A/N:Hey, I apologize if this was double posted. There was a little mix-up, but it's fixed now.
Okay, I'm SO sorry to anyone who might have been waiting for this! I've been super stressed with somethings, but I've figured out a good rhythm to my schedule, so hopefully, that will allot me some more writing time! I'm so glad to be back writing TBI and thank you to everyone who read/reviewed the last chapter of "Who's Gonna Save Me?"
This chapter is complete FILLER. I wasn't planning on the return of TBI to be so anticlimactic, but it just worked out that way. Don't worry, though. I the chapter after this one is actual plot for once.
Anyway, onward and upward! (Also, sorry for the chopiness/tiny time skip)
Disclaimer: I don't own Wizards of Waverly Place or Camp Rock.
About a week after New Year's, Mitchie was called into the living room to speak with her parents. She slowly walked down the stairs and sat on the loveseat, facing the couch.
"Mitchie," Connie started with an excited grin, "I just got off the phone with your principal and he said that if you're ready, you can come back to school this semester and graduate with your friends. Now, he knows that you've just gotten out of the hospital but there are a lot of resources at your school that we can use to make sure you can catch up without being too overwhelmed."
Mitchie's shoulders slumped. She was kind of hoping to hear anything other than that.
"What's wrong, Sport?" Steve asked, noticing his daughter's apparent disappointment.
"Nothing...That's great but, I mean, what's the point? I've missed out on college applications and after the accident, probably any soccer scholarships I could hope to get. This was the year that scouts came to see me! I-I know that s-sounds s-s-self-centered, but... Ugh! N-Now I'm stuttering ag-gain. Just great." Mitchie sighed angrily, trying to calm herself.
"Honey, I know that it's a huge change and your plans have been completely thrown off track...We were thinking maybe you can consider community college? Y'know – like Alex?" Theresa asked cautiously.
Mitchie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She wanted to settle down so she could control her stuttering.
"Community colleges aren't what they used to be, Mitchie." Steve said, "Their systems are beginning to rival some of the state schools around."
"I know, Dad. There's nothing wrong with community colleges...It's just that everything's so wrong. I just need some time to think. I'm gonna go call Alex." Mitchie didn't wait for her parents' response before she stood up and sulked to her bedroom, leaving Connie to sigh and rest her head on Steve's shoulder.
"Wow…That really sucks. I'm sorry, Mitch." Alex said after Mitchie had vented to her. The girls were laying on the bed, cuddle up to each other. Mitchie was resting her head on Alex's chest with her arm around the cheer leader's waist and Alex curled her right arm under Mitchie as she gently stroked her hair.
"It's not like it's your fault or anything." Mitchie sighed for the hundredth time that day.
"Well, think about it like this. You and I can actually go to college together instead of hoping that you get in somewhere nearby, right?" Alex raised her eyebrows in hopes of finding a silver lining for her down-in-the-dumps girlfriend. Mitchie shrugged.
"Yeah, that's a plus, I guess." She nodded slightly, "...Anyway, let's change the subject. I don't want to bring you down or anything."
"Aww, you could never bring me down." Alex smiled and craned her neck to kiss the top of Mitchie's head, "But if you wanna talk about something else, I'm totally fine with that... Are you ready to go back to school?"
"I don't know... I'm definitely looking forward to being anywhere but the hospital and home. Not so excited for the learning, though - and having to readjust. It'll be weird."
"And that's why I'll be with you." Alex smiled, "So will Harper and Jeremy, and the soccer team, I'm sure. Even though the season's over, they've all been asking me about you and everything. They miss you."
"I missed them too." Mitchie said, "Do everything at school will be different for me? Dr. Schwartz mentioned that I'm likely to have a lot of issues returning to school. I just hope that it's not as scary as he made it seem."
"I'm sure it won't be." Alex was uncertain of her words. Neither she, nor Mitchie, knew anyone at the school who had gone through something like this, so there was no way of knowing exactly how the school handled it, "I mean, you said that there were tutors and extra study periods available, right?"
"Yeah, there are. I really have to buckle down this semester. If I have any hope of graduating with anyone, it has to be perfect." Mitchie had a sudden, newly found determination in her voice, which surprised Alex.
Alex nodded in agreement at first and then remembered that Mitchie had always been a perfectionist and often got angry with herself if things didn't work out exactly how she wanted them to.
"I know you can do it." Alex put her left hand on Mitchie's cheek so the two could make eye contact, "But I want you to know that it's perfectly okay if somehow, you need to take an extra semester or something, all right? No one is going to care if you can't play catch-up in such little time - especially me. I just want you to go at a nice pace. I know you like to push yourself, but be careful because the last thing you need is to burn out early."
"I know. I promise I'll keep myself in check." Mitchie leaned up and kissed Alex lovingly, giving the taller girl's waist a small squeeze of assurance.
-About a week later: First day back at school-
"You ready?" Alex switched off her car's ignition and turned to Mitchie who was nervously bouncing her legs and staring out of the passenger-side window. She could tell the soccer player's mind had a thousand different thoughts running through mind.
"I'm sorry, what?" Mitchie asked, finally registering that Alex had spoken.
