Hey guys! I decided to sit down and go OKAY I'm going to do this! Still using your ideas for future chapters and present chapters!

Lol thanks Ruler of All Sporks.

Last Time ON: T and D Anyone?:

"Alright, you see the reason these two are handcuffed together is because Green Arrow says they argue too much and this will teach them to be nicer to each other. And Kaldur ate sushi, it didn't agree with him. He'll be okay…hopefully." Conner causally explained, hey it was the half-truth.

"Um I guess that makes sense, well let's train sorry for making you wait." Dinah said buying it for the moment.

(And Back)

"Oh Canary we can't train!" Wally protested holding his hand up.

"Yeah, not with this thing on our wrists." Artemis muttered wishing she didn't have to pee at the moment.

"Alright you two are excused." Canary said flipping her hair back, an old habit. I really need to talk about Green Arrows methods with him, he's a boy and she's a girl. What on earth was Ollie thinking?

"I still cannot accept the fact that I ate one of my friends. WHY!? I do not deserve to be Aqualad!" Kaldur groaned putting his hands in his face.

"Okay, Kaldur maybe you should go to your room to lie down." Dinah tried to calm him down. He was to the point of tears.

'Why does no one believe me when I warn them about Megan?' Robin thought to himself.

'Keep your mouth shut or I'll show pictures of you in Barbie boxers to the media. Everyone will believe it with Photoshop touches. All I need is a picture or your face and cape so don't tempt me.' Megan sang eerily in his mind.

'Wha-at? No, I'll stay quiet! I swear!' Robin visibly shivered.

'Good boy.' Megan sweet singing voice sang.

"You cold Robin?" Kid Flash said noticing his friend's pale shaking figure.

Dick nodded his head 'yes', "Think I'm coming down with something, I'm going home early." He sprinted to zeta beams.

"Seemed fine to me right now." Conner grumbled. Canary nodded in agreement.

"Okay unless anyone else wants to make a bullshity excuse on how they ate too much sushi, suddenly got sick, or got tied together for being mean to each other, let's begin training." Dinah said irritated that so many people left training.

"No we're good let's start." Roy said cracking his knuckles.

"You're not part of the team." Superboy pointed out flatty.

"So?" Roy said annoyed.

"Sooo you don't need to train with us." Megan struggled to sing.

"Oh." That comment left him dumbfounded for a moment before shrugging it off and walking to the couch.

"No you don't! I need a sparring partner and you can take my hits!" Dinah said dragging him away from the comfortable couch.

"Bring it! I trained since the last time we fought, you're going down!" Roy threatened.

"We'll see." She smirked.

Megan clapped with excitement as their match began. Conner looked bored. Wally and Artemis had left before the match had begun.


"Where are we going?" Wally whined as Artemis dragged him through the mountain. She kept her mouth shut until they arrived at the destination.

"I have to go in." she said before pushing the door open. Wally looked at the door sign and scowled. "No way I'm going in there!"

"You don't have to enter the ladies restroom. Roy said the handcuffs were long enough for only me to go in and you to wait outside." Artemis said before dashing inside. Then the tugging suddenly started.

"Ow, cut that out Artemis!" Wally whined grabbing his wrist.

Artemis appeared at the door with a furious expression. "That lair! I barely go past the door! I can't even use the restroom!"

Wally thought for a moment before realizing what Roy meant. "Um Artemis I figured out what Roy meant by that…but you may not like it. Cause I sure don't like it."

"Well? What is it?" She tapped her fingers annoyed.

"Roy meant you could be in the bathroom stall and I could be outside of it." Wally sighed.

"Ew, that's still gross. But it's better than you being in there with me. So I guess… common Wally." Artemis said tugging on the handcuffs.

"What?! You want me to go into the girl's bathroom? Do you how weird and awkward that is! No I'm staying at here! Pee on the floor for all I care." Wally crossed his arms and looked away. Artemis was ticked off.

One way or another I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha! One way or another I'm gonna win ya! One way or another I'm gonna trick ya, trick ya, trick ya!

"I can hear you peeing." Wally grumbled, leaning against the bathroom stall.

"Cover your damn ears!" She huffed.

"This stupid." Yet he did it anyway.

Wonder Woman entered, Wally went full panic mode.

"Um, am I in the wrong…?" Diana said confused.

"No! Er, I mean. Um, I'm in the wrong one." Wally said looking at the floor, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Then leave this instant. Don't make me call your uncle." Wonder Woman wait impatiently.

