Hello everyone! So, this is my second FanFic (the previous two I've written had the same plot sort of so I'm counting this as my second) and this came to me as I was reading through some other FanFics – as that's all I seem to do nowadays – and I just really wanted to write this.

As usual, reveiws and messages are much appreciated!

So, okay, here it goes: ladies, gentlemen, Gleeks and Faberry Shippers alike I give you; Whispering!

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Whispering – Chapter One: Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, in a far away land there was a beautiful Princess. And this Princess lived in a beautiful castle. She lived with her parents, the King and Queen. She was adored by everyone in the kingdom; the halls where she walked would part like the Red Sea for her, and she could make a command to instruct anything to her loyal subjects with just a simple glare, flicker of her eyes or a rise of one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows. The Princess was never alone whilst wandering her kingdom; she was always accompanied by her two best friends and had a long line of guards surrounding her, as well as a watchful eye from her mentor. Yes, this Princess was the most respected, most beautiful Princess in the whole world. Oh, you're probably wondering what the Princess's name was. Well, her name was Quinn. Princess Quinn Fabray, and she captured the heart of everyone in the kingdom. But, one of the peasants caught her heart and kept it forever.

One day as Princess Quinn was roaming her kingdom, for once alone having sent her subjects off to complete meaningless tasks, she suddenly found herself wandering towards a room she had never been in before. Why? Because she had all of a sudden heard the most beautiful sound in the world. She opened the door and there before her stood the most beautiful, pure and innocent peasant the Princess had ever laid her sparkly green tinted hazel eyes on. As she made her way towards the brunette peasant, with each step she took, she fell in love. The sound coming out of her mouth was unlike any sound she had ever heard before. It brought her tears it was so beautiful. In fact, it was more beautiful than beautiful. It was...there wasn't a word for it! As soon as the last note was sung from the mesmerising woman, Princess Quinn clapped her hands in appreciation, summoning the girl to stare at her with terrified eyes.

"Princess Fabray!" The brunette gasped, bowing her head and crouching into an uncomfortable looking curtsey. Princess Quinn smiled and rolled her eyes at the awestruck peasant. She picked up her skirts and proceeded to make her way over to the brunette. "I believe it should be I who must fall to my knees with awe." The brunette looked up, puzzled by the Princess's words. "Arise child." The girl did as she was instructed, dusting herself down and folding her hands behind her back, looking every part of the doting, humble servant. "May I ask why, Princess Fabray?" She asked with a shaky voice. Princess Quinn smiled kindly at the girl and walked closer to the girl. "Because your voice, has made me temporaily lose my use of speech and has made me misplace my words." The girl blushed and mumbled thanks to the Princess. "Pray tell me, what is your name, oh mythical Nightingale?" The Princess asked, smirking slightly.

"Rachel. Rachel Berry." The girl answered, her voice light and airy.

"Well, Rachel Berry," Princess Quinn said, holding her hand in Rachel's, "I believe I have found my new friend."

As Rachel smiled at the Princess, her heart skipping a beat at the graceful touch from the Princess, a spark was ignited between the Princess and the peasant. This spark would grow and spread throughout their hearts and eventually take over their lives. This spark, would grow to a little powerful, magical emotion called love.

"What happened next Mommy?" The excited, yet obviously tired voice came from the pillow.

Rachel smiled down at her brown eyed daughter. She wiped a hair away from the little girl's face and tucked it protectively behind her ear. "Well, my little Pixie, that will just have to wait for another night!" She teased, leaning into her daughter and planting a loving kiss on the girl's forehead, instructing the girl to yawn and close her eyes as the contact was lost. "Aww no fair!" She grumbled, pouting in the same way Rachel used to when she was her age. She laughed a little and tucked the blankets around her a little tighter, insuring that she was as snuggly as possible. "That maybe so, but just think, the sooner you sleep now, the sooner you'll be able to find out." She whispered, her eyes winking quickly, even though the girl couldn't see. "Okay." The voice came again, this time coming out a just a mumbled sound as the girl gripped onto her soft, fat, squidgy penguin and began to breath lightly, indicating that she was already being transported to her own magical kingdom of Sleepy Dreams.

Once Rachel was positive her little girl was asleep, she picked herself off the bed, turned off the light and made her way over to the door. Just as she was leaving, she took one last look at the girl and smiled, sighing happily. "Goodnight baby girl." She whispered, closing the door but leaving a little gap so that the hall light could protect her and watch her as she slept.

"How is Heidi?" Leroy asked, as he climbed the stairs with a glass of water. Rachel smiled and sighed, going to her father. "She's asleep. Finally. You know she loves her bedtime stories!"

"I remember not so long ago another brown haired, smiley, big hearted little girl who also pouted and refused to go to sleep until she had several stories read to her." He giggled as he pulled his grown up daughter into his arms. She breathed in his sent and closed her own tired eyes. "I'm sure you do." She whispered, giving herself the selfish moment to remember a time when she was carefree and nothing in the world mattered. Well, except for her dads, of course. And her voice.

"Rach, you should sing to her." He said, instantly regretting the suggestion as he felt Rachel pull away from him. "Dad, you know I can't." She told him, sternly but also to stop herself from crying.

"You can Rachel. You just choose not to-"

"Dad, how many times. It's not a choice, all right? It's been four years-"

"Exactly, four years!" He exclaimed quietly, not to wake up the sleeping beauty – the apple of his, his husband and his daughter's life. "Rachel don't you think Heidi deserves to know what a beautiful voice her mother has? What talent she holds? One that she may have inherited from you?-"

"Dad. Please. You know it's too hard." She stared up at him, pleading with him to stop. The tall, giant of a man sighed and pulled Rachel towards him once more and kissed the top of her head. "Goodnight Rachel." He smiled as he allowed her to pull away.

"Goodnight dad." She smiled, trying to hold back the tears that were suddenly threatening to fall.

She made her way across the hall to her bedroom, the same bedroom she had slept in as a child and as a teenager, and proceeded to undress. A quick glance in her mirror, she couldn't help herself but rub her hand over the never fading scar on her stomach. Pursing her lips and stopped and turned away, picking up her red silk pyjamas, pulled back the quilt and climbed into her bed. Reading for bed was something she liked to do, reading herself her own fairy tale bedtime story. As she had tried herself out, satisfied with her reading, she placed the book and her black framed reading glasses on her bedside table and, just before turning the light off, she picked up on of the two photographs that stood there. She gazed at the blond haired girl who smiled up at her from the frame, who had her arms wrapped protectively around her waist. Smiling. One of the biggest, happiest smiles she had ever seen. The two of them looked so happy. So carefree. Rachel was only pulled out of her thoughts and her dream, when she saw the little tear drop slide down the glass of the jewelled frame.

"Goodnight, my Princess." She whispered as she placed the frame back on the side table and turned the light off. Her eyes continued to stare at the picture, the memory, until her eyes involuntarily closed and she drifted off into her own version of Sleepy Dreams.