Writer's block stinks. But, sometimes, it can engender some amusing sidelines...

What to write, what to write...

::Give it up. Bedtime.::

This early? I want to get at least another page in.

::You've been saying that for the last two hours. Trust me. Bed.::

*grumbles* It's not my fault you're slacking.

::Hey, I'm just the muse. Here, you want an idea? Try this one. And this. And this.::

Been done, had it already, not panning out. How about you help me through this literary hole you've written me into?

::What, still sore that you're stuck in the same village?::

I've been there for seven years! I'm starting to get glares from my characters through the computer screen. They want out, dammit! And you're not doing anything to help! Go... muse, or something.

::Not my fault you've started a new series.::

Yes it is, and it's three new series! Three. Not to mention the short stories that keep cropping up. And the fan fiction that keeps happening. And the set of stories that's trying to morph into not one, but two ongoing novellas! Will you just stay focused for once?

::Not in my job descripti- hey, butterfly!::

You're doing it on purpose now!


Okay. Fine. You're not going to cooperate? Then guess what.

::Uh... What are you doing with that pencil?::

Recording. You're going to get cute on me, I'm going reporter on your ass.

::Uh, heh, heh, heh... you do know that muses aren't real, right? You're recording a conversation with your imaginary friend. Not going to go over too well in the whole, 'I'm not crazy' department. Why are you still writing?::

Because my readers will love this. 'Muse backed away slowly, shaking head and -' Hey! Unhand the pencil!

::Ha. You honestly think people will read this?::

You did, didn't you? Yeah, go ahead and write that down.

::Huh. You know, I never did try the writing schtick myself. Always stuck to inspiration. This might be fun.::

Hey, knock yourself out.

::Okay, let's see... Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful maiden, in the highest room of the tallest tower... What?::

*laughs* It's been done before.

::How do you know?::

You're my muse. I can read your mind.

::Well, how about, It was the best of times - ::


::Maybe - ::



Do-one. Face it, you need me. I do all the nitty-gritty of turning idea into reality.

::And not very well, at that.::

What's that supposed to mean!

::You've been stuck in the same village for seven years. I keep handing you ideas, but you never take them.::

'Aliens' and 'magic unicorns' are not good ideas!

::Works in video games.::

Do I look like a gamer to you?


Oh, so help me, if you were corporeal, I'd...

::You'd what?::

Hold on, let me borrow those. I just got an idea.

::From where? I'm your muse!::

Hold that thought.

::...This had better be good.::

Read over my shoulder, then.

::Oh, all right... hey, that's pretty good. Really? Huh. She did...he said... dang. Alright. Wow::

And it's all thanks to you.

::I know. I'm good, aren't I?::

Don't push it, bub...