"Don't! I c-can't leave, I'm waiting for someone." He stuttered his face still bright red.

Artemis of course was hearing the conversation and was trying hard to not laugh out loud.

"Then may I suggest you wait outside, if it's that urgent." A new girl voice said. Wonder Woman was no longer alone, Supergirl had come out of a stall and spoke up.

"I can't do that!" Wally tried to explain.

Supergirl finished washing her hands and approached him, "Then we'll just make you, pervert."

"Arr-rt-teemis!" Wally began to pound on the door.

She came out, and ran towards the sinks. As she was washing her hand she explained, "Roy Harper, Ex- Speedy, now known as Red Arrow that guy. Yeah he put these handcuffs on us with no key." The handcuffs visible. "And I really needed to go, so the only option was to drag KF in here with me."

The women seemed to take accept the answer and carried on. This time Kid Flash was the one who dragged Artemis out.

"Girls restrooms are weird. All pink, flowery and clean." Wally said after a long period of silence.

"What are you jealous?" Artemis said giggling at Wally's feminine side.
"Hey I never said I liked flowers and girly things!" Wally protested standing up for his 'manhood'.

"Sure, you obviously meant nice, instead of clean."

He rolled his eyes at her comment. Okay maybe a little.

"What do we do now?" She asked.

"I'm hungry." He said racing to the kitchen dragging Artemis.

"Ah! Slow down! We all don't have super speed like you!" She was tripping over her feat, struggling to keep up with him.

He slowed down to make himself food. Artemis was panting leaning against the counter.

"We can't do this Wally! You're going to have to walk." He words made Wally freeze dropping his spoon.

"Orrrr…." He smiled, "Piggy back ride!"

She was emotionless at first then laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"You're going back to being my slave?" She giggled.

He laughed as well, "No, you are allowed to ride me. But I call the shots, so basically everywhere I go you go."

She gave it some thought and decided it was better to ride him than to try to keep up with him. "Fine, we'll do it your way." He finished eating and pointed to his back. She hopped onto his back, giggling as he sped off.

Green Arrow's jaw dropped, witnessing the event. They weren't arguing and did Artemis just giggle? What was that silver thing they had on their wrists?

"Oh good you're here." Dinah walked over stepping over a passed out Roy. Megan and Conner were sparing.

"I was going to argue with you on your methods but it seems to be working. I mean they're actually getting along. A miracle, I guess you were right." Dinah kissed him on the cheek and walked off to coach the kids some more.

"What methods?" GA questioned but no one answered.

He decided to go over to Roy. He crouched down, "You awake kid?" He got no reply from Roy. Green Arrow leaned in. "Aha! Found it." He whispered. Oliver took 50 bucks from Roy's wallet and left an 'I owe you~ GA' note in his wallet putting it back.

Dinah saw this from the corner of her eye, "Oliver!"

"You saw nothing!" He joked trying to hide himself with his hands.

"You're rich!"

"No, Oliver Queen is rich. Green Arrow is broke, no cash on him. Roy is helping me out."


"Video game war?" Wally suggested once they we're in his room.

"Get ready for an ass kicking!" she said sitting on his bed with a controller in her hand.

At that moment his cell phone rang. "Shit, it's my mom! Pretend like we're not tied together!"

Artemis face palmed, "She can't see us idiot."

"Oh right. But still. Go over there and stay quiet!"

Artemis rolled her eyes. I'm stuck with this until tomorrow? Great.

"Hi mom! No, nothing weird going on at all. Haha(awkward laugh) No I can't go home. Training, lots of it! Ugh everything's fine. Yes, yes, yes I'm sleeping over. I can't get the groceries! No I can't make it to dinner either. I forgot to clean my room, no! I don't want to talk to dad! Don't you dare! Hello Dad! Me? I'm good…"

Sounds like nice family, wish my family was that normal. But no they all have to be villains, well at least mom is an ex-villain. Artemis thought to herself sadly. Even though they're evil, I still love them.

Wally clicked, "They are so annoying."

"You shouldn't take things for granted," She whispered.

"Yeah I know but…ugh they get on my nerves." Wally said burying his face into a pillow. She sat not knowing what to say, but then she smiled.

"I know how you feel. My mom made me go to rich private school because a scholarship showed up. I didn't want it because I already had friends at my school. Didn't want a new one, but it made her happy so I did it. Even though it was annoying."

