudanum down his gullet.

After ten minutes, he was shivering uncontrollably. They helped him out, dried him off and placed him back on the bed. Nathan bound his knee with cool strips of cloth dipped in water and explained in order to keep the swelling down they would need to submerge his knee again. Chris nodded in understanding even though he didn't like it. He then told Nathan before he'd take any laudanum he wanted to question the boy.

While they fussed over Chris, the boy had remained extremely quiet contemplating any means of escape. Josiah watched him carefully almost as if he could see the wheels turning in the boy's head. He pulled the kid off the floor as they brought a chair in for him so their leader could question him.

They had divested him of his duster and gun belt. Feeling vulnerable, the kid cocked an immediate attitude with them. He struggled a bit as they guided him to the chair. "I can sit, I'm not three!"

Chris wasn't in the mood to tolerate the sudden change in mood. "Sit now or I'll make sure you don't sit later!" A tinge of embarrassment crossed the boy's features. Reluctantly he sat. "First off, what's your name?"

He received a nudge from the one called Vin when he didn't answer immediately. "Jesse." Another nudge. "Jesse Ryder."

"Where ya from?"

"None of yer damn business." The injured man glared at him, while a firm hand landed on his shoulder and held him in his seat.

"Consider yourself lucky you're sitting there and not in a jail cell. However, I can quickly change that if you refuse to answer any of my questions. Would you rather sit in a jail cell tonight?"

Jesse muttered, "No."

"Good, then answer the damn question!"


"How'd you get out here?"

He lowered his gaze to the floor. "Been shuffled around a lot. Parents died sometime ago. Spent sometime in some orphanages and I'm not going back to one of them. Been on my own for the last two years." He felt a reassuring squeeze on his shoulder, but Jesse refused to look up.

"How old are you, son?"


The room went quiet. Too quiet for Jesse's liking. The man in black interrupted Jesse's thoughts. "Josiah, take the kid outside for a moment. Don't let him run off." Jesse lifted his bound wrists as if to say, 'yeah right.'

Vin answered instead of Chris, "So yer hands are bound, so what. Never stopped me from running iffen I got a chance."

Damn. There went that idea. Vin smirked seeing that he successfully read the boy's mind.

As soon as Josiah and the boy were out the door Chris asked, "What should we do?"

"My opinion, that boy needs a good tanning." Nathan didn't like the boy's attitude.

"I thought the same thing while I tussled with him before and after my injury."

Buck had an idea. "Since the Judge is expected maybe you should speak with him."

"Bucklin that boy is scared. I understand what's going on in his head. He's made it known that he will not go back to any orphanage. Can't say I blame 'im."

"I don't feel right placing him in the jail."

Nathan suggested. "Maybe a night in a cell would improve his attitude."

"And maybe it won't. Why was he with the Henry gang in the first place?" That question was posed again, but this time by Buck.

"He mentioned something about wrong place and wrong time. Not sure what he meant by that, but maybe he'll open up later about it."

"Chris, what are you thinking?" Buck sounded worried.

"I'm thinking, Chris don't want to see the boy hurt anymore than he has been." The knowing bounty hunter smiled.

"Well, is what he says true?"

Answering his friends he said, "Yep. Nailed it."

"Question, where's he going to stay without causing mischief? I believe once we fall asleep that kid will make his escape. Ya can see it in his eyes."

"You're right Nathan. I think, as of now, he can stay here and if needed, we'll have a guard posted near the door to prevent any escape. Or do you have any other reasonable ideas?"

"I don't like it, but if you think it's for the best we'll make sure it works. At least until the Judge arrives."

"Done. Tell Josiah to bring the kid back in. And yes Nathan I'll take that laudanum now."

"About time."

Vin took the first watch and was glad he did. No sooner had darkness fallen, that scrawny kid tried his first escape attempt. "Where ya going?"


"Well ya gonna have an armed escort. Get moving!"