"Mitch, you don't have to be nervous. You ruled this school three months ago. Before you know it, you'll rule it again. I promise. But you have to take the first step."
"It's just so surreal being back. It feels like a totally new place. What if I don't fit in anymore?"
"Trust me." Alex smiled, "It hasn't changed at all." She got out of the car and opened Mitchie's door. The two girls joined hands and with a few deep breaths, made their way through the front doors of Tribeca Prep.
Alex pushed one of the double-doors open and led Mitchie into the main foyer of the school. It was close to first period, so there were only a few students out and about, but that didn't stop the whispers. The five or six students who were still at their lockers stopped to watch the former star player return. Mitchie moved closer to Alex as she felt the glares before her. Alex tightened her grip on Mitchie's hand in comfort.
"Do you want me to go with you to see Mr. Laritate?" Alex asked as they approached the principal's office door.
"I think I'll be okay. You should head to class before you're late."
Alex kissed Mitchie and assured her that she'd come get her after class before reluctantly separating their hands and heading up the stairs. Once Alex was out of view, Mitchie felt her nerves begin to act up.
Awesome. She thought sarcastically to herself. Well, here we go.
On the other side of the door, Mr. Laritate was reviewing the morning announcements when he heard a knock at the door. The wannabe cowboy stood up and answered. He couldn't help but smile when he saw one of his favorite students on the other side.
"Mitchie Torres! Pleasure to see you back!" Mr. Laritate said excitedly, "Come on in." He moved out of the way and offered Mitchie the seat in front of his desk.
"Th-thanks, Mr. Laritate. I-it's great to be back."
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah. The st-st-stuttering comes and goes w-with n-nerves." Mitchie nodded.
"Ah, well, there's no reason to be nervous. I can assure you that myself and the staff will do everything we can to make your return as comfortable as we can. We want you to succeed this semester." Laritate smiled.
"I ha-have no doubt about that, s-sir."
Mr. Laritate chuckled.
"Now, I've kept your schedule how it was before, just with one class added. Instead of an elective, you've got a study period with the Special Ed tutor. I know you're not technically in need of special education, but she has experience with students who have been through head injuries. If, later in the semester, you find that you don't need the services, we'll put you in the elective of your choice. Sound good?"
"Sounds great!" Mitchie beamed, thankful that her principal had made sure she'd adjust normally.
After talking to Mr. Laritate about everything from coming back, to how the soccer team had done while she was gone (decent season, but the Turkeys didn't make it to any major tournaments this year), to any random topic that popped into mind, the school bell rang, signalling the end of first period. Mitchie didn't even realize an hour had passed - That's what she loved about Mr. Laritate - no matter what anyone said about him, he was an easy-going guy if you didn't tick him off.
"Well, I should let you get to your next class." The man stood up and shook Mitchie's hand, "Really, it's great to have you back."
Mitchie smiled and walked out of the office, leaving Laritate to continue his work. Waiting right outside the door was Alex, along with Harper and Jeremy. They all greeted their friend with hugs and 'welcome backs.'
"What's your next class?" Alex asked.
"Uhhh, same as before - math upstairs." Mitchie answered, looking at her schedule. She was disappointed to learn that none of the three were in any of her classes. Everyone decided to walk Mitchie to her room and chat before the second period bell rang. Everyone parted ways and Mitchie, not excited to face her peers, slowly opened the door to the classroom. Her teacher, Mrs. Faron, smiled because Mitchie was the first person to arrive.
"Mitchie! Welcome back." Mrs. Faron was a small older woman with red hair. Math was never Mitchie's strong suit but the teacher was a very patient person and always explained things to the best of her ability.
"Hey, Mrs. Faron. Thanks."
"Listen, Mitchie. Your teachers and I have all gotten together and figured out different ways to help you out, starting with some adaptive learning accommodations. So if you need it, you'll get extra time on tests and I will also make the font on the tests a bit bigger if you are having trouble." Mrs. Faron then reached into a drawer under her desk and pulled out a small binder, "Now, I've taken the liberty of getting copies of the best notes I can find. I don't want you to overload yourself - it's a lot of review to go over - but I've talked to the Special Ed tutor and she and I are always going to have our doors open if you have any questions or concerns at all."
"Wow. Thank you. I don't know what to say." Mitchie almost choked up, thinking about how much work her teachers have put into just her. Before Mrs. Faron could respond, the starting bell rand and Mitchie was handed the heavy binder. She took it and sat down at a desk in the far corner, near the door in hopes that people will just walk by and not notice her.
A couple kids walked in, saw Mitchie, and obviously knew that she was back but didn't say anything. Once everyone started pooling in and taking their seats, the entire room was drowned in low murmurs that made Mitchie squeeze her eyes shut and rub her close-to-throbbing temples.
"OKAY, CLASS." Mrs. Faron announced loudly, knowing exactly what the students were talking about and sensing Mitchie's obvious discomfort.
This is going to be a long day... Mitchie thought to herself as the teacher's lecture began.
All right, there's the new chapter! Sorry it doesn't really move the plot along. The next one should be a bit more interesting.
Also, I hope you all don't mind, but I really need to move this story along, so depending on which way I go with this, there will be a few time skips coming up.
Anyway, thank you so much for reading and I apologize for errors!