Gotta hide, gotta hide...

A small figure sprinted through the rain in the Danville park. It quickly darted into a bush and crouched down, breathing heavily but silently. Tears trickled down it's face, but it roughly brushed them away and opened the duffel next to it.

"...Food... check... water... check... cell phone... check... money...-"


The bush was suddenly ripped out of the ground and thrown to one side. A dark shadow loomed threateningly over the figure on the ground, who was staring at him in horror.

"There you are, Perry the Platypus."

The day that probably started it all was the day life, doctor's and platypus agent's, was spun around from normal to bizarre.

Perry the Platypus was a normal pet living in his special, creative, wonderful owners' home. He had a job as a secret agent, like most animals in the Tri-State Area did that was beneficial for him, plus entertaining once in a while; He had a nemesis, who, though an idiot and a goof ball, could bring havoc to the city if it weren't for Perry, and who was also easy to defeat; He had owners Phineas and Ferb, who, as I just said were creative and wonderful whom he love dearly, as did they. A life he was fortunate to have.

What made it better was when he found his mate. Someone to love in a way you couldn't do with your owners

Love was really a supplementary matter to the platypus. The only people he really loved were his owners, Phineas and Ferb. He never though about any other love besides that. He thought it would distract him from his job and family. He didn't need anything else besides that anyway. Perry's life was fine just the way it was.

Until he started having strange feelings around his nemesis. Then things started getting complicated.

It was hard to get uncomfortably close to Dr. Doofenshmirtz without feeling... uncomfortable. Perry would even sometimes blush lightly feeling flattered when the doctor would compliment the platypus without even meaning to. Perry would try to ignore these feelings, which seemed to be getting stronger every day, and try to stay on top, but it got harder and harder not to wince whenever Doofenshmirtz hit the wall, or to stop himself from helping him up when he tumbles head first back into the wall.

And, unfortunately, it wasn't just those feelings that had mysteriously doubled. Feeling angry, happy, or sad was getting too easy. Those kinds of emotions seem to have somehow become twice as powerful. When he was happy, he felt too happy. He would feel giddy, and it might even show on his face, which was usually easy to keep blank. When he was angry, he was angry. It was hard not to punch a wall, or have a tantrum, or kick whoever made him mad in the first place. When he was sad or depressed, he could make a scene if he wanted to. These emotions, along with plenty others, seemed to double up lately, and Perry still didn't know why. He didn't want to ask Carl for a scan -those shy emotions wouldn't let him- and he was too afraid to ask anyone, thinking of what they would do if he did said anything -again very powerful emotion- so Perry didn't know what to do but do his best to cope with them. The only emotion now that wasn't cooperating was the one he had around his nemesis.

Days after the first realization of the problem, Perry begged Monogram to send someone else after Doof, "saying" that he was sick to his stomach, which was kinda true. He stayed away from DEI as long as he could -which was about two weeks- trying to repair his emotional wall with no success, before Monogram made him go back. Doofenshmirtz was waiting with lots of questions.

"So, where have you been the past two weeks anyway, Perry the Platypus?" he now asked while trying to tighten the screw on his remote, which had unscrewed while he was ranting at Perry. The platypus was trapped in an "old fashion" robot claw tight around his torso and arms. "Monobrow said that you were sick, but for two weeks? I didn't think it's possible for someone like you to be sick for that long."

Perry just glared, trying not to show anything suspicious.

"Not gonna talk, huh? Well- ha! All fixed." Doof then started going off track and started talking about how stupid manuals were, especially the one that showed him how to create the -Inator. Perry didn't want to listen, so he zoned out and tried to think of a way out of the claw.

"Hey! You're not even listening to me!" The doctor's face suddenly got very close to Perry's, glaring at him. "That's rude, you know!"

All the agent could think about was how close his nemesis was to him. He leaned backward and stared back eye to eye, flushing a little.

"And you're still not listening. You know I can tell when you're not, right?"

Can he tell my other facial expressions too?

Because of how close he was to him, Doofenshmirtz could suddenly notice how uneasy Perry looked. And that his face had a hint of a reddish color. "Hey, wait a minute. Are you... blushing?"

Perry shook his head in horror, realizing the danger and trying to stop blushing, but it only got worse. Plus he couldn't take his eyes off of the others. He never really noticed how pretty his dark blue eyes were- ugh, stop!

"Yes you are! Look, you're going red right now!" Doof was confused. He's been this close to Perry before, and never had he reacted like this. "Why are you doing that? Do I smell bad? I did take a shower yesterday." He backed up to smell his armpits giving Perry a rest from those dark, seducing eyes.

