Hey guys, so I started another story… I know, I should try to focus on my other ones but I just couldn't help myself. Please Read and Review :)

Hope you like!

Stephanie Meyer owns Twilight, but I enjoy embarrassing her characters.

Shit, I'm going to be late.

"Move your fucking car!" I scream out the window at the old man in his convertible who's obviously too old to drive. He's been sitting and waiting at the green light for over a minute and to be honest, I'm a bit tired of hearing Lady Gaga blasting out of his subwoofers in his fucking Beamer.

Why do old people always have nice cars? I think as I honk the horn in my beat up piece of shit Nissan truck that barely runs. It's not like they actually drive the speed limit, so why do they need a car that goes over a hundred miles an hour?

My honking must have finally roused him from his afternoon nap and he peels out, his tires literally squealing, through the now red light. Jesus Christ! Who the fuck lets these people drive?

I let out a deep breath and wait for the light to turn green again. Unfortunately, the radio in my Piece Of Rubbish Nissan, P.O.R.N. for short, has been broken since I bought it on my sixteenth birthday nine years ago. Yes my cars' name is PORN. It was Alice's idea, not mine. I even have a bumper sticker, "Honk for PORN." Emmett got it for me for Christmas. Speaking of Alice, she's going to kill me. I'm supposed to help with Bridezilla's makeup. Stupid Bitch. I wonder if Alice will let me make her look like a clown. She hates Tanya almost as much as I do. Oh shit, I hope I brought the makeup bag.

Whoa, ADD much? Anyway, I digress. The radio's broken, so unfortunately I have nothing to keep my mind off of what's about to happen.

Edward's getting married. I don't think the reality of what's happening has really hit me yet. I keep waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out with his stupid little camera and tell me I'm being punk'd.

Edward and I dated from freshman year of high school until three years ago. We were always the cutest couple, and everyone expected us to get married and have seventeen kids. I don't think so, no way am I stretching out my girl that much. His parents were like my own that I never had, and they thought if me as a daughter. We were each other's first everything. First date, first kiss, first fuck, first love.

He asked me to marry him on my twenty second birthday. I panicked. I knew we weren't ready for that, and he knew that I was against marriage after what happened to my parents. I was afraid and I said no. it broke his heart and he left. He packed his stuff while I was at work the next day and moved in with Jasper and Alice.

We didn't speak for a month, and it tore me apart. I eventually had enough and went to Jazz's place intending to apologize and beg him to forgive me. It wasn't necessary. He answered the door in his boxers with a half naked blonde chick hanging off him and sucking on his neck.

"What are you doing here?"He stutters out nervously.

"I came to apologize, but I can see that it's not necessary." I say as I back away from the door with tears in my eyes.

"No Bella, please," he pleads, although I have no idea what for.

"C'mon Ediie, I wanna fuck." Blondie purrs in his ear all the while staring at me. I feel a single tear slide down my cheek and I turn around and run. I can hear him calling my name, but I pretend not to hear.

After a year, Rosalie and Emmett threw a party celebrating their engagement. It was the first time I had seen him since that day and I was nervous as hell. He and his blonde slut were an hour late. She seemed perfect, everything I wasn't. Huge tits, curvy body like a model, pin straight platinum blonde. She wore a dress that his nothing and blood red lipstick.

I barely recognized him. In all the years we had dated, I had seen him in only two suits. One for college graduation and one for when he proposed. His unruly hair was slicked back with gel, and he looked like he hadn't smiled in years. That wasn't the man that I loved. It was almost disgusting to see how much he had changed.

He hardly even looked at me all night, and I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. Over time, we had learned to be civil for our friends. I put on a happy face and acted like it didn't tear me apart every time I saw him and Tanya.

I date, I fuck, I go through all the motions of a fulfilling life, but it's never enough. I'll always want him. I'm a fool to still love him; he's getting married for god's sake. I didn't even want to fucking come, but Alice made me. I think she still holds out hope that Edward and I'll get married one day. You and me both Chica.

"Well speak of the devil," I say to myself as Alice's ringtone comes on. "What up Bitch?"

