AN: So because we all totally know it was going to go happen. Batman/Aqualad. *that and there needs to be more of these. It's such an..interesting pairing in a way.
Triggers: Slashy-Mentor/Protege.
Disclaimer: Do I have to say this? Really?
Fishing, The Batman Method
Currently, Batman believes he may have just snapped. Under the pressure, under the demand- whatever you wish to call it. He thoroughly believes he may have finally given into madness that others have failed to push him into. Only one person has managed to do it and he's done it without even trying.
He's sure of it.
Still, Batman was nothing if not resourceful. He wants to know if this was the teen intent or not. Whether pursuing this would be fool-hearty or not.
So it's almost all too perfect when Superman has something to do in a galaxy or two over, leaving Superboy in charge of Metropolis. In which event, Miss Martian had studies with J'onn, and the three teens left were currently in school.
It made approaching the leader of his team- yes it is his team- was sitting at one of the many entrances to the base, looking forlornly out at the ocean.
It also helps that for the past month or so, Aquaman has had little time to spend with his protege.
Having had weeks to mull over this plan, Batman briskly walks over towards the teenager with care to make his steps light and barely detectable. After all, it wouldn't do for anything to change in his personality too suddenly.
It startles him, the dark teen looks up with bright eyes towards whom he considers, their commander. "Batman." He breathes out nervously, "I did not hear you announced."
Batman stops himself from smiling at that. "Get your things. You're coming with me."
For a moment, Kaldur wanted to argue this. Or at least question it but seeing as Batman had already turned to leave, he found himself helplessly following in his wake.
"May I ask why?" He glances up at him, trying to divine something from the man's expression. Though really, he thought he shouldn't have even tried seeing as the cape crusader was notoriously hard to understand.
"With Aquaman away, I believe it would be best to situate you in a less hostile environment." Was all the Dark Knight had to say.
"I see. Of course." Kaldur doesn't have much in the way of things- much like Superboy. Though it wasn't entirely by choice. It was really because he has no idea what else to get, while Superboy seems to prefer the sparsity of a room.
"Is that all?" Even though he's trying to be stoic, Batman finds the lack of items that Aqualad treasures mildly disturbing.
"It is." Kaldur tilts his head at the tone, wondering if something is wrong.
"Good." He's decided if he's taking this Atlantean boy on, he's going to have to remedy somethings. "Follow me."
Kaldur doesn't understand what made Batman- "Call me Bruce when we're here."- take him to his personal home. A place, that he was told, was so secret most of the league thought it was a myth. Unless of course, you're Superman.
Still, the teen was immensely impressed by a land-dwellers home like this. Though he's seen Green Arrow's home when he visited Roy a few times, this was...quite different then that.
"Ah, Master Bruce." An elder greets them as Batman sheds the costume for a more relaxed look. "I see, you've bought another one here?"
Another one? Though it could be possible he's talking about Robin.
"Yes, Alfred. His...mentor seems too preoccupied, so he'll be here for an undetermined amount of time. I believe there's a free room upstairs somewhere?" Bruce Wayne's brows rose.
"Of course." Alfred ponders on whether or not to ask, but he could see why. The lad was quite striking in appearance. "This way..Master...?"
"I am Kaldur'ahm." Kaldur shifts uncomfortably, but glances at Bat-er Bruce for a moment unsure of what he should do. Were land-dweller customs different? "No need to call'master'. Just Kaldur."
It makes him uncomfortable to see such an elder refer to him as such. After all, he was not born into any nobility.
"Right, Master Kaldur." Alfred dully ignores the request but shows him the way, "this way. I'm certain that we can accommodate you if you ever need anything."