"He just needs a couple of stitches and a good rest, he'll be fine" the doctor said to them all much to their relief.

Castiel closed his eyes in relief while Anna sighed and kicked back in relief also.

"It's over and done with! I still can't believe it though! Killing yourself?" she muttered darkly and closed her eyes clasping her hands together.

"I always knew she was a bit funny but that?" Sam murmured.

Castiel couldn't stand the talking anymore and left the waiting room and walked down to Dean's room to see him laid out on the bed snoring gently. He smiled to himself and sat down next him taking hold of his hand and stroking it gently with his thumb.

Dean turned towards him with a half-smile and squeezed it gently.

"Hello" he whispered smiling warmly when Castiel sat up and leaned towards him kissing him gently, Dean wrapped his hands around the back of his neck and deepened it by pushing his tongue into his mouth. Their tongues hot and sliding against each other for dominance, hot, slick and just right,

Cas groaned roughly and clung to him harder than he wanted to, it was fierce, passionate and just what they needed.

Dean parted from him panting gently and pulled him onto the bed next to him, Cas caressing his cheek with a small smile.

"Hello" Cas whispered into his ear and kissed the soft flesh of the shell.

Dean bit his lip and moved his body so they were flush against one another and moved to the crook of his neck and sighed deeply.

"I missed you" he murmured biting down and kissing the tender spot on his neck.

"I know I missed you too" he muttered closing his eyes and carding a hand through his hair and feeling Dean grind and rut his hips up against his groin. The friction between them hot and unbearable but the knowledge they were in a hospital and anyone could walk in kept them on red alert.

"Dean" Cas whispered brokenly feeling himself harden and moved his hand down tracing his fingers over Dean's borrowed cotton pants towards his groin and smiled at the hardness of his erection.

"Cas, fuck" he moaned thrusting into his hand.

"We can't" he cried gently when he saw the need and lust in Dean's hooded eyes when he pushed him down on to the bed hovering over him. He pushed his knee in between his legs parting them and making Castiel moan at the friction.

Voices outside made them jump and Dean groan against his throat.

"Later" Cas murmured looking up at him and kissing his forehead gently.

Dean rolled him minding his head and sighed. "Is she really dead?"

"Yes, she killed herself in front of me and Anna" he said and turned to face him, Dean's expression was one of concern and upset.

"She really thought she had nothing to live for" he murmured looking down at the hospital sheets in shock.

"She was ill, Dean" he said gently.

He shrugged and looked up out the window feeling the guilt build up inside him and knowing deep down that this was his fault, he should of just told her the truth. The truth would have been easier but no, she lied, she took him away and she killed herself in the process because she felt like she had nothing to live for, not anymore.

He turned to look at Cas who smiled a small gently smile in reassurance.

"It wasn't your fault, she would of killed you if it wasn't for Anna, I mean l am so glad it wasn't you that was dead right now, that can't happen".

Dean fought back a smile and leaned against the pillows sighing.

"Waste of life though" he muttered and yawned feeling the tiredness seep into his bones and the aches start to really kick in.

"Go to sleep" Castiel murmured kissing his forehead and watching him drop off slowly. Cas rested next to him so thankful that nothing had happened to him, this wasn't going to be easy to get past. Dean did love her once and despite the lies, the insanity and everything along with it, they had a past.


It hit 4.30am when Dean woke up to feel Cas gently breathing on his neck, there limbs in a tangle together and he never felt so comfortable in his life.

He pressed his lips softly against his temple wanting to wake him up.

"Cas? Baby, wake up for me, I want to tell you something" he murmured stroking the back of his neck.

He hummed and blinked awake, he frowned and glanced up at him.


"I need to tell you something because I haven't said it yet and I have bloody courage to do it"

Castiel nodded at him to continue fighting a smile.

"I…I love you" he whispered much to his delight as he nodded and cupped his cheek gently.