"Bella, you need to get down here now before I kill Tanya!" she screams at me.

"I know, I'm stuck in traffic. Who the hell has their wedding in New York at rush hour?"

"Tanya's mother insisted that she get married at the same place and time as she did. There obviously was no traffic when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and she got married."

I snort at Alice's sad attempt at humor, "I'll be there in five minutes." I say and hang up.

"Thank god!" Alice yells as she runs up to where I'm standing beside PORN and gives me a hug.

"That bad?"

"You have no fucking idea! My brother is crazy to marry her. She called me midget, and even has a bell that she rings when she needs my help." Alice cries. She's always been sensitive about her size. She's about six inches shorter than me, and I'm not the tallest girl in the world.

"She's just jealous because she has to bend down to get through doorways." It's true. Tanya is freakishly tall. She'd make a great basketball player, I think and snort at my mental image. Na, she'd cry about breaking a nail before she even touched the ball.

"There you are." Tanya squeals in her nasally voice that makes me want to stab my eye with a fork. "I've been waiting for my makeup to arrive." She says and grabs her bag from my hand. She strokes the top lovingly and plants a kiss on the bright pink plastic. "I missed you baby!" Jeeze, you'd think she was marrying it.

"How was PORN on the way here? Did she die?" Alice asks and sits on the hood of PORN. I swear old cars can stand up to anything. Even sex on the roof, I think. Oh yes, good times.

"You watch porn while you're driving?" Tanya asks incredulously, giving me a look of disgust.

"Porn where people die? What kind of sick person are you?" Tanya's sister Kate accuses.

"Of course she watches porn while she's driving. Who doesn't?" Alice asks seriously.

Tanya screams in disgust, loud enough for Edward and the guys to come rushing around with just their tux pants on. "What going on?" Emmett asks. "Hey Bells," he says and does a double take. "Wow, looking good sis."

"I know," I tell him simply. Alice and I spent three days shopping for a dress that would look perfect on me. I wanted to go to bargain hut, considering I would burn whatever dress I wore after the wedding, but Alice insisted this was our last chance to make her brother see what he's missing before he gets married. And damn, did I look good.

"Doesn't she look good Edward?" Alice asks her brother innocently. His jaw snaps shut and he looks away from me. He was totally checking me out.

"Ya, she looks great." Edward mutters.

"Baby," Tanya whines annoyingly and clings onto Edward. "Isabella was watching porn while she was driving to our wedding." She spits out, stressing the words our wedding, and glaring at me. She's always hated me, and makes sure that I know she has her claws sunk into Edward.

"Emmett and Jasper snort and bend over, trying to hold in their laughter.

"It's not a big deal Tanya. Everyone loves PORN." Alice deadpans, causing Edward to join in on Japer and Emmett's laughter.

"You people are disgusting." Tanya spits out. She grabs Kate and they sway back to their dressing room. "Oh and Isabella, I'll expect my makeup to be done in a half-hour. Chop-chop." She says over her shoulder, smiling sweetly.

"You got yourself a real piece of work there Edward." Alice tells him sadly and shakes her head. "I'll tide down Bridezilla until you're ready for makeup." She says to me and follows Tanya into the dressing room.

I walk around to the passenger's side of PORN and grab my bag off of the seat.

"I'm sorry about her." Edward's sweet voice calls to me. "She's just stressed about the wedding." It's then that I realize that Jasper and Emmett have left too, and Edward and I are alone for the first time in three years.

"S'alright. I guess I'm used to it from her." I joke.

My joke backfires and Edward looks down, ashamed. There's an awkward silence and I'm about to leave when Edward speaks again. "How are you, honestly. No lying right now."

I miss you. Don't marry her! I still love you. "I'm fine." I say and shake my head. He looks hurt by my reply, and it makes me angry. "What right do you have to ask me that?" I ask him angrily. He looks taken aback by my tone, and his mouth opens and closes like he's a fish out of water. "It's your fault I've had to lie to everyone, to myself!"

"My fault! How is any of this my fault? You're the one who said No!" he yells at me.

