AN: I'm actually working on about 5 other stories I plan to submit on here once I write them out and proof read them a few million times or so. So in all honesty I shouldn't be starting something I have no desire to write out (Yes I'm a tard like that). But oh well. I'll learn some day I suppose.

Disclaimer and the such- I DO NOT own L4D or L4d2 or anything of Valve or Steam or ANYTHING.

Who reads these things anyway?

"You hang on or I'll follow you to hell and kill you again!" Kaiden screamed from across the other side of the wildly out of control helicopter.

I could feel my arms begin to shake with exhaustion. Hanging on was going to be a problem. I glanced over my sholder. The ground was a good 800 ft. below us making the small houses of the town look like they were made for ants. I clamped my eyes shut as my arms sliped even more from the pole I was hanging desperatly to. "I.. I can't! AH!" I cut of in my attempt to stay with the helicopter.

'Why...' My thoughts kept circling around that. My brother, Kaiden and I were, as far as we knew, the last of our family that wern't turned into flesh eating monsters from the infection. Being the silly kids we were we'd come up with a plan to survive long before the first case even showed up. And, to our never ending wonder, it had kept us alive.. So far anyway. From there we searched for other survivors, as we had planed, but I had no desire, or any idea, that I would fall in love with the only other human we could find. Aaron. And as far as I could tell he loved me too. We'd managed to survive the Hell we called life for over 3 months and we were finally on our way to a safe zone, we were finally rescued... Or so we had thought...

My eyes darted to the front of the helicopter to see Aaron still wrestling the now turned piolot. The thing had scratched his arm up a bit but he could offer no help for me. Every time Kaiden tried to help the copter would shake wildly from the fight up front, threatening to toss him out as well. I felt tears of desperation well up as I looked behind me again.

My arms sliped even further and slid to where I was only hanging by my hands. I screamed in terror as my tired, sweaty fingers slowly began to slip. Kaiden screamed back, "HANG ON!" I could hear the desperation in his voice. The wind whipped my sholder lenght hair in my face as I fought for a grip.

Too late.

The world seemed to grow silent as my hands lost their hold and I began to fall through the air. The noise from the blades spinning, Aarons fight with the piolot, Kaiden calling out my name.. Time even seemed to slow down for a fraction of a second, then it all came crashing back. All the noise returned but it was hard to hear over the rushing wind in my ear. My eyes had stayed locked on the helicopter and almost as soon as my fingers gave out on me Aarons face appeared, his arm held out in my direction. "AMELEIA!" His voice only just reached me as I fell further and further away from them.

The helicopter kept flying away and my world began to spin. My eyes attempted to locate the ground only to find that all I could really see were flashing colors... What should've only been a few mere seconds of falling felt like hours to my over fried brain. But as my fall was about to come to a splatering halt a few things occured to my mind. 'I don't want to die.. Not like this!'

A scream was torn from my throat just as my body collided with something. The scream was cut short as my body felt the onslaut of pain. My body was thrashed around wildly and many unnamable objects slashed all over. Slowing my fall... I vaguly realized that ground shouldn't feel like this. Then, without warning, I hit something solid. The solid thing was quickly replaced with more air and I hit another, even harder, solid thing and my world went completly dark..

Short I know. But I just want to know how my writing style looked on here before I put too much effort into something (This being my first story and all).

Review? :O