A/N: I wanted to do a scene with everyone, but once again Eric and Pam insisted that they needed to have their own scene and you can't say no to them :P Haha, anyways, this is just a little something to round it off a bit more. The basic premise around this is that now it's Eric's turn to reassure himself about their bond (but he just wouldn't come out and say it, so I thought I would mention it here :P)

For excusemeb on your birthday :)

"You should have told Sookie," Pam admonished Eric as they entered his office much later that evening.

"Told Sookie what?" Eric asked, taking the seat behind his desk and examining some of the papers on top.

Pam shifted uncomfortably, suddenly unsure whether she had understood him correctly in their earlier conversation.

"Stop doing that."

Pam looked confused, "What?"

Eric leaned back in his chair, narrowing his eyes at her, "Blocking our bond, it's starting to become a very bad habit of yours."

"I'm sorry."

"I didn't tell Sookie," Eric continued, ignoring her apology, "because I was a little distracted at the time."

Pam raised an eyebrow, curious as to what could have been distracting him at Bill's house where they had spent the better part of the evening discussing their next course of action.

"By Sookie?" she guessed.

"By you."


"Yes, I have been considering the best way to reaffirm that you do, in fact, belong to me," Eric explained, fighting off a smirk.

"Is that so?"

"Yes," he said, standing up and moving to join her, "I have thought of several ways to achieve this, but I would be interested in your opinion."

His eyes glittered with promise as he loomed over her and Pam shivered.

Eric's mouth curved into a knowing smile, "Shall we?" he asked.

Pam smiled in return and took his proffered hand.

That was all the encouragement Eric needed to sweep her up into his arms and disappear into the night.

If Pam or Eric had any lingering doubts about the nature of their bond, they were gone by the time the dawn broke.