"And it was the biggest mistake I've ever made." I say more to myself than him. "Look Edward, I'm sorry that I broke your heart, but we've both moved on. It obviously wasn't meant to be. Now if you excuse me, I just want to get through today and find some single guy who's sober enough to be a half-decent fuck."

I can tell my words have hurt him, but I refuse to feel bad. "I'm sorry." He whispers, so low that I barely hear him. "I never wanted this to happen." He calls after me as I make my way toward Tanya's dressing room.

I refuse to let the tears fall as I open Tanya's door. It's complete chaos on the other side, and I wish I could close it back up and run away. Too bad Tanya already saw me. Bitch.

"Isabella, I'll be ready for you in a minute." She yells over the noise of the blow-dryer her stylist Paulo is using.

"What happened?" Alice asks me when she sees my expression.


"You're my best friend Bella. I know when something's wrong. Please, tell me!" She begs.

"What am I doing here Alice? Why am I doing this to myself?"

"Because you love him. You're afraid of what would happen if you weren't here."

"I think I should leave."

"Yes, that's a- Wait, what?" Alice says disbelievingly.

"He's getting married Alice. He's practically throwing me out of his life, and I don't want to be around to watch." I say and shuffle my way back to the door, ignoring Alice's words of protest.

"Hey Tanya?" I yell. She whips around and stares at me expectantly, "Fuck you!" I yell and flip her a double bird. I stay around long enough to see her face turn an unnatural shade of red.

I slam the door behind me and waltz back to PORN. I wave to Emmett, Jazz, and Edward as I pass.

"You crazy BITCH!" Tanya yells from behind me. I ignore her and open the driver's door of PORN.

I start the engine and pull out of the church driveway. I risk a glance back at Edward, and his expression almost stops me in my tracks. He's wearing a look that I've only seen once before. The night he proposed and I said no. I stare at him through my rear-view mirror until he disappears. Only then do I let the tar fall.

Midnight Sun's parking lot is full as I pull in, and I have to park in the lot for the porn shop next door.

Midnight sun is probably the dumpiest bar in New York but they have the best booze, ironically.

It looks the same as it has since the gang and I had started coming here when we were eighteen. The three pool tables in the corner, the same suede couches where Alice got fingered for the first time, the musty smell of stale beer. I haven't been here for nearly two years, and it all brings back memories that I've tried so hard to forget.

"Bella?" I hear my name being called from somewhere at the bar. I stand on my tiptoes, not a good idea in high-heels, and find the familiar shine of Rosalie's blonde hair. "What are you doing here?" she asks as I hug her and sit on the stool next to hers. "I thought you were going to assward's wedding?"

"I was, but then I thought 'what the fuck am I doing here?' so I left." I shrug my shoulders. "Can I get a shot, please." I tell the bartender. He nods and heads to the back room.

"You just up and left?" Rosalie asks and sips her beer. I nod in response. "I'm so proud of you!" she squeals. It's no secret that Rosalie and Tanya hate each other. Ever since Rosalie 'accidentally' spilled red wine all over her, Tanya thinks she's the bitch from hell.

"Yup. Flipped her off too." I state proudly and take my shot from the bartender.

"Damn, I wish I had been invited just to see that." She smirks.

My phone buzzes and I jump. I reach down into my bra and pull it out. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey, my eyes are up here buddy," I say angrily to the bartender who is blatantly staring at me girls. I grab the shot out of his hand and down it.

"Bella, where are you?" Alice asks on the other line, concernedly.

"At um, where am I Rose?" I ask as I down a third shot.

"Midnight sun."

"Oh yeah. Midnight Sun, you know the bar you got fingered in?" I giggle. "Hey Alice, Can you tell Tanya to go fuck herself for me? I forgot to tell her before I left."

Rosalie snorts beside me and the bartender cracks a smile. "Why are you still here?" I ask him. "At least make yourself useful and get me more booze, I wanna get drunk."

"-freaking out, and I just don't know what to do! Bella?" oh yeah, I'm still on the phone.