"I know, want to tell me what you love about me? Like you asked me…I am quite curious"

"What I love about you? Everything, I love everything about you. I love that half-smile you do, your laugh and when you do your eyes crinkle up, the way you say my name, the fact I have known you for 7 years and I know you inside and out…major bonus" he whispered and enjoyed the blush creeping up on him as he looked away.

"You are my best friend and my lover and now my boyfriend, I am going to spend the rest of my life with you, I promise"

Cas' eyes filled with tears at his words, words he had longed to hear for so long were here and he pulled him down kissing him sweetly and tenderly. Dean happily kissed him back so relieved he had said it, this felt huge for him because he wasn't big and open at expressing his feelings but after that near murder he was grateful to say it to him at long last.

"You are never going to say that again, are you?"

"Nope" he cried popping the "p" and grinning at him.

"Well it's all locked away in here! At least I know how you truly feel now"

"You always knew, I fell in love with you, it's your fault you are irresistible to me"

"Oh really?"

"Hell yeah, I can finally say it, you are mine" he whispered gripping the back of his hair and bringing him closer and kissing him hard.

"Say it" he ordered making Castiel groan against his mouth.

"I'm yours" he moaned arching against him breathing hard.

"Exactly, mine" he said smugly watching him flutter his eyelids as Dean slid his hand down his side and around to his back, he slid it up and down his back gently. Castiel snuggled down into his chest with a content sigh, he had never so comfortable wrapped in his arms and leaning against him.

Dean smiled gently to himself and knew he had made the right decision in telling him that.

The next morning they both woke up to a nurse telling them the doctor would be in several moments and to be ready.

"Good morning" Dean muttered looking down at his sleeping figure lying next to him.

Castiel hummed and stretched making his t-shirt ride up and show off his stomach muscles, Dean moved down and kissed along it gently.

"Ah! Dean" he gasped shocked feeling the hot wetness of his mouth on his stomach and hovering over his groin. He kept his eyes opened watching the door and nipped and licked gently until he heard voice and moved up glancing down at a flushed Cas, his eyes were half glazed and cheeks flushed.

"You…" he murmured stopped when the doctor came in.

"How's the patient?"

"Good, bit sore but I'm good!" he cried with 100 watt smile.

The doctor smiled in approval checking his stiches before moving and jotting down notes and noticed Castiel.

"Are you okay?" he said his brow furrowed in concern.

"Um…yeah, yes thank you" he whispered to Dean's amusement.

Dean covered his mouth and turned away laughing.

"You knew that would happen!" Castiel hissed, Dean turning around and grabbing his hips pinning him down smirking.

"That was really fun" he whispered trailing his tongue across his bottom lip before kissing and sliding it into his open mouth. Castiel lost his train of thought as he allowed Dean to slip between his legs and press against his cock which was already semi-hard.

"Don't mean to interrupt but you have police waiting" Anna cried suddenly walking into the room, they both turned to look at her and this time Castiel groaned.

"Can't catch 10 minutes"

"Don't worry, I'll ravish you until you are screaming later on" he murmured with a wink.

"Screaming? I think that's you"

"Okay until you are so sore and so tired you can't walk for weeks" he whispered making Cas groan and cough lightly.

The police entered and nodded towards him. "A few questions, Mr Winchester?"

"Yeah" he muttered as they came in.

"Lisa Braeden killed herself at 11.45pm last night am I correct?"

"Yes, but I wasn't there I was in the car"

"Can you tell me her reasons?"

"Because our relationship was ending and I had just found out she was lying to me about being pregnant, she freaked out, hit me with a lamp and threatened to shoot me dead…my brother, my friend and my boyfriend saved me" he cried, Cas looking towards him proud and clasped his hand with his tightly.

The policeman nodded jotting down his words and smiled sadly.

"Suicide is a nasty business, we are sorry for your loss"

"Thanks" Dean muttered as they finished up and left him to it.

Anna and Sam walked in and stopped at the end of his bed.

"I owe you two the biggest thank you ever" Dean cried grinning at them both.

"You can make it up to me with expensive perfume and flowers"

"New car wouldn't go amiss" Sam muttered and received a warning glare from Dean.