One attempt foiled, he tried for another and failed again. Jesse made one more attempt and almost succeeded. It just so happened Vin hadn't been able to sleep after his watch and had decided to check on his horse Peso. Jesse's timing that night and into the morning proved to coincide with Tanner's lack of sleep. He failed to see Tanner in the stable and surely was surprised when a strong arm gripped his arm as he attempted to saddle his horse. "What theā€¦" Seeing that it was Tanner and this his third and final attempt, Jesse decided to try and fight the man for his freedom.

By the time the sun came up, both Vin and Jesse looked worse for wear as they climbed the stairs to the clinic. Jesse was pushed inside by a very irritable Vin, his temperament running on the short side this morning. "I think tonight we stick him in a cell."

Nathan asked looking at Vin's disheveled appearance. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Don't ask." His blue eyes flashed. "How's Chris?"


"Ya could have told me ya were awake. How's the knee?"

"It's there." Chris aimed another glare at the boy. "What happened? "

"Three times he tried to escape. Third time he tried to go through me."

"Is that right?" The one known as Chris demanded an answer. "Look at me son!"

Even though the man in buckskin had a pretty good hold on him, Jesse struggled to get away. "Enough!"

Jesse stopped struggling, knowing it was now futile. They wanted an answer he'd give them an answer. "I don't understand why I'm being held here."

"Like I said before, we're waiting for the Judge. He'll sort this out. Although, I think it's time we discussed some things around here."

Jesse was pushed into the available chair sitting next to the bed that Chris occupied.

"While you're here, you will do as you're told. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. However, if you keep trying to leave, I'll be forced to keep you under lock and key. I'm pretty sure you haven't been all that truthful with us, so watch your step. You keep giving us a hard time you're going to find that the consequences will be swift and just.

"I'm leaving it up to you whether we all get along. We are the law around here and it would do you well to remember that. You got that?"

Chris' words met a hardened glare. That boy was sure stubborn.

"What do we do with him now?"

"Leave him here. Maybe Josiah won't mind watching him later. Maybe he could get a few hours work out of him and he won't be that antsy to leave."

That's it. He was tired of these men pushing him around. First the Henry gang, now the local law of this town. He was about to voice his objections again when the kid with the bowler hat popped into the room. "Chris?"

"What is it, J.D.?"

"The Judge is on the next stage and he will be here tomorrow." J.D. held the door open and that was all Jesse needed. There were four of them, although one was technically incapacitated. He quickly sprung out of his chair, side stepped both Vin and Nathan, and flew past a bewildered J.D.

Vin tore off after the kid while Chris yelled, "J.D. quit yer gawking and help Vin!"

"Oh, yeah, sorry. On it!" He followed Vin down the steps and after the kid.

Racing after the kid, Vin shouted out, "Ezra! Stop him!"

Aw hell! Jesse skidded and barely avoided capture by the befuddled gambler. That was too close. He needed to get to the livery stable, but first he had to lose the tracker and the other two. As he past an alley a strong hand gripped his arm and soon he found his back against a wall. The mustached man asked, "Leaving so soon, boy? I don't think Chris gave you permission to leave."

"I don't need permission. Let go of me!" He struggled but the other man kept a tight grip on him.

"I'll bet you'll cool your temper after spending a night in jail. Let's go!" Buck led the way and immediately met up with Ezra, J.D., and Vin as he dragged the youngster to the jail.

What was left of the Henry gang occupied both cells. Buck pushed the kid into the cell occupied by Lefty, Jose, and Merle. "Well, well, well, looks like you've come to join us after all."

Aw hell!

By morning light the kid was in worse shape than yesterday. He was huddled in the far corner of the cell with his head down. The young lawman didn't notice anything different at first. He, then, began to count heads and panicked when he didn't see the boy at first. "Hey! Where's the kid?" J.D. asked the other men in the cell.

"Right where a whipped young whelp should be." The man known as Merle jabbed his thumb toward the far left corner.

The cruel tone of voice should have been J.D.'s first hint of the boy's distress. Even though he'd seen his fair share of hell J.D. didn't get it at first. "Hey! Jesse, you up to some breakfast?" His question was met with silence. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"

As he had tried to say he was fine a small groan came out instead.