"Sorryy, Alice," I slur. "I love you, did you know that." Whoa, head rush. How much did I drink? "Oh, sank you barman," I say to him and grab the shot he's holding out to me. "Hehe, barman, it sounds like Batman. That's your name now." I tell him forcefully.

"Okay Bella, that enough," Rosalie tells me and grabs the empty shot glass and phone from my hands.

"No, Alice she's had seven shots already." Seven? Weird, I only remember having one.

"It's his fault she's like this! If he would get his fucking head out of his ass, they'd both be happy." Rosalie yells.

"Who's fucking who's head with their ass?" I slur.

"I have to go Alice. I don't care if he's your brother. Bella is like a sister to me and he's hurting her, and I fucking hate him for it." Rose yells and hangs up.

"Give me the strongest thing you've got." Rosalie demands to Batman.

My eyes open, and I immediately close them due to the bright light. Where am I? I realize I'm laying on something soft, and lift my head to take in my surroundings and am met with Rose's boob, damn, that's cushy.

"MMmm more," Rosalie groans and starts moving her pelvis. Her legs wrap around mine, and she starts humping me. "Mn, that feels good." She mumbles, and starts moving faster.

"Umm, Rose?" I say and start poking her boob. "Rosalie," I say, a bit louder. I start smacking her boob, but she doesn't wake up.

"Disgusting," and old woman croons from next to me and covers the little girls eyes that she's walking with.

"Bitch, grow some tolerance," I shout after her. It's then that I realize we are growing quite a crowd. When did we get on the sidewalk? We're lying down in front of the huge XXX sign in front of the porn shop, and Rose is going at in on my leg. Coincidence?

"Rose!" I yell in her ear and slap her forehead.

"What?" she mumbles back and stops her gyrating on my leg. "What the fuck? Why are we in front of a porn shop?" she asks and scans the crowd slowly. "What the fuck? Don't you people have lives? Go the fuck away!" she demands in her bitch voice. The crowd disperses almost immediately, and I fall back onto the sidewalk, trying to remember what happened.

"Um Bella, why am I horny?"

"I believe you were drinking Whiskey. You know what that does to you."

"Fuck, why would you let me do that?"

"Bitch, I don't fucking remember what day it is, and I woke up not knowing how I got here with you raping my leg. Don't test me!"

She grabs her phone and flips it open. "2:30" she tells me.

Fuck. Edwards getting married as we speak. He's probably already sealed the deal with cuntface and is on his way to Cabo for his honeymoon. The reality of the situation finally hits me, and I cry. I cry harder than I have since the day I found him with Tanya.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"He's..- he's get- ting Married!" I cry out. She looks at me sympathetically and scoots closer.

"He's a dick, Bella and he doesn't deserve you." She whispers and pulls me into a hug.

"I hate them- I – I hate them- bot-th!" I sob.

"So do I babe, so do I." she curses them and holds me while I sob uncontrollably. I feel her stiffen and look up to her in confusion.

"You know, I'm still a little drunk."

"Me-e-e Too," I hiccup

"Drunk people aren't responsible for their actions, you know." She says with a Cheshire cat smile.


"What's the best thing to do when you're drunk?"

I think for a minute, "Ha-ave s-s-sex?" I sniffle.

"Hm, okay second best thing?" I give her a look of confusion, and she rolls her eyes. "Be dumbasses!" she says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I think we can check that one off the list we-e already dry humped on the sidewalk I-In fron-t of a porn shop." I remind her as I try to calm myself down.

"That's beside the point." Rose dismisses with a wave of her hand. "I'm talking bigger, better, funner!"

"Funner's not a word."

"Jesus Bella, shut up! I'm trying to tell you something here!" I nod my head and pretend to lock my lips. She smiles in satisfaction and continues. "We'll crash the wedding!"

Hey guys! So what do you think? Question, Comments, Suggestions?

I realized after I had typed it that this is my second story that has to do with a wedding… awkward coincidence.

S I will try to update this story and my others as soon as possible, but I tend to get distracted with real life, and new story ideas. Reviews do make me write faster and concentrate (Hint Hint) okay, I'll stop rambling…

Can we reach 10 reviews before next update?