"It's finally over" Cas murmured leaning on his shoulder, Dean nodded to himself and sighed relieved.

"It's just you and me now" he whispered to him and Castiel looked up beaming at him before tilting his chin up and kissing him gently.


1 year later

Dean was sat curled up on the couch fighting off a stomach bug he caught two days ago and waiting for the arrival of Castiel. He heard footsteps outside their flat and sighed in relief when the door opened.

"Dean?" he cried immediately as he walked in.

"Here!" he muttered from the couch.

Castiel hung his coat up and dropped his bag to the floor before coming around and knelt down next to him brushing a hand through his sweaty hair.

"Shit, why did I leave you?" he mumbled while Dean brushed him away.

"Because you work at school as an I.C.T technician and they need you, I have a bug! I'll be fine…where's my kiss?" he demanded when Castiel leaned down and captured him into a kiss.

"I love you" he whispered making Dean smile gently and close his eyes.

"Even after a year?"

"No, more like 8 years" he cried going to get him juice.

"Well I never knew that so for me it is a year! How was it today?"

"Boring and long, but I think a pupil has a crush on me" he said coming back and placing it on the floor before sitting down in front of him.

Dean blinked and stared at him for a long moment.

"Who?" he demanded feeling a surge of possessiveness rise up inside him.

"A 14 year old girl who likes computers and hangs around my office all the time, Dean, please tell me you aren't jealous over a 14 year old girl?"

"No!" he scoffed and looked away from Cas' knowing look.

"I am in a very happy relationship with the man I love right now, I have standards and I am not into 14 year old girl's thank you very much…I only have eyes for a man who despite looks like shit right now still makes me fall in love with him every second of the day"

Dean chuckled and pushed his nose gently. "You soppy bastard!"

"You love it" Cas smiled kissing his hand gently.

"Sam and Anna's wedding next week" he muttered and Castiel nodded.

"Them two together is mind baffling but there are stranger things in life" Dean cried again when a little glint came into his eye.


"Yes, Dean"

"Marry me" he whispered to his astonishment.

"Don't joke about that, Dean! It isn't funny"

"I wasn't joking Cas…I'm serious, marry me and make you mine forever! Make me look at you and think yeah, he's all mine bitches" he whispered his eyes glinting and reaching for his hand.

Castiel swallowed hard and stared at him in complete shock.

"Marriage? I thought you wouldn't want that…"


"Well after Lisa and that…" he said and trailed off as Dean grimaced sadly and grabbed his top pulling him towards him.

"That was over a year ago! I'm ill, I am weak and I feel like shit but you being here right now makes me forget all that for one moment…I am being so serious here Cas, I want to marry you, I want to be with you, grant me it?"

"Then fucking yes!" he hissed kissing him fiercely and pushing back the cover mounting him. Dean chuckled at the sudden weight but groaned in pleasure when the kiss turned desperate and filthy, tongue and teeth slid and crashed against each other.

"Say it again" Cas whispered into his ear.

"Castiel, will you marry me?" he whispered with a smile looking up at him. Castiel groaned in relief and triumph kissing him quickly.

"Yes, yes and yes" he murmured leaning his forehead against his.

Dean blinking in shock and astonishment as he stroked his hair back biting his lip hard.

"Me and you are getting married, I'm making you legally mine, no one will ever touch you apart from me ever again".

Cas closed his eyes nodding hard and fast. "I can't believe you've asked me!"

"When better to do it while you are dying from a bug" he cried amused and wrapped his arms around him.

"Say it, Cas"

"I love you, Dean Winchester"

"I love you too" he whispered and smiled looking into his eyes at his present and at his future lying in his arms and knew this was probably the best decision of his life.

They fell in love and got together in the worst possible circumstances but sometimes in life that happens, you realise you love someone when you can't have them or you are in the worst possible situation but they had each other now and no one was going to take that away, no one.

This is done! Very proud of this! I gave them a happy bloody ending because they seriously need it. Please review! 3