"No I seem to smell fine. Why are you getting uncomfortable all of a sudden, Perry the Platypus?"

Ugh, can't you just ignore me and continued with your evil plot?

The doctor sat back on his heels on the ground. He wasn't going to go anywhere until he found out what was wrong with his nemesis. He didn't want any more distractions during their battle later, or he knew he would be late for the movie he intended to see later. "Come on, what's wrong? I wanna know so we can continue with our battle. I don't want to fight you if you're gonna act like this, plus I got a movie to go to later and I don't wanna be late."

He does care...

Now Doofenshmirtz could see a hint of a smile on Perry's face. This was getting disturbing. "OK, now you're smiling? You're really starting to freak me out, Perry the Platypus. Did you eat something bad? Or is it the side affects from being sick before? Come on, I need answers."

What the hell was he suppose to tell him? Now Perry's smile faded and he looked strained. He didn't know what to say. Or do. He didn't even know what was wrong himself. There was silence for a long time. Doofenshmirtz stared at Perry while Perry stared at the ground, feeling pressure under his nemesis gaze.


Perry looked up slowly and fearfully, and Doof saw that his eyes were wet, and his face looked pained.

He asked in a quiet voice, "Are you OK?"

Perry finally gave in and shook his head. No, he wasn't. He didn't know what was wrong with him. All he knew was that he hated it. He hated not knowing why he was acting this way. He didn't want to get all weak and such in front of his nemesis. It was embarrassing.

The doctor knew he was finally getting somewhere and continued in the same voice, "Do you mind telling me why?"

Perry couldn't take it anymore. He hung his head and started to tremble, trying to look away from his nemesis, who was probably laughing at him inwardly. Stupid emotions. Hell with them all.

But Doof was stunned. He didn't expect this to happen. Before he could rethink what he's doing, he pulled out the remote and pressed the button, releasing Perry from the claw. Perry stumbled, his legs feeling like jello, into Doofenshmirtz arms and sat on his lap, head in his hands and started crying into them. The doctor hugged his nemesis close to him, wishing he would stop soon. He really hoped no one was watching him now, otherwise they would put him to shame forever.

Gradually, the sobbing ceased and Perry was only sniffling. Doofenshmirtz decided to set him on the ground and hand him a tissue. Perry took it gratefully and blew his beak into it before looking back at Doof. He was still surprised at what he had done. He didn't think Doofenshmirtz would do something like that. Though he does have a change of heart from time to time, he knew that. He just didn't understand why Doof would try to comfort him at all.

"OK, let's take some deep breaths now, just to calm you down more." Perry obeyed and tried his best without trembling. "You feeling better now?"

Perry shrugged still staring at the doctor. Eh...

"OK, now can you tell me what the problem is? You can't hide it anymore, I know something's wrong now."

No shit, Sherlock.

But Perry shook his head.

Doof was getting impatient. "Well, why not?" The platypus shrugged, giving him a helpless look. "You don't know?" Perry nodded.

This was going to be a lot harder than he thought.

"So you don't know what's wrong with you?" A nod. "Do you mind telling me about how you're feeling at the moment?"

Perry was suddenly wary. Why should he trust him? He was an evil scientist, it wasn't their nature to help their nemesis with mental problems.

You know he would listen, a voice said softly in his head. He's Doof anyhow. He just would.

How do you know? He wants to be evil. He could use my problem against me, he argued with himself.

Doof noticed Perry's hesitation. He sighed in frustration and looked at his watch. Look at him. He was sitting with a platypus acting like a Dr. Phil- though Doof was sure he could be a much better Dr. Phil than Dr. Phil could, he's seen all his episodes, he knows all the strategies- when he should be getting ready for a movie. And it was the sequel to Evil Guidelines to the Universe! He had been waiting for the movie forever!

"Look," He began, trying hard to be calm, "why don't you just go home and take the day off. Maybe you'll feel better tomorrow and we can finish our battle then. Bye, curse you Perry the Platypus, whatever." Doofenshmirtz stood up and turned off his machine. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready to see a movie." He walked off to his room, leaving Perry the Platypus on the floor, who was feeling strangely more upset that before.

Kay, dis is the revised version of Stupid, Stupid Emotions, along with a new name. Again, as i said in an Author's Note in the original version, first read the original if you haven't yet, then review this or that and tell me what you think, and then go to my page and vote for which you like better: the revised, or the original. I'm hoping everyone likes the revised, cause i finally have a real plot for dis story, and it's better to use the revised to match everything else. I could still use the original, but it would be really hard e_e (plus it kinda sucks anyway T_T).

Bye, so long, farewell, see ya latter alligator, whatever. ._.