The person who killed Batman is utterly destroyed by the Joker.

Bane lay writhing on the floor of the filthy warehouse in agony. The shot had nearly severed his leg off at the knee. The ghost faced clown was pacing about and rambling. Every once in a while the Joker would point the elephant gun at Bane and cock the trigger, then reconsider. The Joker needed Bane to know how serious his crime had been. The Joker felt that no one but him was entitled to ending the Batman. Bane had beaten him to it, by slapping Batman away and snapping his neck in the process. That had been three days ago.

"Bane, Bane, Bane-y, Bane…why'd you do it?" the Joker asked. The question was rhetorical. "I mean if you really want to bump one of those flying rodents off, why not get one of the kids?" the Joker paused and took a shot at Bane's other knee. The scream of agony echoed through the deserted warehouse. "Believe me; because I know this one…killing one of the kids is a blast! Especially if old zombie boy Ra's al Ghul brings them back. You get the chance to kill them again!"

Bane reached for the button that would inject his system with Venom, but the Joker shot him through the wrist, destroying the Venom supply and completely removing his hand. "Was that the one you back handed Bats with?" the Joker asked in all seriousness. "Or did you snap his neck with that one?" The shot missed and hit Bane in his bicep, tearing a good chunk of muscle away. The recoil had sent the Joker falling backwards. He lay cackling on the floor for a minute before sitting up and taking aim again. The rifle clicked but no shot came. "Darn, out of ammo. I knew I should have swiped the whole box."

The Joker tossed the elephant gun aside and got to his feet. He wandered over to a duffel bag lying nearby and pulled out a heavy duty syringe. Filling it with hydrochloric acid, he wandered over to where Bane lay prone on the floor. The Joker stood over him and considered the shattered knee nearest him. "You know, that could get infected in a dump like this," he said and raised the bottle of acid up to pour some into the wound. Bane nearly bit his tongue off when he clenched his teeth at the pain that shot through him.

"Bats made me, you see?" the Joker was saying. "We made each other actually, come to think of it." As he spoke, the Joker walked around Bane, just out of reach and considered his victim. "It was my job to un-make old Batsy," he stated, crouching down near Bane's head. He took a hold of the tube that fed Venom directly to Bane's brain and held it up. Taking the syringe he shoved it into the tube and emptied the acid into it. The Joker crouched down so that he was just inches from Bane's ear. "You destroyed my reason for being, so I am going to destroy you," he murmured darkly. It was the last thing Bane heard as the acid began to eat away his brain. Not satisfied with how slow the acid was working, the Joker ripped the tube from the back of Bane's head and emptied the bottle of acid directly into his skull.

"I was wondering if that would happen?" the Joker chimed as he stood back and watched as the acid began eating through Bane's eyes. He sighed and looked over at the duffel on the floor. His purpose in life was gone, he felt. The dead Robin might have come back and all but the Joker felt that Ra's wasn't going to attempt to resurrect Batman. "Well I always wanted to go out with a bang," the Joker said in a sing song voice. Picking up the duffel he took it over to where Bane's corpse was. The acid had reduced his head to a puddle of greyish muck. "And to think Baney ol' chap, you get to go boom with me!" he exclaimed, removing a detonation device from his coat pocket and depressing the button. The force of the blast was felt several blocks away.

A/n: I swear! I'm a nice person in real life! The Joker just tends to bring out the crazy in people. =)