J.D.'s eyes widened in shock as he caught sight of the kid's face or what he could see of it. The side he saw was bruised and the one eye he could see was swollen shut. "What the hell?" The young lawman started shouting for his fellow peacekeepers before he even cleared the doorway. "Buck! Ezra! Vin! Josiah!"

"What's all the ruckus?" J.D. pointed to the boy in the cell as he knew Buck wouldn't stop jabberin' long enough for him to explain.

"Hell! Chris ain't going to be happy about this. We need to get him to Nate."

Chris heard their boots on the steps and watched as Buck, J.D., Vin, and Josiah enter Nate's clinic. He swore when he saw the boy. "What the hell happened?"

"One night in jail, that's what happened. Looks like the Henry gang exacted their revenge." Vin surmised.

Josiah added. "Now, I can see why he didn't want to spend any time with those ruffians. He sure is a mess."

J.D. spouted. "I'll bet it was his smart mouth that got him in a whole lot of hurt."

"Whatever it was, he didn't deserve that sort of treatment." Nathan shook his head in disgust.

The voices sounded from a distant to Jesse. His face hurt, his head, and not to mention his ribs. Oh lordy he did not feel well at all. He closed his eyes allowing himself to slip into the black abyss of oblivion.

"Hell, Nate, he needs this bed more than I do."

Quick as a rattlesnake Nathan responded, "Oh no you don't. You're staying on that bed. You could move over a bit, he won't take up too much room." They placed the unconscious form next to Chris.

"Nice try, stud. Guess Nate read your mind before ya could put your mouth in gear."

Looking down upon the lad, he mentioned. "Hell, he don't look too good, does he? Find out anything from the other men?"

Their young friend spoke first. "Yeah, that mean looking, ugly, scarred face. toothless wonder known as Merle referred to the kid as a whipped young whelp." Nobody said a word. However, they all looked a might too pleased with themselves. I'm glad Buck was near, their grins almost unnerved me."

"Buck, you and Vin get down there. See if you can rattle a few cages and get anything out of anyone in that cell. I want to know exactly what happened to the boy. Also, ask how the boy came to be with them in the first place. He hasn't offered a good enough explanation as it is." Chris looked about and finally asked. "Where's Ezra?"

"Probably still asleep. I'll go rouse him out of bed." Josiah volunteered and left not long after Buck and Vin.

The familiar complaints from Nathan were heard. "They sure messed him up badly. The strong always prey on the weak."

"He's not that weak." Not caring how he sounded to Nathan. That kid messed him up pretty badly.

He felt Nathan's stare before he looked up at him. "Still, he's younger than them and there are how many in that cell?"

"Not sure. I'll wait for Buck and Vin to come back. J.D., when the Judge arrives, ask him to stop up here."

J.D. gave a curt nod and left the room to wait for the stage.

Nathan then set to work on the boy. Chris helped where he could. They both swore a few times after they discovered a multitude of bruises all over the boy's torso, once they had removed his shirt. Chris' first opinion of the boy began to wane.

"I see it's getting to you, too." Nathan said aloud. "A majority of these bruises are recent, but there are also some older ones. I'd say he has some cracked ribs to match."

Chris followed the discoloration along the boy's rib cage to prove Nathan's analysis. His mood softening some more toward the kid. "He's seen his share of hell. It's no wonder he has a chip on his shoulder." Before he realized he had done it, Chris brushed his hand across the top of the boy's head.

"I won't tell anybody."

Why did he do that? "Thanks Nate." He couldn't help but think about another boy and what he might have looked like at this age.


"Sounds to me like that the stage is here."

He glanced down again at the unconscious form. "It does, doesn't it?"

"I'm going to get a few more supplies. You think you'll be okay for a bit."

The other man nodded. "Yeah, I think I can hold the fort while you duck out for awhile."

"Okay, but holler if ya need anything."

"Oh, I'm sure I could manage that." Nate left Chris and the boy alone. Figuring he'd check on Vin and Buck and see if the prisoners needed any patching done.

He again brushed back a lock of dark brown hair off of the boy's forehead wondering what sort of trouble they were about to get themselves into this time.