(A/N: This is a continuation of "Hey You Wanna Marry Me?". I felt like it should stay oneshot. So I made this. This is NOT oneshot. They are still 5 years old here.)

"We should make a vow" Draco said

"Okay. About what?" Hermione asked

"About marrying each other after Hogwarts, silly!" Draco laughed

"Oh. How?" She asked

"We can make the Unbreakable Vow" He said

"What's that?" Hermione asked curiously

"Its like a powerful pinky promise" Draco smiled

"Oh. So how do we do that? Is it magic?" asked Hermione

"Yup! I don't know how. Maybe Pansy will know. Hold on. I'll go get her.

Draco came back 15 minutes later with a little pug-faced girl.

"Hello. I'm Hermione Granger" Hermione smiled

"Hi. Are you the mudblood Draco keeps talking about?" said Pansy with a disgusted look on her face

"Pansy! My mother says 'mudblood' is an bad word!" Draco yelled

"Whatever. Drakie, why did you bring me here?" asked a slightly annoyed Pansy

"Because, Pansy... I need you to help me and 'Mione with the Unbreakable Vow!" said Draco in an annoyed tone of voice

"Fine. I'll try. I think I can do it." asked Pansy

"Go. Join hands." continued Pansy

Draco and Hermione joined hands, giggling.

"I saw mum doing this. I stole her wand from her back pocket. I think I know how. What's the vow?" asked Pansy, rubbing her hands smirking, preparing to do magic she has never tried before

"'Mione has to promise to marry me after Hogwarts" said Draco, grinning

"Okay. Ew. Anyways..." Pansy said in disgust, pulling a wand out of her pocket

"Do you, Draco Malfoy, promise to marry Hermione Granger after your seven years at Hogwarts?" said Pansy continued, holding the wand

"I will" said a smirking Draco Malfoy

"And do you, Hermione Granger, promise to marry Draco Malfoy after your seven years at Hogwarts?" said Pansy, spinning the wand in her hands

"I will" said Hermione, giggling"

A thick tongue of fire winded around Draco and Hermione's hands.

Hermione just stared, amazed

"Cool. So its done?" said Draco, still smirking

"Yeah. I guess" Pansy said while rolling her eyes

"Yay!" Draco and Hermione said in unison

"Draco, honey! Lets go!" they heard Narcissa Malfoy yell from across the park

"Coming, mother!" shouted Draco while running

Draco hugged Narcissa and smiled

"Mother, remember her? Hermione Granger?" he pointed over to the brunette talking to Pansy

"Yes Draco. She's the one you want to marry, am I right?" Narcissa smiled, then drank her coffee

"Yeah! And we made an Unbreakable Vow!" Draco said in a loud, overexcited tone of voice

Narcissa spit her coffee


(A/N: So wadda you think? Review pleaseeee! Ideas would be great. But I think I'll just head to 7th year, hm?)