Okay dear readers, I have come to a dilemma. You see this story, although my first KHR story is not coming out how it was originally written.

You see, I thought that maybe a more angsty/cold-hearted ish character wouldn't be that popular. So I tried to use the guardian angel twist to make Haruka a little more light hearted. However that also means that I have to edit the original story to fit this new Haruka. This makes updates for this story very slow.

So I would like your opinion. There are two options:

Go with the flow. Since I've already started the story this way, then I can continue. All of you should just be aware that the updates will be a ton slower than my other story Twin Dilemma.

Change it back. I can turn the story back into what it was supposed to be. I could probably get this done pretty quickly. I think the updates should come faster too!

I'll leave a poll up for this, or you can leave it in a review. Thank you so much for reading this story.

As a thanks, to keep you guys interested, and for Giotto's birthday, here's a short piece from future chapters.

"How's Franco's condition?" Giotto asked desperately as he ran up.

"…Not good…" one of the few kind, brave, and helpful villager replied. "Doctors were threatened by them and didn't show up."

Two children tugged and cried for the dying man.

"Why did this happen to Franco?" Giotto demanded.

"It's because he didn't give them 90% off," G informed his friend.

"What!" Giotto was outraged. These villagers could barely live with their regular pay. There was no way they could keep giving these horrible people that much of a discount. But his anger dissipated with the rain and gave into sorrow. "…This town is a paradise for outlaws…They…threaten the Towns' people and take money away. If we don't do as they say, they'll just resort to violence. We can't rely on the police since they already gave into them…But…" Giotto kneeled down and picked up a crushed flower. "I love this town…It's a poor town, but shines like the sun…The towns' people are always happy and I like their smile… Just shutting up and watching the town fall into ruin! I've had enough already!" Giotto slammed a fist against the wall.

"A vigilante group…Giotto." Cozart looked up from the two kids he was comforting.

"A vigilante group!" The blond questioned disbelievingly.

"If nobody can help us, we must save the town by ourselves," Cozart explained.

"However, in order to do so, we need a powerful leadership than can manage people," Giotto reasoned. "One that can wrap up rain, storm, and even the sun."

"There's no one, but you, Giotto," Cozart said firmly.

"Wha-…Me?" Giotto stared at his friend in disbelief.

"Crap!" The villager looking after Franco swore. "His condition is fading fast."

The three young men tensed.

They started a little when a figure jumped down from the roof.

At first it appeared to be a young male, but upon further inspection, Giotto realized otherwise.

"Ah! It's you! You should be resting," The blond immediately scolded.

But the young girl just stared at him emotionlessly. She slowly turned to look at Franco, then back to Giotto and G. "Do you wish to save this man?" She asked softly. Her voice was almost muted by the rain.

This took them by surprise, but not for long.

"Of course!" Giotto nearly shouted.

The girl nodded and pulled off the hat hiding her hair, which came tumbling out though still tied back. "Then I shall consider my debt repaid with this."

The blond and the two red heads could only stare at the girl in confusion. They watched as she patted the crying children on the head and offered them a small smile.

"It shall be alright, little ones," she said quietly. The children stared and their tears stopped flowing. The girl pulled the two children away from Cozart and to Franco. She gently brush aside the other villager. "Please hold his hands. Now close your eyes and pray for his health."

The four men watched the girl held her hands over Franco's chest and closed her eyes. Giotto, Cozart, and G started in shock as a small yellow flame came to life in her hand and slowly spread over the injured man's body without burning him. They would have said something, but the other male didn't seem to be able to see it.

But as they continued to watch they saw that Franco's wounds were slowly, but surely, healing at a rapid pace. Franco's face, once contorted in pain, was now relaxing and his breathing was becoming steadier.

Finally the girl stopped using whatever power. However there was still a large gash in the man's stomach. Though it no longer seemed as bad, it would be fatal if it wasn't treated. But none of the men had to tell the girl apparently, as she started taking out what looked like simple medical tools from her small sack. The girl ground some herbs and used the rain to turn it into a paste them gently rubbed it into the wound, after which she took out a needle and thread and sowed the wound shut. She rubbed a little more of her medicine onto the cut, then finished with bandaging the wound, asking the kids to help hold up the man as she did so.

Franco awoke just as she finished. "Wha-what?...I'm…I'm not dead?"

The mysterious girl smiled a little. "No Mister Franco. Your kids still need you after all."

"Papa!" Said kids then tackled their father, breaking into tears once more.

Franco sat up and fingered the bandages a little. He looked back up and opened his mouth to speak, but the girl cut him off.

She pressed a couple small bags into Franco's hands. "This is some medicine and money. This is medicinal tea. Make sure you drink a cup a day till you run out. You only need to use half a spoon to make a single cup. This should also be enough to cover the repairs, as well as aid you while you're recovering."

"Why are you doing this for us?" Franco asked. He was extremely grateful, but he was also weary.

The girl jerked her thumb back at Giotto. "This fool helped me, even though he really should have just walked away. However that makes me indebted to him. Helping you has alleviated this. However," the girl sighed, "I am not one to leave behind the innocent either. Therefore, healing you was paying my debt and giving you money for you and your family is my gift."

"Th-Thank you so much!" Franco exclaimed. He could cry he was so happy.

The girl nodded and stood up. "Have a good life, good sir."

Giotto and the others finally had enough sense to approach the girl.

The blond smiled warmly. "Thank you so much for helping. And you really didn't owe me anything." G and Cozart nodded with a warm smile of their own.

The girl just stared at them blankly. "You assisted when you didn't need to. But now that, that is taken care of, I can leave."

"Wait!" Giotto ran up and caught the girl's wrist as she walked away. "At least stay one more night. We'd like to show our appreciation."

"Please let go. I do not need to create any more debts." The girl was getting a little irritated now. She had long since overstayed her welcome.

Giotto shook his head. "I'm not trying to make you owe me anything. I want to say thanks."

The girl frowned a little and opened her mouth to retaliate, but suddenly her eyes flared and she pulled Giotto to the side.

A series of gunshots was heard and the three young males cringed as dust was kicked up around them.

Eventually the sound faded and they peeled their eyes open. But to their surprise, they mysterious girl was standing firm in front of them with a shield of green lighting protecting them.

The girl glared at the attackers, who were also in shock that they were still alive. "You're 500 years too early to challenge the like of me," she hissed, then disappeared in a cloud of indigo mist.

I hope this was a good teaser! Maybe this will be able to keep some of you interested enough to keep reading, eh?

Anyways please let me know. Thank you!