"Hmm, sucks." Wally said removing the pillow, he smiled at her. "Let's stop mopping! Video game war!"

They joked at how much the other sucked, stopping only to get snacks. They would often cheat pulling on the handcuffs making their hands mess up on the controls.

At some point Artemis checked the time. "Whoa, it's 2 a.m."

"We should go to bed…" Wally said rubbing his eyes.

"Hmpth, you just want to leave it at a tie!" she yawned.

They kept playing for another hour. Until Wally had fallen asleep on her shoulder. She noticed his snoring and drooling. She gently pushed him off. Artemis got up, stretched, and let her hair loose.

She wanted to turn off the tv but was worried it was too far and the handcuffs would keep her down. She went slowly, just an inch away! Stupid handcuffs! She would've used her other hand but it was holding a soda can and didn't want to drop it. I know! I'll just put the soda down, then I'll turn it off!

She put the soda can down but used a little too much strength. Wally fell out of the bed since he was so close to the edge. Oh well, at least he didn't wake up.

She turned off the tv with ease. Now to get Wally on the bed…

She grunted, was heavier than he looked. She managed to get him onto the bed, he stirred a little. She pushed him farther onto the bed to make room for herself. Careful not to push him off the other side of the bed.

At morning she had the blanket all to herself. Briefly remembering a tug of war with Wally on the blanket, she came out the victor.


Wally fell off the bed, "Ouch!" He dragged Artemis off with him.

The blonde archer grabbed held her head, and groaned. "What the hell?!"

Wally turned red and coughed "Get off, awkward position."

Artemis's eyes widened and got off. She glared, "It wasn't awkward until you made it!"

"Whatever," he yawned.

Artemis was still wrapped in the fuzzy blue blanket. "Hey it's morning! Roy's gotta give us those keys!" she exclaimed getting up.

She was barefoot, Wally was sock foot. She jumped on his back, and screamed "Towards the red archer!" Not giving a sh*t on how messy their hair and clothes looked; Wally ran them out of his room to Roy's.

"He's not here." He said sadly upon arriving.

"Well duh, it's 9oclock! He's probably in the kitchen eating breakfast." She said still on his back while checking the time on a nearby clock. "Run Forrest! Run!" she yelled.

"Wait we are not yet ready to face the evil force known as Roy, we must get armor to protect ourselves." Wally said they did a speedy search in Roy's room and found all sorts of things. Artemis got a Viking Helmet, a lightsaber, and a fake shield. Wally got a plastic pirate sword, rain coat put on halfway, and pirate hat. They looked into the mirror.

"A bit silly, Sherlock…" Artemis said examining themselves.

"Indeed my dear Watson, but it's only Roy, Megan, Conner and Kaldur! They'll just laugh and join in on the craziness." KF persuaded her. She hopped onto his back, "May the force be with us."

They charged into the kitchen, "FOR NARNIA!"

They were not expecting Robin and Batman.

"Uh well?" Robin said staring at them.

(3 minutes ago in the Kitchen)

"But Batman! It's all a game!" ~Rob

"It's idiotic and will not allow it."~Batman

"We've matured!"~MissM

"Let them take this mission, they aren't going to goof around."~Roy


"Let us prove we are worthy of this great challenge."~Aqualad



"Uh well?"~Rob

"My point exactly." Batman walked away.

The team looked disappointed, but Roy on the other hand could not control his laughter.

"What the hell are you two wearing?"

"Did we miss something?" Artemis said getting off Wally's back.

Robin chased after his mentor, "Pay no attention to them! Ro-Green Arrow said they didn't get along so he handcuffed them together. And they hate each other so its logic that their brains fried and became crazy!"

"Hey laugh all you want. This is all your stuff anyway." Kid Flash said while Conner laughed.

"All that's mine? Man I need to clean my room." Roy said staring at the objects on them with interest.

"Guess we're not going to outer spaceeeee anymore." Megan sings.

"Wait what? We were going to space?" Artemis and Wally said in union.

"Hey! You said you found in my room?"~Roy


"Give me back my awesome stuff!" Red Arrow tried to get them.

"Not until you give us the keys!" Artemis spat back.

"We could've gone to outer space…" Wally said crestfallen.

a/n: yeah it got crazy near the end with everyone changing subjects back and forth. Um, so please leave review. Makes me happy! ;) Happy, faster updates?